Hooknswoop 19
Quote"those plastic slider stops: are installed in thousands of main canopies and rarely break.
And when they do, you have a reserve. If it happens on your reserve........
PD-R's have 6 metal slider stops. They never break.
teason 0
"those plastic slider stops: are installed in thousands of main canopies and rarely break.
And when they do, you have a reserve. If it happens on your reserve........
I think if you're jumping your reserve enough break your slider stops, you should probably re-evaluate your main packing techniques!

Hooknswoop 19
QuoteI think if you're jumping your reserve enough break your slider stops, you should probably re-evaluate your main packing techniques!
It only takes one terminal (+) opening.
QuoteI don't like that it has plastic slider stops
Hooknswoop 19
Because if it breaks (a little space between the grommet and disk and the grommet hits it on deployment) the slider grommet can go up into the stabilzer and create a streamer.
I don't see any reason not use use 6 metal slider stops.
I think they are better then the metal ones. SEems to me that the metal stops add more wear the the slots they sit in anyway.
If those metal stops aren't tumbled correctly they can have burrs on them and mess up your canopy. The plastic stops seem to work just fine. I really think this is a non-issue.
AS far as it basically being a Tri. So what! I put hundreds of jumps on a Tri and never had any problems landing it. In fact I loved it! It had great openings and great landings.
Hooknswoop 19
QuoteHave you ever seen a plastic slider stop break?
QuoteI think they are better then the metal ones. SEems to me that the metal stops add more wear the the slots they sit in anyway.
If those metal stops aren't tumbled correctly they can have burrs on them and mess up your canopy. The plastic stops seem to work just fine. I really think this is a non-issue.
Metal slider stops wearing out the webbing they are senw into hasn't been a problem.
QuoteAS far as it basically being a Tri. So what! I put hundreds of jumps on a Tri and never had any problems landing it. In fact I loved it! It had great openings and great landings.
That's OK. I have my opinion of them and have expressed it and defended why I feel that way. If you or someone else disagrees/has a different opinion, that's OK.

We just disagree on the plastic over the Metal that's all.
I just think you are being kinda of conservative about the stops. You have every right to feel the way you do. I just think that if it has ever happened, it hasn't happened enough to really make enyhting out of it.
Things that might have also played into them breaking are, possible the quality of plastic used and was the person that happened to way over the limit for that canopy? If so maybe the stops they had weren't tested to that much weight? I have seen people take terminal rides on Smarts and have had no problems with the plastic stops. We even had demo's out here that people jumped as mains and this wasn't an issue at all.
Hooknswoop 19

QuoteI do know that spreading the force over 6 and using metal basically takes the odds to zero, which for reserves is (or should be) the goal.
I can agree with you that spreading the load may be a better idea.
I also think that people a lot of time assume that metal is the way to go for a lot of things that just don't need it. Like Slinks for example. I now that fabric can get cut and what not, where metal won't, but if you check your gear that shouldn't be a problem, you will see it if you look for it.
QuoteQuoteThe SMART is nice too.
I don't like that it has plastic slider stops and only 4 instead of 6 of those. I also don't like that it is simply a F-111 Triatholon. I don't think (from watching landings) that it has a good flare.
I think that from flying it myself, it has an excellent flare.
Side by side, I would choose the PD-r over the Smart because I am splitting hairs. The PDr has smoother turns. But I would jump either canopy, any day.
Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!
Try laying a Triathlon rib and a Smart rib side by side. They have numerous detail differences: different curvature, different reinforcing tapes, different line trim, etc..