
New student from Atlanta

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Hi everyone,

I've been enthralled with skydiving since I was very young and finally started AFF training last week. My first jump went pretty well but my arch definitely needed improvement, especially right after exiting the plane. I guess the adrenaline rush was somehow more than what I anticipated.. :)
I was pretty stoked and did my second jump soon after but got really nervous and found myself tense and unable to relax in freefall. The 90 degree turns and forward movement were a bit of a trainwreck, but on the plus side my altitude awareness and PC throw were spot on.

So I'm going to repeat the AFF B jump this weekend and hopefully do much better. I've been practicing body position/arch and feel pretty confident there, but I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for getting over the nerves? Obviously, skydiving is not natural and it could be that I need more jumps to get over it.

Thanks and cheers from Atlanta, GA!

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Apparently we do have a wind tunnel so I'll definitely have to investigate that. Seems like a great way to nail down the body position.

It sure is. I did a couple of sessions during AFF (6 and 7 minutes) and then at least a couple more during coaching. Within 3 months of starting, I was actually starting to look like I knew what I was doing. Be sure to get video -- it's nice to actually be able to see how you're improving from session to session.
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Apparently we do have a wind tunnel so I'll definitely have to investigate that. Seems like a great way to nail down the body position.

Consult your instructor about it. Ask him/her if you really need it or not. Some people seem to Ace the AFF course. Others have a lot of trouble Arching.

I for instance, completely screwed up my AFF level 4 and 5 by ending up in an uncontrollable spin, simply because my body was too stiff. And due to the spin I started to panic, which caused it to be even worse.
I got the advice to visit a wind tunnel, and I did. After that it went a lot better.

But wind tunnels are quite pricey too. Surely 15 minutes in the wind tunnel is a lot cheaper than 15 times 1 minute skydive freefalls, but if you don't need it you'll save yourself like $250 for those 15 minutes of wind tunnel time.

Here, as a reference point to my story, I'll provide you with 3 videos.
AFF level 4 (Spinning out of control):
Tunnel sessions (Between AFF 5 and 6):
Relative Instructional Jump 2 (Total jump #30):

Anyway, whatever you decide to do and what your instructors tell you: Good luck! And blue skies.

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***Consult your instructor about it. Ask him/her if you really need it or not. Some people seem to Ace the AFF course. Others have a lot of trouble Arching..

you may not need the tunnel to pass your AFF but the tunnel will benefit your flying especially down the road

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Welcome to the forums! I can totally understand being nervous, it happens to most of us in the beginning. Try taking a deep, cleansing breath to calm your nerves when that group before you is in the door. Then, just have confidence in yourself and remember to ARCH. You can do this! If you're still having trouble after your next jump, I recommend some tunnel time also if you have the funds for it.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Thanks to 30 min in tunnel I was able to finish AFF in four jumps. I can't imagine myself jumping without a tunnel training, it helped me a lot. The first three exits I was so nervous, that I didn't want to continue in the sport. My feelings was changed after the fourth jump, when I had to manage everything by myself and then I enjoyed my first solo.

Short video:

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The first three exits I was so nervous, that I didn't want to continue in the sport.

That's what they say when you start to do your Solo jumps: With each continuing jump, your nerves are going to be replaced by joy and excitement.

I bet everyone is nervous during the plane ride while you're doing your AFF. But as you continue to jump, you start to enjoy it more and more.

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Well I guess it is only natural to be nervous at first. I'm glad you are getting through it. I'm a nervous wreck doing anything out of the norm. Im not going to let it stop me jumping out of a plane. If you want something enough you will do it in the end.

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Thanks again for the encouragement everyone, I'm going to re-attempt AFF 2 tomorrow and hopefully AFF 3 as well. I've run through the skydive many times in my head and I feel far more confident with arching, maneuvers, and the overall flow of the jump. I think I was just suffering from information overload the first time around, which made me anxious I was forgetting something, which then made me tense up and lose confidence.

I've wanted to be a skydiver since I was 12 and I'm determined to make this sport a part of my life!

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All went well. I had a pretty good AFF level 2 jump but was still a little nervous. I went ahead and decided to go for AFF level 3 as well, and to my surprise I absolutely nailed it. I don't think I'll ever forget that jump, it was honestly the most fun I've had in a very long time! B|

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