
Hello - Intro Thread

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Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi. I live in Boulder, CO and did my first tandem jump at Mile-Hi Skydiving a week ago and am currently saving as much much as I can so I can afford AFF :)
I've been reading a ton of articles on this site and taking in as much info as I can so I figured I should say hi on the forums too. Can someone suggest me the best things to read before doing AFF so I will be as prepared as possible? I've been articles in the safety section but there's a ton of them :|

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Congrats on your tandem!A good thing for you to do is go hang out at the drop zone.Talk to some instructors ask as many questions as you like about the aff program or anything else.introduce yourself to some of the jumpers that are there tell them you are planing to do aff they will probably tell you there experiences with the program.See if you can get an instructor to show the proper way to arch then go home and get on A table and practice it every day it sounds stupid but it realy helped me when I was starting out.Well good luck to you sorry about the spelling blue skies.

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Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome :)

My AFF level 1 is scheduled for next saturday. I wanted to do it today but waited too long before booking and they filled up. The next 7 days are gonna be agonizing :(

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Hey everyone, just thought I'd give an update. I did my AFF 1 and it went pretty well, I had some issues with my legs in freefall and kind of screwed up the first couple practice throws but had a good canopy flight and stood up my landing and passed.

I decided I wanted to practice my freefall some more before doing AFF 2/3 so headed to Skyventure Colorado yesterday and did 10 mins of tunnel time. It ended up being great for me and by the end I felt much more confident about my belly fly and am looking forward to acing the next couple levels of AFF. I'm planning on doing AFF 2/3 on the weekend of the 18th (next weekend) at mile-hi so maybe I'll see some of you there!

Also here's a gif I made of me doing a spin in the tunnel (can't attach because it's too big)


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