
I am a n00b

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Hey howdy,

So, finished my AFF back in March, and have so far clocked just over 60 jumps. The course ran 44 jumps over three weeks, and for the first two weeks I absolutely *hated* it. I enjoyed the canopy time, but my guts were in knots the whole ride up, and I felt physically repelled every time the door opened and that cold blast of air hit me in the face.

First day of the third week, we did a mass-exit "fun" jump and a switch just flipped. I felt like I was in control. I actually took a moment to look around and saw the big cigar formation of guys stretching up behind me into the wild blue yonder. "Hey, this isn't so bad after all."

I am still jumping rented student rigs for the time being, as the transition from my first rig involved downsizing from a 360 ripcord-deployment to a 260 BoC. Some may scoff, but to me, it was like upgrading from a school bus to a Ferrari. No real rush to downsize any more just yet, nor do I feel the need to run out and buy something shiny just yet either. Mostly just looking to suss things out, find a good canopy control course, and hopefully pursue my "B" License this summer.

A couple questions - is it common for Canadian DZs to *require* CSPA membership? There is a dropzone nearby that I went to check out recently, and when I brought out my USPA "A" License, I was informed that I couldn't jump for "insurance reasons." With that in mind, is it at all worth it to convert my USPA license to a CSPA? Would a membership alone suffice, or is that even necessary?

Much obliged, and greetings once again!



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USPA Insurance info:

If you have any questions about member benefits, please call us at (540) 604-9740 or send an email to membership@uspa.org.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Hey there - having jumped on both sides of the border I have to say that its rather uncommon, or they are full of shit , or they are not familiar with the uspa coverage or some weird rules might have changed (or all of the above). My dropzone used to be Niagara skydive center and we had plenty of uspa holders jump there with no issues.. So I am not sure what the spiel was at the place you went to.. May I ask where this was ?

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