
Been waiting way too long for this!

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I'm 29 years old adventurer. I've always been a huge adrenaline junkie for as long as I can remember. I have always wanted to explore every square inches on the world, push limits in every possible way, and get my adrenaline kick in.

I wind up doing kickboxer after high school, so I never really had the money or time to do much. Finally, last summer I got a job offer to become a wildland firefighter. I was in situation where I was super desperate for money.
I took the job and end up loving it and making great money.

So I decided it was time to chase after all other dreams I have... So I walked away from combat sport world.
Now I'm eagerly waiting to be called to a fire and for the fire season to be over so I can finally start working on my skydiving license!

There's not a day that go by now when I didn't look up at the sky and thinking about how great it must be to jump from the airplane!

Biggest influence so far has been Roberta Mancino's two elements video!!! :)

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