
Repeat AFF Level 6 ;(

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Well I have to repeat AFF level 6 again . My back flip was ugly. My barrel roll was great. So I have to do the Back flips over again.

I also have to work on my exit. I go unstable a first and flip on to my back . Then I flip back over and then I am fine.

Also I made through lucky number 13 lol in one piece.

Everyone have a Great day.



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Repeating an AFF level isn't like failing fourth grade. It's more like making darn good and sure that you understand fractions before you head on to fifth. Big difference. It's just that when it comes to back loops, the only way to make sure you get that one piece right is to do the jump again.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I failed on my level 6 too. Went into spin after exiting and never could correct without help from JM. Flunked on AFF 4 several times. sounds like you did better.:)

AFF students need to get the terms "failed" or "flunked" out of their heads on student jumps. There is no such thing as a failed student jump (assuming you survive w/o injury or death). Each student jump is a learning experience in an extremely stressful and foreign environment. In other words, a student jump is the practice, it's not a quiz. When you were learning to drive, you didn't master parallel parking the first time you tried it, did you? I'll bet you didn't. If you need to practice a new skill more than once to learn it, so be it. That applies to learning how to skydive as much as anything else.

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