
Hello- been lurking!

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Hi all!

I'm a 22 year old mama to one (age 1), a student at the university, and have been lurking around lately so I thought I'd join up and say hi. I have always enjoyed solo sports rather than team sports- using your body, achieving personal goals and making self-improvements, etc. have always appealed to me much more than team sports or competition. (I've done track and cross country running and swimming as well as yoga and tai chi-- and I have been para-sailing lol so that's my one chute experience- loved it). I am also a bit of an adrenaline junkie and always up to some sort of shenanigans, basically just trying new things and enjoying life. That said, I am also a bit of a perfectionist and very thorough when I consider things and make choices.

I have been considering taking up skydiving for a few months and thinking it through, along with lurking about here and more recently researching the few local DZ options (southern WI). I am most interested in AFF and as far as safety record and availability of the AFF, AtmosphAIR seems the preferable choice over Seven Hills, though I would love to hear any feedback from other Wisconsinites on experiences at either DZ (or others I may not know of yet) or info I should be aware of. I guess my one teensie weensie complaint is that I sort of instinctively dislike that with their program I have to do a tandem first, it seems a way to make a few hundred bucks before allowing the student to progress into the AFF, I know I want to skydive and wouldn't necessarily start with a tandem if it were up to me, but I am not that upset if that is what needs to happen.. plus maybe I misunderstand, and perhaps this is actually common procedure with AFF, or maybe (and I would surely like to assume the best in all situations) the owners/organizers simply feel it is best to ease into it and do a tandem to get a feel for the sport before deciding to go ahead with the AFF program, so I'm not complaining :) Alex was great on the phone, they have a great safety record and clear passion for what they do, so- so far- I am confident in my choice to go there.

I do have some concerns about the money involved but feel it will be worth it, especially as the costs go down once licensed etc- it is a pricey sport though, but we all have our fun money and our hobbies, and I guess this is what I am choosing to invest mine in for now. I will be able to pay for the jumps and expenses over time up to my A license and occasional jumps after that, but gear rental is expensive, and honestly, I would feel MUCH more comfortable having my own gear after student status ceases, gear which I know how to work with and which I am used to/comfortable in eventually, again once done with student gear-- so yeah, I want to pursue my A license and then be able to jump say a few times a month, until my toddler is older and/or I marry and have more childcare and/or free time (if that ever even happens once you've become a parent, I'm not entirely sure ;) but for now, I hope to get the class and jumps done fairly close together and get licensed, and then have parachuting/skydiving available to me as a hobby and sport, for "me time" a few times a month.

I do have an interest in tunnel training and eventual freeflying and CRW, and would like to challenge myself in these domains, but realistically know that with single parenting and finishing my degree I simply will not have as much time to invest as I would otherwise like for now, though this summer is a time when I will not be taking classes and will have lots of family help with my little man.. the DZ also has a playground, cookout equipment, trails, etc. so I hope that it can be something my brothers, parents, my son's father, etc. and I can enjoy and have a fun day outside for my son too, as I understand that with training, weather, the plane ride up, etc. plus the drive to/from the DZ, it can take a good chunk of the day (one reason why I'd like to accomplish multiple jumps per day working towards my A license)

Any other parents on here with experiences jumping or training?? Love to hear other perspectives,

I also look forward to the chance to travel and experience different drop zones, and look forward to the social aspect and meeting others through the sport.

I enjoy very much reading the forums here, especially safety and training as it is so important to me to approach the sport with a safety-first mindset, as my little guy needs me to be around and healthy, but I have also come to a comfort level with the relative risks involved and feel that if I enter into the sport with a positive yet realistic mindset and an acute awareness of the need for safety and training, I am comfortable doing so.

I do have some times when I read something on here and simply cannot picture it in my head to comprehend what is being referenced though I am getting better (especially with regard to specific pieces of gear or parts of the parachute- the mechanics of how it all works, and specific styles of flying and maneuvers) but assume that after ground school those terms and explanations will become more clear and this will become an even more relevant resource for me. I definitely think that I will reach the point where I can gain much more from these forums once I have started jumping, but have gleaned some great perspective and info so far, so thank you for taking the time to share it here..

