
Wannabe skydiver, slowly saving up...

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Hey, new to this forum. I did the first level AFF last August at Skydive San Diego (just turned 18, birthday present to myself:D), have wanted to pursue the whole course and get my A License, but I have not had the money/time/advantage of living anywhere near a dropzone.

But things seem to be turning around, I just got done spending the entire summer commercial fishing. Since the season ends so late, I won't be starting school for a little bit longer. Now it looks like I'll be leaving Alaska to pursue my goal of being a Paramedic, so I have the chance to go to a school somewhere near a good snow resort/dz. Any suggestions? :)

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Did it for 12 years till I blew out my back jumping.It's a great job...love it used to be a Flight Medic in Indianapolis,In but man did I hate it when it got cold.

Ya,all the schools I know want at least one year as a basic EMT...alot of work getting that EMT-P...but well worth it!!

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Did it for 12 years till I blew out my back jumping.It's a great job...love it used to be a Flight Medic in Indianapolis,In but man did I hate it when it got cold.

Ya,all the schools I know want at least one year as a basic EMT...alot of work getting that EMT-P...but well worth it!!


the place where i got my medic, here in florida dosent require any actual experience, just an EMT liscense and that you pass Anatomy and Phys. ive gone straight through EMT school, into fire school, and through medic school. and am now looking for a job. but either way, i would NOT recommend doing it my way (i HAD to, due to extenuating circumstances) and passed fine, but it was NOT easy by any means, even the guys taht had been EMT's for years struggled pretty badly. either way good luck.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Did it for 12 years till I blew out my back jumping.It's a great job...love it used to be a Flight Medic in Indianapolis,In but man did I hate it when it got cold.

Ya,all the schools I know want at least one year as a basic EMT...alot of work getting that EMT-P...but well worth it!!


the place where i got my medic, here in florida dosent require any actual experience, just an EMT liscense and that you pass Anatomy and Phys. ive gone straight through EMT school, into fire school, and through medic school. and am now looking for a job. but either way, i would NOT recommend doing it my way (i HAD to, due to extenuating circumstances) and passed fine, but it was NOT easy by any means, even the guys taht had been EMT's for years struggled pretty badly. either way good luck.

It sounds like you're trying to be a paid firefighter? I do it (paid volunteer) and I've always toyed around with the idea of going that route. With your medic cert and all that, have you seen more employment opportunities for someone who goes into the medical side of things?


Welcome to the forums! :)

I wouldn't mind. I've lived in Alaska for the majority of my life and I get outdoors plenty. A little cold wouldn't hurt at all. I just feel naked without any sort of mountain as a mental bookmark:D

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It sounds like you're trying to be a paid firefighter? I do it (paid volunteer) and I've always toyed around with the idea of going that route. With your medic cert and all that, have you seen more employment opportunities for someone who goes into the medical side of things?

Right now, im going for ANYTHING i can get. Paid fire, whambulance, hospital, whatever. The job market down here SUCKS. Theres SOOO many of us, as t is, and nobody's hiring right now, so its making it kind of hard to do anything. Ive got alot of family in high places in the local county fire dept, and ambulance so im hoping that that will help me out. Things jsut take FOREVER to get done around here, so that isnt helping the situation either. But good luck with it. If you have any questions, post them or PM me, theres a few of us guys here evidently so im sure we could come up with an answer, or at least some different points of view.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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well i believe miami (far away from me but will prove the point) just had over 3 THOUSAND applications for just a few spots.

then theres tamap, and orlando. but good luck trying to get in one of those places without MAY years experience or a letter form god himself, lol. but either way, itll work out in the end, i hope. or ill just move to alaska. HAHA ;)

Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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