
How would you feel if your rigger smoked dope?

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Smoking dope is illegal, immoral, will lead to harder drugs and all that bad stuff,

Immoral? Baed on who's morality?

The only reason it "leads to harder drugs" is becuase it's illegal. So simply by smoking pot, you're already in the "drug culture" and are around other users, of which there will always be a few who have tried harder things. Since the government lied about pot you wonder if they're also lying about coke (for example), so you try it. If it was legal it would be treated like alcohol, and would not "lead to harder drugs". If you don't believe me, go to Amsterdam and see the availability of any illegal drugs. (It is there, but good luck finding it.)
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Smoking dope is illegal, immoral, will lead to harder drugs and all that bad stuff,


So you swallowed that line published by the Hearst Newspaper group, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, DAMM (Dislexic Alcoholics Mad About ... what were we mad about?), etc.

The bottom line is that most drug legislation is written by owners of drug er. alcohol companies .......

I do not respect drug laws because they are hypocritical and not enforced. For example, I drove home drunk hundreds of times during the 1970s and 1980s, even got pulled over three times by police. Do you think there is anything on my record about drinking and driving?


Trivia question ... what is the largest dollar crop exported from British Columbia to the USA?

I quit smoking and drinking out of contempt for a bunch of stupid laws that are unhealthy and not enforced.
"Contemptuous laughter!"

If the Canadian govenrment (circa 1970) lied to me about marijuana, what else have they lied about ???????

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Ummm...I agree with you, I was trying to explain to slug the fallacy of stating the marijuana leads to harder drugs. It doesn't, although I guess I didn't do a very good job of it. It's just conveniently the most common illegal drug.
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I think we all know where your coming from. If you've spent anytime in the sport you soon realize that finding drugs near skydivers is like finding flies near shit.

There may be two perspective at war here.
1) it's the jumpers who worry about irresponsible use while jumping and or rigging. (and we have all seen that)
2) it's the responsible users who hate having people assume that they are irrisponsible with it.

I have no problem with the responsible types. They are mature adults who understand there is a time and place for everything.

We shouldn't confuse them with the types who toke before jumping. These individuals have no respect for themselves. And don't cofuse them with the bottom feeding scumsucking pricks who puff and then teach students, pack or rig. They are putting themselves first at the expense of anothers safety!>:(
You can't tell me that you at 100% when you have been partaking in booze or drugs!
I believe that the individuals who puff and jump would also drink and jump if the beer bottles wern't so damn obvious.

The debate should be about responsibilty not personall views of individual choice.

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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I think everyone here has forgotten about that little side affect MJ has. Like short term memory loss[:/] I can just see said rigger looking around saying " I wonder what I did with that temp pin?" [:/][:/] Short term memory loss affects people who haven't smoked out in years:S

"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa

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I think everyone here has forgotten about that little side affect MJ has. Like short term memory loss[:/] I can just see said rigger looking around saying " I wonder what I did with that temp pin?" [:/][:/] Short term memory loss affects people who haven't smoked out in years:S

Getting old leads to memory problems as well. Might as well choose an 18 year old rigger who abstains from drugs and alcohol.

If you're worried you can insist your rigger use a printed check list that includes a tools in/tools-out count.

Or just pack it yourself.

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Show me a 80 year old "active" riggerB|

18 year old quaker who rigs??;)

Pack it myself? No way! If my reserve fails I want to blame someone else for the rest of my life:P

"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa

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Ummm...I agree with you, I was trying to explain to slug the fallacy of stating the marijuana leads to harder drugs. It doesn't, although I guess I didn't do a very good job of it. It's just conveniently the most common illegal drug.

Dear Unformed

Not only does smokeing the evil weed lead to Harder drugs it also supports terrorism!:o:S:|
As proof of the dangers of using one of the devils evil tricks watch the movie "Reefer madness" oh the horror of it all:o:S>:(

The US gov't wouldn't lie, they are allways right and everyone other country in the world is wrong

The good news if I've never witnessed the use of illegal drugs in 30+ years hanging around DZ's on the east & west coast of the US and a few states in between.