Now I realize this may be premature to some extent, as I could to my tandem and chicken out, lol, or decide it is not for me, but honestly, knowing myself pretty darn well, I can't wait to get started and am pretty sure I'll be hooked :)
I may post these particular question elsewhere, though I am unsure of forum etiquette and don't want to double post if against the rules, and yeah this is getting a bit detailed for an intro, but if anyone feels like taking a gander at my two main questions, right now they are are- 1) when is it recommended to get your own gear- right after getting the A license? What are the average costs associated with this- I believe that I can prioritize and cover the costs associated with the training and jumping, but this is my biggest concern once i am off student status and want to jump while traveling or as a sport or hobby, or social outing, on occasion. Also, I am overwhelmed by the amount of gear and types of materials and styles of things out there (three ring, velcro, the thinner/stronger lines, forget the name of the material, ram-air, large versus small canopies, main/reserve, toggles, AADs or CYPRES, hook knife, whether you should get a helmet, a suit if necessary- freefall suit? wingsuit? a rig obviously, harness... etc. Some of these terms go over my head, some I understand but seem that there are SO many options, choices, hard to tell what is best for me as an individual and obviously no one would know that yet-- I guess what I am asking is how much should I expect to invest in this gear, when, and what level of external guidance or internal knowledge or both will I have by that point to help me in making those choices effectively? And finally, new versus used gear- safety wise (obviously used is cheaper I assume, but also has less lifespan in it) but is new safer? btw, what is the average lifespan of a rig/basic equipment (new)?
and 2) I spoke with the dz owner the other day and they open April 3rd for weekends, and daily sometime after that. I plan to book my tandem soon and am on the list of interested parties for the first AFF class. However, I am wondering how long it usually takes people to get the A license. Obviously the A stands for accelerated-- would it make sense either to plan a vacation to somewhere like Perris (I'll be traveling to Oregon this summer for a bit so would combine trips to a neighboring state with state of the art skydiving facilities) and do a week-long type program and get it all out of the way- this would give me the advantage of tunnel time, which is not accessible in the midwest. It may also give an advantage of some of the more experienced coaches and instructors. It would also have the disadvantage of not acquainting me with the local DZ organizers and jumpers with whom I'll be interacting as I continue in the sport, nor would it give me experience tracking/spotting in the drop zone/landing area where I would need to land for the majority of my jumps in the future, jumping at my local DZ(s), and I do have concerns about cliques and judgment that I have read about at some of the more active/well known DZs. I do sorta like the idea of a skydiving vacation though, and I admit I like the idea of learning quickly and accomplishing so much in a week at a well-respected DZ. However-- how long does it typically take to get the A package/license, and is it typical to do this in such a fashion whether or not one travels to do so, or is this week-long program only common for travelers at the bigger DZs? How about if doing it near your home/local DZ as far as time frame? Are there benefits to doing it more closely spaced, or further spaced, as far as the learning curve, strain on your body doing such an extreme physical maneuver for the first times, getting comfortable, etc.? Does it just depend on one's personality and goals, or is it frowned upon to try to get the first (A) license accomplished very quickly?

And finally, I haven't come across any info that specifies, though there are many references to it, to "staying current." How often is someone supposed to make a jump per the USPA to be current in their license? What do other divers think is important in terms of actually being current in one;s knowledge for safety? Are there opportunities to practice certain things on the ground repeatedly, so they become second nature? (multiple cutaways, reserve pulls, suspended harness, spin simulation, etc.) I would think for safety, especially early on w/ a low jump number, one would really want to do this as much as possible, more than I imagine a six hour ground school could cover- are there opportunities to do this more if one desires?

Oh and also- as far as physical health- do things like stretching, yoga, etc. help prevent injury or are they commonly practiced for balance, flexibility, etc. in the sport? It seems to me to make sense, though I haven't done yoga since my son was born, but I'd be interested to know what other fitness or balance activities others do to complement their skydiving- especially if they don't have access to a tunnel for freefall specific bodywork, just more general body control, balance, agility, and health I mean..

