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The problem is (and I've been thinking about this a lot for many years) is that it's not as simplistic as people think. Even if everyone flew perfect patterns and followed directions we still have the possibility for collision because of different leg lengths, altitudes, loadings, etc.
There's things we can do to lower the risks, but overall it comes down to people being heads up, courteous, and flying pro-actively (identifying potential hazards early enough to remove them from the 'chain').
Very hard conversation to have over the internet btw
Performance Designs Factory Team
Thanks, that's good to know. It seemed to me like a lot of D license holders have been involved, that's why I asked.
I think I'm probably living in a dream world thinking that dzo's will enforce anything. Say a team is in town spending a lot of money on training and they have one guy who habitually breaks the pattern. Is a dzo going to send the team packing because of one guy and lose out on all that revenue? Probably not.
How do we teach and enforce canopy awareness and get it drilled into everyone so they do get their heads out of their asses?
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon
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