
A done!

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I finally finished getting my A license last week! It took me a little less than 8 months. Not bad considering I bus tables for a living and don't get more than 30 hours max a week.

Now I'm gathering the parts to put together that 1st rig. I got a container and a reserve so far. It is really hard tp get the right parts that all work together and are good for a beginner! I already messed up and bought a 170 main thats elliptical and I can't jump it. That was a set back!

It's pretty cool though. 2 years ago I was dyeing with a needle in my arm and here I am a few days away from a 1 1/2 years of clean and sober time. Life got a lot better quick once I took all that crap out!!

I love skydiving and am stoked that putting together a rig is my current problem!!

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Great to hear you are better off than you were. Stay no track. I know how it feels to get that A after several months. That is good news as well.

My local rigger was great to help me and others with their first rig. If you don't have someone helping you, ask around the DZ.
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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Yeah there really helpful at my dz. The elliptical thing I didn't know it was until right before I paid for it. I run everything by at least one guy and that one time I didn't I screwed myself. I have learned a lot about gear though over the last few months. Stuff I wouldn't have if I just had the money all together that's for sure!

@Skymama-Thanks, I'm looking for a old 170 with a little life, around $500. Sabre or something! If you guys know of anything let me know please! I have a pay pal account and yes I check the classifieds multiple times daily. The price is always the problem. I just need to get past this 1st rig and I'll be fine! My story is in the June issue of Blue Skies mag too if you wanna check it out! "Adrenalin Junkie" by Jesse Graham

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Here is some info that might help you with buying gear. It's about using an escrow service and what to do, how to do it and such....




I strongly suggest that you use an escrow service for buying anything from a remote source.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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