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I hope I spelled that right.

Anyways, I've been reading tons of posts and I have no idea what that means. Could anyone fill me in?

BTW, I'm lurking because I am definetely signing up for AFF in March. I have been debating it but I did a tandem jump about three years ago and wanted to do it ever since. After reading your forum posts, I am doing it this year.

Is it really as expensive as everyone says?

Also, does anyone have any comments on the Crosskeys Airport in Jersey or the instructors? I am pretty close to it so it seems natural to start there.

And, do you just show up to your first class or am I supposed to buy gear ahead of time?

Thanks for any help!


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Yes, it really IS as expensive as everybody says it is...say hello to top ramen and rice...just kidding, but all joking aside, this is an expensive sport. Gear is expensive, jumps are expensive, coaching can be expensive. However, if it is something you love to do, you end up making it work. I skimp on many areas of my life to afford to skydive.

Don't buy gear now, wait until you are done with AFF, and perhaps your A license. What you need in AFF is different than what you will end up buying for yourself.

Good luck in March!
And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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About expensive...

I've often equated learning to skydive like going all out with learning to drive a car.

You pay for lessons, take a test and buy a good used/new car. After that, it's only insurance and gas. Expensive up front but afforable on the backside.

Good luck!
I'm back in the USA!!

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I guess you're right...I guess Im still in the afterglow of buying my rig, helmet, yadda, yadda, so it feels like I was just financially raped this last year!:P

However, depending on where you jump, making say, just 8-10 jumps a month could cost you upwards of ~ $200, and many jump or want to jump more than that. Which, for some people on a budget is a lot of money. Just sayin....its not cheap. Running is cheap...skydiving is not.

And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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lmao...and I guess I totally lived up to that definition, thanks for the insight, I'll try to live it down after I finish the AFF

Don't feel bad, I had to look it up too! But I always check the Urban Dictionary first, because after all, that is the most accurate resource!:)
"If it suddenly ended tomorrow,
I could somehow adjust to the fall;
Good times and riches and sons of a bitches,
I've seen more than I can recall!"

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Is it really as expensive as everyone says?

I did AFF recently and here's approximately what it cost me.

Jump 1 = $400 (ground school, tunnel, two instructors)
Jumps 2-3 = 205 ea. = $410 (two instructors)
Jumps 4-8 = 165 ea. = $825 (one instructor)
USPA membership = $60

Solo -
Jumps 9-15 = 50 ea. = $350 (ticket, gear rental, packing)
Jumps 16-24 = 44 = $296 (ticket, gear rental)
Jump 25 (check dive) = $165 (one instructor)

So, AFF cost me about $1,695. To finish solo status is about $811 more, for a grand total of $2,506 to get A licensed. That doesn't account for altimeter $150, helmet $180, goggles/glasses $150, jumpsuit $150 ... a few little things like log book, hook knife, gloves etc .. and lottsa beer monies for fuckups and firsts. As a student, you pay beer when you do good, or when you do bad .. so just buy everyone beer.

Your cost will vary depending on the total number of jumps you do with instructors. If you have to repeat levels, you'll probably have to pay again.

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Ya, thats exactly the point! More jumps=more money! I wish I could do 8-10 a week[:/]

Hooray for not making a lot of money, its awesome!!:S

And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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I hope I spelled that right.

Anyways, I've been reading tons of posts and I have no idea what that means. Could anyone fill me in?

BTW, I'm lurking because I am definetely signing up for AFF in March. I have been debating it but I did a tandem jump about three years ago and wanted to do it ever since. After reading your forum posts, I am doing it this year.

Is it really as expensive as everyone says?

Also, does anyone have any comments on the Crosskeys Airport in Jersey or the instructors? I am pretty close to it so it seems natural to start there.

And, do you just show up to your first class or am I supposed to buy gear ahead of time?

Thanks for any help!


Hi Lori,
A long long time ago in Skydivings' "Grass Roots" daze jumpers would don their combat boots, Sears mechanicx' coveralls, football or motorcycle helmits, surplus gear and skydive out of small planes into farmers' cow pastures. The locals, mostly country neighbors would hang out at the fence, watch and ask a jumper when he lands,"Hey bud, 'Whuffo' you jump from dem par-chutes huh??" Hence they got named "Whuffo's!" Then Skydivers discovered airports and later full fledged "Skydiving Centers" emerged. Have fun and enjoy.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Of course you could come to spaceland and do the STP (skydiver training program) Its similar to AFF except there is slightly less to do on each jump and while you can pay 160 per jump, its around the same with more jumps to get you to your A License. It does get cheaper when youve got your own gear.

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Reminds me of a bumper sticker we had where I used to work:
"Sex is my favorite sport. It's free and you don't need special shoes"

or something like that... :P

If you disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much-what as wisely as he would not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly.-JL

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Sure, running is cheaper but will it get you to 13k feet AGL?

NO!!! Thats why I skydive, or in other words, thats why I eat rice and ramen and am poor...so I can go to 13,000!:P
And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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Thanks for the official definition, it all makes sense now :$

Hi Lorie,
Whrl,(said with a Southern drawl) 'hain't nutin' "O"-ficial 'bout hit', jez da way it waz!! Somewhere in my archives, 'got some photos of "me" like that and so do a lot of other Jumpers 'round here who are willing to admit it!! Back when, in '64, when I started jumping with Southland Skydivers, we had the "Luxury" of a former WWII AAF Training base then turned over to the local govt. in Tangiapahoa Parish, LA. Louisiana Skydivers from Baton Rouge, 45 miles west, had no such facility so they came to Hammond to jump "OR" they managed to find a plane or two at a local airport and jump into a "Farmers' Field!" I remember on the SE side of Baton Rouge was the DZ, a Farmers field, we called the "Perkins Road Pea Patch!" and there was another that I jumped at a few times a couple of cow pastures just called "Blacks" I guess that was the name of the owner. 'Ya had to be careful where ya' landed, 'specially ifn' da cows jez left!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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