
Vigil AAD

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The translation is great.. of the document. Thanks for the effort of doing it...

So now even Kim can read it...and understand it..

Have to agree with Ron.. We need competion and alternatives on the market and I think that is why this subject attract so many views.

All I can hope for is that Vigil Aerospace really, really look into it and come up with a good answer... I'm still holding out as my Cypres died of old age last year and I wanna have a new AAD that will keep it promises.. "no need of any other AAD during my skydiving career"..

Kim, please put a burner on the belgians behinds so that there will be a solution soon on the serious problems of the unit.
"Das Leben ist schön, nicht immer aber immer öfter"

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1) No device has an unlimited lifetime.VIGIL does not know the lifetime yet. They expect it to be 15 years

Airtec had the same problem in the past.
They started to guarantee 4 years. Later 8 years.
And they ended with 12 years.
Are you sure this is the maximum lifespan ???
Buy a new one and everything is forgiven and forgotten.

2) No maintenance foreseen at the moment
(while the company has no experience in AAD's)

This company has a lot of experience is the field of electronics. And they developped all the software themselves
Do you know everything about the electronics of your car ???
Do you think that the engineer of your car's electronic is a good driver ???
What about the mileage of your car between two services ??? And 10 years ago ???

3) Why do I need different modes. I only need it for my solo-rig and I'm not planning to do tandems or student jumps with a stiletto 107.

But for the same price !!!!!
And maybe in a couple of weeks you need .........
Lucky guy

4) A cypres also has a cutter when purchased. I'm not planning to use the cutter. If I need to use it I don't care about buying a new one.

Hope you never need it
And AAD will replace it if it is a life-saving activation

All great points.

I don't really see the benefit for an AAd that can be a tandem AAD, Student or Expert.

I don't normlally pull out my tandem CYPRES and take it on a sport jump or vice versa. So while that might be a benefit for a school...For the average jumper its not a real bonus.

For the individial jumper there is no inconvenience.
But for a school/centre/organization it is a great advantage.
Three in one for ONE price
Mistakes ????? Bullshit
It is the responsibility of the jumper and the jumpmaster to check the settings. This makes the difference between .........a good .........
and a bad....................

Advantages I'm looking for:
1) Better technology (simple design for example)
2) Significant lower purchase price
3) Reliability

I would only change the order.

1. Reliable...Its not worth a thing if it can kill you with a misfire, or it wil not work when needed.
2. Price...I like to jump and have other toys.
3. Better tech....as long as its reliable...I don't care how "cool" or advanced it is.

But I agree with everything else.

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Have you read the German version ????
Good translation ??? What's in a word
A good spellingchecker is doing the work

Earlier in this thread Speedy wrote:
I can assure you that the translation is more or less correct.
Dave (Speedy)

Speedy lives and is skydiving in Germany

If you don’t believe him please feel free to contact the German Parachute Association about this matter:

Deutscher Fallschirmsport Verband e.V.
Comotorstr. 5
66802 Überherrn
Tel: 06836 – 92306
Fax: 06836 – 92308

Or contact the composer of the document direct:

Chriss Buss: DFV Referat Technik chris@skydive.de


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Do you know everything about the electronics of your car ???
Do you think that the engineer of your car's electronic is a good driver ???

No but I sure do hope he has enough knowledge about driving that he knows that when the airbag he developed activates, while driving and with no apparent reason, this will cause an extremely dangerous situation.


What about the mileage of your car between two services ??? And 10 years ago ???

Cars needed maintenance 10 years ago, cars need maintenance today. Furthermore, in Europe a car has to be inspected once every 1 or 2 years (depends upon age). This inspection is mandatory and it doesn’t matter if the vehicle drove in that period 50.000 miles or 100 or not at all. What is good for my car is surely good for a lifesaving device as an AAD.


Hope you never need it
And AAD will replace it if it is a life-saving activation

So far Vigil only had to replace cutters for free due to misfires of their device.


I would only change the order.

1. Reliable...Its not worth a thing if it can kill you with a misfire, or it wil not work when needed.

So far the Vigil created quite a list of serious misfires (especially when you realize the limited number of devices in the field (around 1000 towards 60.000 Cypres)

By the way: I read here somewhere that on those 1000 devices around 20.000 skydives were made. That is an average of 20 per AAD (a well proven device???)


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Cars needed maintenance 10 years ago, cars need maintenance today. Furthermore, in Europe a car has to be inspected once every 1 or 2 years (depends upon age). This inspection is mandatory and it doesn’t matter if the vehicle drove in that period 50.000 miles or 100 or not at all. What is good for my car is surely good for a lifesaving device as an AAD.

Apples to perries again???

But if you started. Some cars are having maintenance period of 10000 or 20000 Kms. Ive heard that new BMWs don`t have any, but computer is going to report problems or request maintenance.

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Have you read the German version ????
Good translation ??? What's in a word

Yes I have... It really is... I lived in Germany for 10 years and can still read and speak the lingo..But writing is not my strong side...

So the work on the translation is good...:)
"Das Leben ist schön, nicht immer aber immer öfter"

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If you don’t believe him please feel free to contact the German Parachute Association about this matter:

Deutscher Fallschirmsport Verband e.V.
Comotorstr. 5
66802 Überherrn
Tel: 06836 – 92306
Fax: 06836 – 92308

Or contact the composer of the document direct:

Chriss Buss: DFV Referat Technik chris@skydive.de


OK, I don't speak German...So what could would calling them be?

I trust the translation.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hmmhhh... maybe HE speaks english?

Maybe, but since I trust the translation, and I don't want to make a REALLY Long Distance call to Attempt to "Freckin Ze Dutch"....I'll just wait.


Here in germany we learn more than our own language at school

Hell we have enough problems trying to get our kids to speak "real" English...."You down wit dat dawg?"