I wonder if there's a definition of trolling under FAQ.:o Sorry unformed but you went for the bait, hook line and sinker in my post. I thought the piss test would give it away.

I did enjoy your explanation of the fallacy of the Gov't propaganda that the evil weed leads to harder drugs.

Shall we move on to caffeine? Befor its 4:20 someplace in the world:P


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I think everyone here has forgotten about that little side affect MJ has. Like short term memory loss

That reminds me of my old rigger (a chronic).
One weekend I showed up at the DZ and asked if he had repacked my reserve. he said no so I put on the gear and gave it a pull test.
Once out he went to work on the gear and I checked out the data card.

It turns out he had packed it the previous night.
I've always wondered how he could forget a thing like that!

Now I'm getting shivers up and down my spine!

I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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Smoking dope is illegal, immoral, will lead to harder drugs and all that bad stuff,

So is oral sex, woman on top and a long list of other fun stuff skydivers are known to enjoy. Doesn't even matter if you're married. "Honey, I can't suck on it, it's against the law...". Same stupid laws passed by the same stupid people who haven't learned yet that it's none of their business.

Time was if you wanted a non-stoning rigger you were probably out of luck. A rigger shouldn't work under the influence, just like none of us should jump or drive a car or fly a plane under the influence. Sex under the influence, especially if it's illegal sex, that's another question.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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18 year old quaker who rigs??;)

Hey! Those Quakers do DAMN good pack jobs!
Just remember that if you watch, it is forbidden to speak while he is packing.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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18 year old quaker who rigs??;)

Hey! Those Quakers do DAMN good pack jobs!
Just remember that if you watch, it is forbidden to speak while he is packing.

Can 18 Y.O. Quaker packers do all that nasty sex stuff on their own time? :P

Damn: drugs, booze, sex, and religionB| Bonfire time:)

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I think everyone here has forgotten about that little side affect MJ has. Like short term memory loss

That reminds me of my old rigger (a chronic).
One weekend I showed up at the DZ and asked if he had repacked my reserve. he said no so I put on the gear and gave it a pull test.
Once out he went to work on the gear and I checked out the data card.

It turns out he had packed it the previous night.
I've always wondered how he could forget a thing like that!

Now I'm getting shivers up and down my spine!


Sounds like your rigger was working too hard, spending too many evenings packing when he should have been on the sunset load.

I have always had a terrible memory, so I write things down and promptly forget them.
If you ask about which reserves I repacked last week, I will have to glance in my logbook.

Oh! ... and I have not touched a joint in more than 6 years.

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Poll: How would you feel if your rigger smoked dope?

High. B|

My rigger = me...;)

PS I don't smoke or drink...but that's my choice...I don't think anyone comes to me specifically because I don't drink or do drugs...
Swoopert, CS-Aiiiiiii!

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Back in the 70's it would have been hard to find a rigger who didn't smoke the stuff in my club. I was about the only Redneck in it. As long as they're not under the influence it wouldn't bother me to have them pack my reserve. The big thing to me is the quality of their work, and whether or not they know their stuff. Some riggers do a better job and are more observant, and take their work more seriously than others. Back when I was packing chest packs I'll admit there was a lot I never learned to get certified. I could barely run a sewing machine. The riggers coming out of training today have a much larger knowlege base than I had....Steve1

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I get things pointed-out that I repaired on someone's rig, a year or two earlier and how it's 'still just great'. I have to look closely to make sure it's my work. I can't remember that far back. Like you Rob, I've got stacks of notes on legal pads because of my memory. I used to drink and smoke (cigarettes) and quit it all about 9-yrs. ago. Maybe, it's the Copenhagen I use.:S Thank goodness for Poynter's and other source materials.;)


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The only reason I care one way or another, is because weed is illegal.

I do not want a rigger who regularly breaks or flaunts laws.

I have no issue with people smoking weed in general, and I think Americas attidude towards it is stupid. That said, there are people I hold to a very high standard, and riggers are in this group.

If I know a rigger is taking illegal drugs, he won't rig for me.

For what its worth, I also apply this standard to pilots.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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