
Advice for new container

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Hey folks, I've been jumping a Wings rig for about a year and I'm getting annoyed with how high the hackey sits on my back. Another few inches and I wouldn't be able to reach it. I'm a fairly short guy (5'7") so I didn't order the EXT Wings.
Anyway, any other short guys out there with similar problems?
I'm looking for options, ideas, ect. on making the reach a bit easier.
I'm also considering a different container system. Any opinions on the other popular rigs for us short guys?

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Is this a used Wings or was it custom cut for you? Have you called the manufacture? It sounds like its not the harness isn't sitting correctly on you.

I'm 6'1" and a pretty big guy, I have no problem reaching the hacky on my Wings and its not an EXT. Its right where other modern rigs would have theres. If anything, most rigs would be too long for a "short" person, however you're 5'7" just under the average height in this sport, so the container shouldn't be a problem.

Call Sunrise Rigging.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Update your profile. It says you have 12 jumps.

What size are your canopies? I'm 6' and jump a 143 PDR, 150 Spectre combo. The EXT is wasted, pretty much, on my height with those canopies.

If, perchance, you now have your A license and are jumping sub 100 reserves and mains, a longer container might help you.

Your local gear dealer is usually a good place to start looking for answers, but if that is a problem call Ankie and Sunrise Rigging: 813-788-1910, or info@skydivewings.com

*Wings is a sponsor of mine.

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It would be good if you could contact me at Wings.
I will be back on Friday.

There is a couple of questions I would like to ask you.
I my self have a W1, the smallest and shortest container, and i', 5'8" and it doesn't sit high on my back.

But please contact me regarding this and I will help you out.

Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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