
Audible Alti's/Helmets

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;) Hi, could you guys give me some advice as I'm unsure whether to buy the Pro-dytter or Time-out audi. Apparently the time-out works by fall-rate, whereas the pro-dytter works by time?? Does that not make it inaacurate depending on what your descent rate is??

P.S any suggestions on good quality open face helmets appreciated as well!

Break now Jester!

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Both work by measuring air pressure. People used to use stopwatches but working by time could really catch you out on a 200 mph head down jump :S.

I'd go for the Pro-Dytter. Good product and outstanding customer support from L&B.


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Hi John,
I personally make and supply Time-Out. This is the original audible altimeter to hit the market some years ago, and is the benchmark which others followed. Remember, Time-Out is the only audible to react to descent rate and not time. We now have a new unit available retailing at £100. I realise this is a present for a friend and he may have fixed ideas on what he wants, if this is the case please accept my apologies at a sales pitch. As I know your e mail has been forwarded to general suppliers as well as myself.
Colin Bridges, Time-Out Technologies

(emphasis mine)

I take it this is the bit you mean. It's an advertising puff pure and simple. It's simply not true. It may well have been true when the time out first came out many years ago (I don't know) but it certainly isnt now. Current L&B products work by measuring air pressure, just like a cypres.

Time is not a reliable indicator of altitude as different fall rates will result in different freefall durations.

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Pro-dytter has product and customer support second to none. I jump both a ProTrack and a ProDytter. While some Time Out jumpers I know are reasonably pleased with their TimeOuts, those who have transitioned to ProDytter or Track, are happy they did so.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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The first audible I know of was the Paralert . . . an SSE product, if I'm not mistaken.

L&B had the original Dytter out a few years after that.

The Pro Dytter was released after the Time Out, if I remember correctly.

If you search the forums for "Larsen and Brusgaard" or "L&B," you will find numerous customers that have been astounded by the incredible customer service L&B provides.

I have owned L&B products since 1989, currently owning 2 Pro-Dytters. They work VERY well . . . the best audibles I have ever owned.
Arrive Safely


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If you search the forums for "Larsen and Brusgaard" or "L&B," you will find numerous customers that have been astounded by the incredible customer service L&B provides.

I have owned L&B products since 1989, currently owning 2 Pro-Dytters. They work VERY well . . . the best audibles I have ever owned.

I still have my origional Dytter don't jump much any more, the only thing I don't like about it over the years is having to replace the batteries once in a while.:o.

New batteries does increase the volumn:)
Anyone have a pro dytter they don't need any more or don't like and want to get rid of the old stuff? Maybe I can help you out. My dytter needs a new set of batteries :P


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I vaguely remember the advertisement. Time Out claimed that if you passed through the opening or hard-deck height the alarm would sound until such time as your speed decreased below the activation threshold.
L&B products would sound for a fixed length of time and then stop. There may also have been something about TO's sounding if you passed through the alarm height at slow speed and subsequently increased your speed (maybe cut away) above the threshold whereas L&B stuff didn't. I don't know if this is still the case.
The claim is therefore correct but open to mis-interpretation.
I have an L&B product on both ears and I love 'em both :)

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Both L&B products will sound if your descent rate exceeds about 25 m/s under canopy, at any given time after deployment. Never payed much attention whether the 3rd warning would be one standard sequence or a continuous alarm, as i always seek to end hearing it asap. It's set for 2.300 ft.
IIRC the manual states a continuous tone for the third warning.
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Never payed much attention whether the 3rd warning would be one standard sequence or a continuous alarm,

continuous , for go faster than the treshold.
or as stated in the manual:

Siren alarm as long as vertical
airspeed exceeds 29 m/sec at or
below the preset altitude.

yeap, great product.
did an academic study on its UI aspects and beside very few minor details, it is perfect.
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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