
Newbie skydive chick!

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Hello, I've been surfing the forums for about three months and decided to write in and say hello!

I just got signed off for my A license last weekend! Since I finished AFF in March, I think of all money matters in terms of how many jump tickets it is.... you want me to go to the movies? But thats like....a half a jump ticket. Filling up my car costs one jump ticket, so I've been riding the hell out of my road bike. Let see, what can I sell on eBay for more jump money? I have low jump numbers, but I swear I've jumped a million times in my head. I freaking LOVE this.

So hello to everybody and I hope to jump with some of you in the future!

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welcome!!! congratulations on your a. i hope to have mine in the next two months. i know exactly how you feel about the money thing. i just finished aff last friday, and i think im going crazy trying to find more money.
good luck and stay safe:)

"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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Haha. I JUST posted the same sentiment on the thread I started last month on here. Guess it's pretty universal. Congrats on your A!!! That's exciting. I'm still getting thru AFF, but jumping is jumping and we're learning a lot.

Hope to hear more outta ya as you jump more! Is nice to have someone a few steps ahead of me to look out for.


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Yep. I was up there May 23rd...spent all day watching Brook & Jimmy's puppy. Lodi's only about 40 minutes from my parents' place, so it makes for a convenient visit! I'd love to jump with you sometime soon. Have friends who I'd like to meet up with and jump with there as it is, so it's definitely on my radar. :) Will keep you posted for SURE.

Blue Skies!

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Congrats on your "A!" Something to be very proud of! ;)

Wish I had stayed with it so long ago; at my rate, only a few more centuries and I'll be acught up to where you are right now. :S

"You can't overcome weakness by fighting it,
or by thinking your way out of it:
Evolution doesn't work that way . . .
You overcome weakness by leaving it behind you!" ~ Stuart Wilde ~

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Hi Katie,

My name is Keith; I responded to your recent post "Newbie Skdive Chick!" and congratulated you on your recent "A" license. I am Kpipes22.

My writing to you is spontaneous/frivolous as I saw your blog section and was interested to read what you wrote. I am 56, soon to be 57, and am pursuing my lifelong dream of skydiving since 1968. I was a paramedic for 12 years in Fresno, and I saw your remark that you are training with Dave's DZ folks in Madera; very good people.

I am just reaching out for human contact. I used to be an avid rock climber, and have recently taken my 19 and 21 year old sons to Yosemite Fitness in Fresno; teaching them the basics. Nice folks there!

I will read your blog in greater detail as time permits. Just wanted to say Hi, and suggest we share some email-conversations. I have been married 25 years, I am struggling with a third round of cancer treatments, and despite our vast age difference, again, just wanted to reach out to you as
a kindred spirit.

I first jumped in 1968, and didn't go back until January 2009. On my AFF II, I had difficulty controlling my long legs. So, I plan to do some Tunnel Time before I go to AFF III; believe that will help me.

Cheers to you!
Keith Pipes
"You can't overcome weakness by fighting it,
or by thinking your way out of it:
Evolution doesn't work that way . . .
You overcome weakness by leaving it behind you!" ~ Stuart Wilde ~

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