Finally-- will normal private health insurance cover skydiving injury? What about state/medicaid health insurance? Do skydivers buy separate plans??

Ok, well that is a lot of questioning for now, maybe I will ask them in the proper forums, but basically wanted to say hello, see if any other jumpers are around the southern WI area and get some feedback on the DZs I am considering, as well as feedback on some of my other questions and concerns.

Look forward to talking more and getting to know you, and appreciate any advice offered to someone who is new to the sport. I will certainly post and advise how my first tandem goes next month and if and how I choose to proceed with the AFF program at AtmosphAIR as I mentioned is my tentative plan at this point.

Blue skies!
Stay safe!

Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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Thanks for the welcome! Yeah maybe I should have split that up a bit in the relevant forums. What can I say I am wordy. ;)

Well crap, I just realized that there is a moderator on here with the handle skymama. I believe I cannot change it as stated when I registered. To the original skymama, apologies, and if possible to change it or if you feel it would lessen confusion I am more than happy to go along with whatever you think best. Sorry about that!! Nice to know there's other mama skydivers (or in my case, aspiring ones ;)

Anyway look forward to getting to know ya'll

Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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I have a long post rule...More than two paragraphs and I stop reading. But because the name says skymama1 I had o read it. :D

Welcome to the forums..:)

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Holy Crap!! That's a long introduction. Welcome to the forums.

Deedy is right, more than a couple paragraphs is going to make people skip your posts. Skydivers are notorious for short attent...

OH LOOK, Something shiny!!:P

Don't worry about your username. Until you use a picture of a guy's naked butt as a profile pic, make statements that are used as siglines on a regular basis and threaten to paddle everyone you will not be mistake for the original (the one and only) Skymamma.

To answer some of your questions -

A lot of places make students do a tandem first. It gets the "Holy Crap I just jumped out of a plane and am plummeting towards the ground!!" thing out of the way under more controlled circumstances. Your first jump will be more of an "experience" than a "lesson". There's a phenomon known as "sensory overload" that is pretty common on a first jump. You can still learn a lot on a tandem, if you make it clear to the instructor that you want to (that you aren't just there for a "ride"). You can learn a lot more about canopy control with the instructor right there behind you as opposed to on the ground talking into a radio.

Fort A and 7 Hills are both good places. I know a couple people from each DZ and have only heard good things. Never been to either.

SkyKnights (East Troy) and Midwest (Kenosha) may also be options. They both run turbines (Pac-750 and King Air respectively) and are bigger DZs. I've jumped those two and I will go back. Good people, good atmosphere.

I live in the Appleton area, I jump at Shiocton mostly and Pulaski when our airport is under water.

I would recommend staying local. If you are dedicated, there wouldn't be any problems getting your license in one season. You'll very quickly become part of the "family" as a serious student at a smaller DZ. You may also be able to find opportunities to work off your jump costs. There's lots of stuff that needs to be done, and if you make it known that you are willing to pitch in and help, good things will probably happen.

Currency - as a student you should jump at least once every 30 days. As an A license, it's once every 60 days. If you get "uncurrent" (and you will every winter - Wisconsin sucks!) you just need to go up with an instructor to make sure you remember how to jump.

More info on that (and a lot more) in the USPA SIM. Currency is sec 5.2.

Gear - If you want to learn more about what the terms mean (with pictures and everything), you could look at the FAA Rigger Handbook. It's a fairly tedious manual designed for riggers (parachute mechanics more or less) but has some good info about the gear if you need something to look at (or read to put you to sleep).

Many people get their first rig right around the time they get their "A". By then, you will be able to jump a canopy that you will want to jump for a while. Your first student canopy will be huge (bigger is slower and more forgiving). During your student progression you will downsize to something big enough to be safe (relatively) and small enough to be fun.
I'd go used at first. You will probably not keep it more than a couple years, and (just like a car) new drops in value very fast at first and then levels out. Used gets that initial depreciation out of the way before you get it.

New isn't necessarily safer. Well maintained gear can last a while. And keep in mind, you know used gear works.

