regulator 0 #1 February 9, 2010 OK the last time I jumped was in May of 08. I had recently gotten my newly acquired A license. Right after I received my license, I was laid off from my job and was unemployed for around 5 months and it was winter time so I started saving up for a new rig because even if time passes between my jumps, I will always be a skydiver and I knew I wanted my own rig to save on jumps in the future. So I get my rig in pieces (new container, new reserve, new Cypres 2, and Used PD Sabre2 190 main with 170 jumps on it) I take it out to my DZ and get it assembled, and it was rather rainy that week. Two DAYS after I get the rig packed I get laid off AGAIN. This time I get pissed and work two solid months on my house by ripping out all the carpet, re-painting each room and replacing the carpet with laminate flooring. I finished the house including moving 11 yards to dirt to landscape the backyard as well. I am now working a temporary job and the company I applied for has now offered me a full time position. The money is excellent and my shift will be from 5:30 am to 2 PM...plenty of time to miss Houston traffic, and make it to the drop zone on fridays. So once I'm working I promised my wife I would wait 3 months before I started jumping again to catch up on bills, but jumping my new rig is VERY HIGH on my priority list. I'm not back just yet but getting closer every day! Paul Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #2 February 9, 2010 Welcome back and I hope things work out for you this time! She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jim_32766 0 #3 March 11, 2010 Sorry to hear about the layoffs - glad to hear about your persistance. Let us know how the re-introduction goes, and what you think of the new gear. I too had a hiatus for nearly a year. I completed AFF, did one more jump, and then didn't jump for 9 months. Was really nice to get started again recently.The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
regulator 0 #4 March 15, 2010 It just so happens that 'that' day will be this saturday. I will get my reserve re-packed, and knock out my refersher course and weather permitting I will either jump saturday (10 day forcast says rain) or Sunday. Either way I'm getting my ass in the air ASAP. Thanks! Paul Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEB6363 0 #5 March 17, 2010 Go and have FUN!! I got back this last weekend (Safety Day) after a 2-year break. Well, actually 3 years because I only did one jump the year before... Only got one jump on Saturday, the wind was really kicking up. I didn't want to push the issue and end up with an injury. So, I'll be back in another week to pund out a few more. Be Safe. Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
regulator 0 #6 March 20, 2010 Yes I called in sick today *cough *chough...Got Current today BABY... I just re-affirmed I still suck ass...but sucking ass has never been so damn fun! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEB6363 0 #7 March 22, 2010 Nice job getting back to it!! Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dreaming13000 1 #8 March 22, 2010 Way to go, my story is similiar to yours only my gear has not been bought yet (still saving) and I'm not jumping yet, gotta a lot of catch up to do first. Way to go! wooot hoot!! blue skies. "A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
regulator 0 #9 March 22, 2010 Do what I did and just get current again. That's the most important part. I can get my reserve repacked soon in the upcoming weeks...Once that's accomplished I will soon be jumping my rig and the price will be lots cheaper. But for now it feels great to be current again! Paul A. Kirk A53175 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites