
G'day from Melbourne, Australia!

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Hello everyone! Glad to have found this forum for skydiving knowledge and international skydiving friends!

My 1st jump was on the 14th May 2011 with the birthday girl (no, not in a birthday suit!). That absolutely got me HOOKED! Next jump was 11th June 2011, didn't hold on to the door rail for dear life like the first time!

My friend and I have decided to do the A License course next May so bring it on!!! The only reason I'm not jumping every month/week is because of how pricey it is! :( Tandems for now till next May. Can't wait!! :D

Happy skies!! B|

ps: I know I should have my arms out in the picture but I didn't feel the "tap" on my shoulders to put my hands out! :o

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Thanks, skymama! ;)

Still not bundled up enough! It was very cold up there. Melbourne's famous for 4-seasons-in-a-day weather. It was autumn then in the picture and even colder up above the clouds. It's wintery cold but still super fun! =)

Yea, we can't wait till we get our A License so the jumps are cheaper.

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Looks like skydive Nagambie to me. I have done 19 tandems there (also did 3 AFFs but thats another story) I do the odd tandem (usually every 3 months) Yeah its pricey all right but fun. do your A as soon as you can (not like me)

At 19 tandems I am a laughing stock but I do not care. Its fun.

I may see you at Nagambie some time good luck with it all

Greg W

I tend to be a bit different. enjoyed my time in the sport or is it an industry these days ??

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happyskies! :)
Welcome to skydiving.

1 - if $$ is an issue, beg, borrow, and steal enough money to complete a full AFF course. Do it all in the shortest time possible - i.e. over a few weeks, not one jump at a time. Negotiate with the Drop Zone for a better price to pay all up front. Offer to do some work for them (cleaning / admin / manifest / whatever). Then take a break (not too long) to save for the next stage - refresher + B- rels. Once you have completed this you will have your license.

Set up a club.

Get customers for the DZ and ask for a commission in jumps (you could get better value this way if you negotiate well).

This will all give you good skill building experience and get you the jumps as well.

Good luck. CYA in the air.

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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At 19 tandems I am a laughing stock but I do not care. Its fun.

19 tandems is much better than none! :)
p.s. waiting for the post that says: "have finished AFF". ;)
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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gregpso: Bullseye! I jump at Nagambie and there's absolutely nothing wrong with 19 tandem jumps! ;) Do you recognise the tandem instructor? Skydiving is the best stress-reliever ever!! My friend and I usually pick Saturdays to jump so do come and say hello if you think it's me! haha :D

TVPB! :)
Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of friends who have the same interests so it's going to be a bit difficult getting people to jump with us, although we've already set 2 different Saturdays, 1 in October and 1 in December. Since there will be 4 of us per Saturday, it'll cost $365 per person ($20 discount from $385). Better than nothing! Can't wait to complete my A License course! Thanks for the good luck! See you in the air! ;)

Happyskies!! B|

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Sorry cannot recognise the TM (who is it ??) I have jumped with WOKKA numerous times.. Barts Tibbets.

The AFF course is great there you will have a ball.(I did)

My only claim to fame is I think I hold the record there for the most tandem passenger jumps pretty pathetic really... but for reasons best kept secret I am doomed to only do tandooms.

Anyway I love seeing and meeting new jumpers at naggas as it takes them a while to work out that I am an idiot !! (thats my reputation in the Ausssie skydiving forum skysurfer.com.au)

Enjoy your jumps may see you there. I am the bloke who looks likes like Tom Cruise (NOT!!) I am the 53 year old bald bloke putting on the tandem harness AGAIN!!!

HAVE A BLAST !!! keep posting updates!!!!
I tend to be a bit different. enjoyed my time in the sport or is it an industry these days ??

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I do not have a lot of friends who have the same interests so it's going to be a bit difficult getting people to jump with u

Ha ha. Welcome to skydiving. You are heading down the road of so many others. As your interests, priorities, etc, change, so does your company. Your true friends will always remain, the acquaintances you will slowly lose touch with. In their place will be new friends and acquaintances that will share your dreams and passions.

Negotiate the deal on your package - i.e. ask how much to pay for the whole AFF course up front.

The other tip I can give you is this - do not let anyone, including friends and relatives, to rob you of YOUR dreams. If you really want this, go for it. If they drag along that is a wonderful bonus. IF they don't, you just have to prioritize your time better with them.

Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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I'm lucky to have a childhood friend who has the same interests!! We are doing the A License together and will NOT let anyone rob us of our dreams!! No matter how expensive! ;)

The A License course will cost $2500 all up, so they require a $200 non-refundable deposit to secure my spot and pay the rest upfront on the day we start the course.

My childhood friend is studying to be a paramedic (yay!!) while I'm kinda rotting away (ugh! Metaphorically..) in one of the departments at the hospital as an admin/receptionist. We will also be studying wedding planning together in a year or so, so yup! I've got a friend covered. She's my non-blood related twin sister!

My family doesn't know I'm doing it yet until I've fully completed the A License course. haha! My brother said, "It's such an unnecessary experience", when I showed them my first tandem jump on video. I was peeved off but whatever, it's MY life! AND my money!! :D

Skydiving has been on my list to do for years!! Awesome stuff. Glad the tandem instructor pried my hands off the rails and pushed us out of the plane! LOVE IT!!!!!!!! (Just gotta get over the nausea bit... eep!)

Happyskies!! B|

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Plus the money for repeats and a few dvds of the jumps. You got to have a dvd of your first solo !!

Nah, just got a DVD and stills for my first jump. I should have the DVD covered if the instructor who promised me that is there next May. *fingers crossed!!* See, pictures and DVDs are not included in the $2500, is it? :P

Happyskies! B|

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Prob buget at least another $500 for 2 repeats. (may not be needed but better to have just in case) What I have gathered is not too many go thru without at least one repeat (repeats $250 or $195 if only need one aff instructor)

then there is the 5 to 7 thousand for a rig once you get the A licence (they encourage you to get your own if you can)

Anyway many fun times ahead for you. Enjoy
I tend to be a bit different. enjoyed my time in the sport or is it an industry these days ??

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