And that's another reason for staying local. You will develop relationships (friendships) with the local instructors and riggers, who will be essential in selcting and buying your first rig. There's a couple threads going on right now on that very subject. davelepka has some very good advice in them.

Depending on how fancy you go, $3,000 is a good ballpark figure for all the gear you will need. You can spend less if you are diligent, more if you need it right now and want all the bells and whistles. That number also includes a fairly new AAD. (about 1,000 of the cost) Rig, helmet, jumpsuit, altimiter and goggles.

Fitness - being flexible helps, but I know a lot of jumpers who mainly exercise their right arm with 12 oz curls. We have a guy at my DZ who keeps increasing his wingloading every year, but is still jumping the same canopy:D:D

Insurance - READ THE POLICY. Most health insurance covers any injury. You end up in the hospital, the bills get paid.
Disability Insurance is a different story. That's the one that replaces your income while off work. Some do, most don't. AFLAC used to not, but recently changed.

Ok, that's enough. I've gotta go walk my dog.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Welcome to the forums!

Um, yeah...nice username. :P I've had trolls use a name similar to mine before to cause trouble, I hope you're not one of them. ;) If you want to change it, you just have to let Sangiro know to delete this account so you can make a new one. And if you've been lurking for awhile, how did you not know there was a Mod with that username?

That is quite a long post. I just came back from a boogie and am trying to catch up, what's the condensed version?

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thanks for the replies. Sorry for the length, I will try to keep posts shorter, I know I am wordier than most.

I guess I had a lot of newbie questions that could have been gotten outta the way in separate threads, but just sorta threw it in one post for the sake of the fact that I didn't want to start new threads if they were topics that every other skydiver would already know/not have an interest in discussing. Figured posting them as part of my intro thread, w/ the caveat that I am awaiting my first jump and studying up in advance, might make it clearer where I am coming from (and make them seem less like stupid questions lol- and yes, I have been using the search engines and making use of all the great articles on here, so I have a pretty good baseline of some things, but can't establish that beyond a certain point until you get out there and jump I know!)

Nice to know another Wisconsinite, joe. Thank you for taking the time to clarify some things and answer my questions- I really appreciate it.
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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Welcome to the forums!

Um, yeah...nice username. :P I've had trolls use a name similar to mine before to cause trouble, I hope you're not one of them. ;) If you want to change it, you just have to let Sangiro know to delete this account so you can make a new one. And if you've been lurking for awhile, how did you not know there was a Mod with that username?

That is quite a long post. I just came back from a boogie and am trying to catch up, what's the condensed version?

Oooh, shot down by the original, one and only skymama :P

Condensed version as requested:
-I'm a single mama to a one year old, a college student, a birth doula, and am prepping to take up skydiving via AFF this spring/summer. I'm in WI & just emerging from my winter hibernation.
-Just asked some basic starting up/newbie questions about costs, equipment, and how to get started at a home DZ, which have been nicely answered (thanks joe!)

Re: my username and your related questions: two answers- one, I am a mom so maybe you can relate and have perma-brain fry and my kid still doesn't sleep through the night, so I have no memory as is and don't often pay attention to such things as usernames (though I should if I will be hanging around here, so I can match people to their posts).

Second answer is that the other forum I frequent all the time is a mothering forum and literally 99% of the usernames are mama-this-or-that, so I just sorta typed it without thinking, and perhaps mixed forums/usernames in my head.

But I promise you, I really have been lurking with nothing but good intentions, I am not a troll, and I have no desire to impersonate you (it sounds like I would have to come up with some pretty intense antics to do that, no offense, from what above posters have shared ;) I do have experience co-moderating a small forum and like I said participate on a pretty large parenting forum as well, so aside from my novel-like posts on occasion, which I will attempt to shorten, I think I'll get along fine here.

So, not sure if that was sufficiently condensed or not, but yeah, hope that answers your questions and summarizes my intro.

Basically, I am really excited about getting involved in the sport now that the season is upon us, and have found this a great resource so far, so thank you for the time you put into the site moderating and sharing information.

I hope there are no hard feelings.

