
Anyone hear what happened in Russia yet?

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There was a few posts about a reserve fire on the ground in Russia recently. Has anyone determined what happened yet? Was it a cypress fire on the ground, was the rig packed wrong? From what I heard it was a team and there was more than one cypress fire, so Im curious why the reserve didn't fire in the air and fired on the ground? Can anyone that was there elaborate?

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That was my way of asking for the "unofficial" report. Not actually trying to spread rumors.:)I just would like to know container, reserve, aad.
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It sounds like from Ray's post it was a cypres misfire. For someone in the know, could they post any information. It's amazingly quiet on this.
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It sounds like from Ray's post it was a cypres misfire. For someone in the know, could they post any information. It's amazingly quiet on this.

Someone told me via PM, that there wasn't a misfire.
From what I heard, the jumper said, that the Cypres fired during low pull, but the container didn't opened.
After impact, the reserve PC popped out. Jumper is OK.
The container was a Mirage G4.
Please stay away from any rumors!!
I don't know if the jumper told bullshit, or a sloppy reserve packjob was the reason.

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