
Noob from Los Angeles

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Hi There,
I'm new to this- first tandem a few weeks back. It was supposed to be a one time thing but guess who's ready to do it again? Guess who wants to learn more?

I do have some questions-

*I keep reading that skydivers don't feel the falling sensation when leaving the plane. For me it was unmistakable (until we reached terminal velocity.) Is something wrong with me?

*What should I be practicing/studying on the ground, between jumps? (I realize reading about skills is no substitute for practicing them in the sky.)

*Anything you wish someone had told (or taught you) when you were a beginner?

Big thanks to anyone who is kind enough to answer. :)
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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Welcome to the forums! :)
When you're on the ground, watch the patterns of other people. Can you tell where they are "holding" and guess where they are setting up to land? Look at the wind condition and ask yourself where you would set up if the winds were higher and lower. Would you set up on your final leg in a different spot? Also check out how people are flaring their canopies and if it resulted in successful or unsuccessful landings. Can you tell if someone was finishing their flare in order to ride out the canopy completely? There's a lot you can learn by just watching other people.

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hi Skymama,
Thanks for the tips about watching people on the ground with the physics and operation of the canopy in mind. That's a good idea!

The dropping sensation surprised me, since I'd read over and over that jumpers don't experience it. Maybe the novelty of the situation made me hyper sensitive. I have another tandem jump coming up (I'm still too chicken to start AFF yet) so we'll see if it happens again.

My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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Tandem jump #2 went well.
I barely felt any falling this time, even though the tandem guy got fancy and had us exit by back-flipping.
I was positive I'd freak out but when the time came it was fun.
Now I'm actually considering starting AFF. We'll see. It still sounds scary, but it's not the unthinkable concept it was when I first heard of it several weeks ago.:)

My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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