I will speak with Sangiro about what deleting an account entails and whether that would be the best approach. I would be interested to hear your preference as well, as I am more than happy to respect your final call as mod and long time member, though I'd rather change it rather than delete/make a new one so that my intro is still linked to me and I don't have to re-post it or people don't have a way to get any background info on me or whatever, but I will happily follow any requests or protocols and will contact said mod/admin about this issue and see what s/he says, let me know if you have any other thoughts on the issue too. Thank you and again sorry for the confusion.
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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Skips over your reply and reads the original SKYMAMA's reply...:P

DUDE that is so not fair! Our posts (the two referenced) are pretty much identical in length.
Anyway, I will shorten it to this: thanks for the welcome (I think...) :P
And don't mess with me, I may be a mama but I'll still kick your booty haha!
I'll work on the name change. Argh didn't mean to cause drama with my first post, please bear with me :)
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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Welcome. You'll find a lot of your questions have been asked many, many times. You'll want to try using the search function at the top of the page or you may run into some grumpy responses to your questions. I did it a lot, but it is sometimes hard to figure out what you want to seach for.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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Skips over your reply and reads the original SKYMAMA's reply...:P

Deedy - Short version of my reply -

Welcome, boy was that a long pos..

You won't be mistaken for the original (one and only) Skymamma until you use Gonzo's naked ass as your avatar.

Detailed answers to all the standard first timer questions because I didn't want to be a dick and say "Search is your friend".

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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tandem jumps aren't required at every dropzone before aff. i personally believe that everyone should make a tandem jump before aff. being in freefall and under canopy for the first time can be a lot on a person, both physically and mentally. on your first tandem jump it is good to get that "deer in the headlights" shock out of the way. once you are by yourself (aff) you will know the extreme environment you are going to be in and it helps with your judgement. i have seen what happens to someone who brain locks (too much stimulus) while skydiving. it isnt pretty. if you do a tandem first you know you wont freeze up, and if you do freeze on a tandem then there is someone there to get you safely to the ground.

you wont need gear till after your A. when you are a student you jump a big docile canopy. you will probably downsize your canopy when off student status, and with gear being so expensive it is a good idea to wait and see what you will need once you are competent.

as far as time involved on training goes, it differs from person to person. some people could knock out 25 jumps in a week, where another person might not even get through aff in that time frame. personally, i would go to a local dz since you have one close. skydiving isn't a race, and if you go too fast you miss a lot of the basics.

and then there is the money. cost of rigs vary much like cars. if you want a bmw then you are going to pay for it, but you can get an accord pretty reasonable. i am 22 and recently graduated in december so i know how hard it is to afford anything but survival. skydiving takes all of it, but i let it. i also wouldn't trade a single second of it for all the money in the world.

good luck and blue skies
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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Skips over your reply and reads the original SKYMAMA's reply...:P

DUDE that is so not fair! Our posts (the two referenced) are pretty much identical in length.
Anyway, I will shorten it to this: thanks for the welcome (I think...) :P
And don't mess with me, I may be a mama but I'll still kick your booty haha!

Girl on Girl Action --- AWESOME! B|
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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Skips over your reply and reads the original SKYMAMA's reply...:P

Deedy - Short version of my reply -

Welcome, boy was that a long pos..

You won't be mistaken for the original (one and only) Skymamma until you use Gonzo's naked ass as your avatar.

Detailed answers to all the standard first timer questions because I didn't want to be a dick and say "Search is your friend".



And thank you...:P:D
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Skips over your reply and reads the original SKYMAMA's reply...:P

Deedy - Short version of my reply -

Welcome, boy was that a long pos..

You won't be mistaken for the original (one and only) Skymamma until you use Gonzo's naked ass as your avatar.

Detailed answers to all the standard first timer questions because I didn't want to be a dick and say "Search is your friend".