Plus I DID take another language....But if I think I could have problems calling Germany and trying to get an English speaker....Wait till I call Germany and speak broken Spanish to them;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hello all of you,

Concerning our problems with the German DFV.
Just to let you all know that AAD vigil has done his job, we had a verry good meeting with the the some members of the German DFV. They listen to us and we listen to them. We had on every question an answer and also a proof. In the attachment you will find the latter that the Germans have send us and they have giving us a new certification.
Like i said in the past if there problems or you do not understand something or you have some doubts about our product. Just take contact and we will answer them all. Our communication line is open on our side. Everybody knows where to find us for every detail nd information.

Cu around
Keep it safe

PS Checkpoint maybe you can translate the PDF file in German now. So everybody can understand it.
George Diotme

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Hello all of you,

Concerning our problems with the German DFV.
Just to let you all know that AAD vigil has done his job, we had a verry good meeting with the the some members of the German DFV. They listen to us and we listen to them. We had on every question an answer and also a proof. In the attachment you will find the latter that the Germans have send us and they have giving us a new certification.
Like i said in the past if there problems or you do not understand something or you have some doubts about our product. Just take contact and we will answer them all. Our communication line is open on our side. Everybody knows where to find us for every detail nd information.

Good work Tom
Good work Vigil-Team


Cu around
Keep it safe

PS Checkpoint maybe you can translate the PDF file in German now. So everybody can understand it.

Hi, checkpoint. If you need a good spelling-checker, just let me know (English -> Deutsch)

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Speedy lives and is skydiving in Germany

If you don’t believe him please feel free to contact the German Parachute Association about this matter:

Deutscher Fallschirmsport Verband e.V.
Comotorstr. 5
66802 Überherrn
Tel: 06836 – 92306
Fax: 06836 – 92308

Or contact the composer of the document direct:

Chriss Buss: DFV Referat Technik chris@skydive.de


Don't forget to read the last version of the German organization (22/10/2004)
It's in attachment of Tom's last reply to Ron

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Hi Redknight,

Thanks for the support. My first concern is that our system is on the market and customers have the choice. There is still a lot of work for everybody not alone for us, but also for the industry. So we and a lot of other people can use your support to keep our sport save.

Just a note: Look to all the teams at the worldmeet who trust in Vigil
Vigil makes you perform better.
Cu + keep it safe
George Diotme

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Vigil makes you perform better.

Can you please explain how a passive device could help me...
1) swoop further
2) turn more points in my 4-way team
3) Teach me how to freelfy better
4) improve my tandem videos

I am sorry, but I cannot see any way that vigil (or cypres) could make me perform better.

Marketing gone crazy :S

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Hi Redknight,

Thanks for the support. My first concern is that our system is on the market and customers have the choice. There is still a lot of work for everybody not alone for us, but also for the industry. So we and a lot of other people can use your support to keep our sport save.

Just a note: Look to all the teams at the worldmeet who trust in Vigil
Vigil makes you perform better.
Cu + keep it safe


Have heard about you Tom.
In Austria in august as well as in Croatia in september.
Continue this way! Vigil is the device for the next generation. My conviction.
Of course, maybe not the only one. But without any doubts a very good one. Let us accept FAIR competition and that the best will win. Study, compare, evaluate and make your opinion/decision. NOT before. Only then I can accept it. Give a chance to all.

Please, that some of you stop the bullshit of the last weeks/months.
Stop talking out of the back of one's neck.

Since the beginning I'm a disciple of the concept, the technical specifications, the development and the result of the final product. Even if there have been internal management problems and technical growing pains.
But this bugs have been ironed out !!!!

Be sure, even me, will never forget the problems other device(s) had 10 to 12 years ago before they became the standard of the nineties and the early 21st-century.
It seems to me that a lot of you guys are very short of memory.
Or to young to know how it was 10, 15, 20, 25 years and more ago.


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Vigil makes you perform better.

Can you please explain how a passive device could help me...
1) swoop further
2) turn more points in my 4-way team
3) Teach me how to freelfy better
4) improve my tandem videos

I am sorry, but I cannot see any way that vigil (or cypres) could make me perform better.

Marketing gone crazy :S

Vigil is not a passive device, of couse, otherwise it would not require batteries.
Your opinion on the 4 points in indeed valid tho. Far fetched, perhaps it suggests that with the peace of mind of having an AAD you perform better.


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Study, compare, evaluate and make your opinion/decision. NOT before.

I did, already the safety-bulletins with recommendations as:
Bypassing the loop...,
A vigil is safe it will only fire on the ground (ask a pilot’s opinion...)
A vigil is safe it will only fire on the ground (and 3 days later an in air misfire in Australia...)
A Vigil doesn’t switch on at sea level? Just adjust it with 50 meters (160 feet)...

Says by my opinion enough about the company’s reliability.


But this bugs have been ironed out !!!!

Are you sure???? Does for example, after the meeting with the German Chairman of the DFV, a Vigil not anymore to be adjusted with 50 meters (160 feet) with good weather, at sea level and switch on without any problem?


Be sure, even me, will never forget the problems other device(s) had 10 to 12 years ago before they became the standard of the nineties and the early 21st-century.
It seems to me that a lot of you guys are very short of memory.
Or to young to know how it was 10, 15, 20, 25 years and more ago.

I would expect of a device of the 21st century not to have the same (well known) bugs of the early nineties of the 20th century.


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Vigil is not a passive device

Probaly my bad word choice. I've lived so long in Germany I am beginning to forget my English.

What I mean is that an AAD does not do anything that your are aware of until you are low and fast enough to activate it. For me, a jump with an AAD provides no more peace of mind than a jump without one.

Fallschirmsport Marl

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