
hey guys

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Hi everyone I'm new to the skydiving community but I wanna get into it hard get certified and stuff I live in MA and trying to figure out where to go I wanna go with someone I can get to know and jump with all the time so hope to hear from some people soon later guys!

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Hi everyone I'm new to the skydiving community but I wanna get into it hard get certified and stuff I live in MA and trying to figure out where to go I wanna go with someone I can get to know and jump with all the time so hope to hear from some people soon later guys!

Come up to Skydive Pepperell and get started. Have you done a tandem yet?

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Welcome, I'm pretty new but what I have learned or at least been told if you want some one to jump with then bring beer. Its amazing how many new friends you will have. Also just do cool stuff. For example last weekend there were a couple cutaways at the DZ, Bout the time the winds picked up and they shut down someone needed help looking for a canopy and freebag out in a field. I happened to have a cooler of beer and group of us went out to the field and searched. Got to know some cool people I hope to jump with once I am able too and even found all the dudes stuff and an extra freebag.
So I guess my point is know that your new, know that you know nothing. Listen (but be aware of who your a listing too) bring beer, and be cool and I think you should be able to find a couple people to jump with and you might even get some free coaching for it if they know what they are doing.

You wont be able to jump with any one other than an instructor until your licensed any way so spend that time chatting and getting to know the fun jumpers.

Edited for spelling i before e except after c
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Nice! B|
The dropzone is being opened by Tom Noonan, a very well respected guy in skydiving. I read on FB that it's going to be a weekend only dz for right now. Tell him I sent ya!

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Ha, that would be weird!
You can check out a previous thread about the dropzone opening here and Tom also lists his e-mail contact there also.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thanks for the info skymama! I went for the full AFF camp at Jump town so ill be there until I get my A license. Even if hes not my old landlord it seems he's very interested in training people to become instructors so Ill end up spending a lot of time at both DZs learning :) Cant imagine a better job then taking people up into the sky!

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