
Hello Experienced Divers,

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Hello Experienced Divers,

My name is Wes, I am new (well not even involved at all yet) to this sport and forum.

I have always wanted to Skydive but it has always been a big expense and career has got in the way. I am currently on a work contract in China (I would not even think about looking for a DZ here for safety reasons :)
I am wondering if Skydiving is a viable career option or if it will just become an expensive hobby?

I am not worried about not being able to do it as I can do bungee jumps (obviously nothing like it but somewhere close?)

Anyway its nice to join this forum, I will have a look around and read up on it a bit more. At the moment its just an idea.



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I am wondering if Skydiving is a viable career option or if it will just become an expensive hobby?

First... welcome. Be sure to report back here after your first jump.

Second... your question is hard to answer. Skydiving isn't likely to be a viable career option until you're a really experienced skydiver, but...

If you learn to pack, be a rigger, be a videographer, or learn to teach, it's entirely possible that you can combine a weekend of work with a weekend of play and break even, though.
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Thanks for your replies.

I think i am now looking at just doing the AFF Course or going fully and doing the A licence.

As i wanted to visit New Zealand this would be the best place to do it i feel. I read that the Nelson School is good?

Also what is the difference between the AFF quailfication and the A licence? from what i gather the A licence means you can Skydive anywhere (with your own kit) for about £18? What can you do with just the AFF course?

So its going to just be an expensive hobby for me. Is it worth paying the extra for the A licence?

I have looked around the forums for this but I am being a bit lazy.

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You finish AFF after 8 jumps. After that, you need to do proficiency jumps with a Coach to get items checked off on a card. Once you've done 25 jumps, take a written test, show that you can pack and have your card completed, you can qualify for the A license, the first of 4 license levels. After you have your A license, you can jump wherever and with whomever you like.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Also what is the difference between the AFF quailfication and the A licence? from what i gather the A licence means you can Skydive anywhere (with your own kit) for about £18? What can you do with just the AFF course?

From the US perspective:

To describe AFF as a "qualification" overstates the matter a bit. All it means is that the student can jump without an instructor. The student still remains a STUDENT... and is subject to whatever rules the DZ applies to students such as:

~~Who they can jump with.
~~What winds they can jump in.
~~How long you can go between jumps without recurrency training (usually 30 days for students in US).
~~What equipment they may jump with... specific safety equipment may be required and some advanced equipment may be forbidden.

Licensed skydivers can jump any other licensed skydivers who will have them.

Licensed skydivers usually can jump in whatever wind they want... provided that the pilot will fly the plane in those conditions (and if there are enough other jumpers to make the plane go).

Licensed skydivers usually are allowed a longer period between jumps without retraining. (The USPA reccomendation goes as long as 180 days for C & D licensed jumpers.)

A "B" or higher is usually required for night jumps or specialty aircraft such as helicopters / balloons.

A "C" license or higher is reccommended by USPA for some high altitude jumps.

AFF is simply the first phase of student skydiver training.
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