And thank you...:P:D

Ah confusion, didn't realize each response had to be a response to one specific post, thought you all were referencing the posts skymama and i made in a row, nvm. Is there per chance a way in a thread to reply to the thread in general- all the forums i have been on you can reply to thread itself, OR a specific post? No biggie though..
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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Look, as stated I am mainly on a forum FOR mamas and every username is mama-something or something-mama. I had not really looked at usernames when browsing this site's content- I had looked at the articles section and the forum posts CONTENT mainly, as well as some images. I try to make my online usernames as nondescript as possible- common words, words that could apply to many people, if numbers used, simply a 1, etc. I had NO idea or intention of creating any conflict or impersonating anyone, and am in the process of getting this account ASAP. I received a PM from someone I have never even talked to basically accusing me of " not being myself" and doing something bad. Well geez, I made an honest mistake and I am sorry, and I would like to get to know people and be able to use this community as a resource as I embark on this journey, and now I feel that some, hopefully not most people, have pre-judged me for something silly and an innocent mistake. So I am sorry to whoever I have offended, I will likely not be posting much for awhile, not in some childish gesture but rather because other than introducing myself and getting some basic advice, I probably won't have much to discuss until I start the process of skydiving and working towards my A license, so I'll continue to read and learn and talk if I have something to share or ask, in the meantime will get this account deleted or changed ASAP since it is clearly becoming an issue to some, and please mods and admins, I have read the forum rules and policies and am willing to learn, so let me know if something needs changing and I will change it.

Thanks also for the advice as a new poster here, and the tips on navigating and posting. I did search and found some of the searches to be very difficult to weed through and many terms, or if you don't know the right search terms in the first place it is hard to use them, etc. especially like I said in regard to gear and company names etc. -though with enough time and will power to weed through tons of threads, I probably could have found some of that info so i again apologize for taking your time.

I really appreciate the welcomes and kind words and advice, especially the info specific to the area- it's nice to hear firsthand from others who have been to the DZs I am considering. I will as stated fix my error in choice of moniker and look forward to talking more as I move towards my first jump and progression from there.

Blue skies.
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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#1 - If the original (the one and only) Skymamma doesn't have a problem with you having a similar name, then I wouldn't worry about it. And for those who may be wondering, yes - I will forever refer to Andrea that way.

It's pretty clear that you and her are two different people. That's one of the nice things about the profile pics. (just don't use a pic of a guy's naked ass and all will be well:))

#2 Don't worry about the idiots pre-judging you. That's what they do. If you go into Speaker's Corner (do so with great caution) you will find out just how silly, childish and petulant we can be on here. You seem to be a reasonably civil, polite person. Continue to be yourself, and those who matter will treat you well.

#3 Yes, searching can be a pain. Kind of like "How do you look up a word in the dictionary if you don't know how to spell it in the first place". That's why I answered your questions.

#4 Don't put yourself on a self-imposed ban. Hang around here long enough and you will find out how to have the mods do it for you:P
But, reading more and posting less is usually a good way to learn stuff.
One thing you can learn is how not to behave.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Welcome! Dont worry you will never be confused with the one and only, sexy, smart, friendly, and nice skymama;):P (maybe that comment will get the paddle turned on me next time:):ph34r:) But glad you are looking into our great sport and hope you enjoy the ride!:)

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Thanks for the welcome :)

Yeah, I am pretty much over it, I will simply follow skymama's preferences and whatever sangiro replies or instructs me to do as I pm'ed him. Either way, user names aside, I am here for the content and learning opportunity and hopefully to get to know and connect with others in the sport. Just sucks to join up somewhere and get chastised or your motives questioned on your very first post, but I'll survive, in the scheme of things there are much bigger things to concern myself with.

Appreciate the advice and will venture to speaker's corner, if ever, with a healthy dose of caution lol.

Similar to your sentiment, wolfriverjoe, to quote the great Dr. Seuss (I have a one year old, ok? I'm allowed to quote Dr. Seuss lol)
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Amen to that ;)

So I'll continue to post when I have something to say, speak my mind, try not to piss too many people off lol, but like I said, at least until I have some jumps under my belt, I'm mainly here to read up and get some background info leading up to my first jump and the choices related to that such as which DZ, training methods, etc. which I think I've narrowed down pretty well so far but appreciate any and all input.
Tandem 4/4. FJC and AFF-2 completed 4/9. Rescheduled AFF-3 and 4 due to winds for this next weekend.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world..."

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