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Late at night the husband is browsing porn websites on his computer, thinking that his wife is sound asleep.

The wife wakes up to go to the bathroom, and then without saying a word (and without the husband noticing) stands behind his back observing.

All of a sudden, he hears her say: “Go back… another page. There! Those are the curtains I want for our bedroom.”

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A man’s walking home late on a dark night when he notices a woman in the shadows. “Twenty bucks for a quickie!” she says. He’s never been with a prostitute before, but he decides what the hell.

They are going at it for a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them—it’s a policeman.

“What’s going on here, people?” asks the officer.

“I’m making love to my wife,” the man answers indignantly.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” says the cop, “I didn’t know.”

“Well,” said the man, “to tell the truth neither did I until you flashed that light on her face.”

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An old man is lying in a hospital bed. Feeling that these may be the last moments of his life, he says to his wife: "We have 7 children. The older 6 are all good looking, athletic, smart, symmetrical, outgoing, and responsible, but our seventh child is just about the complete opposite in all those ways. Tell me the truth, does he have a different father?"

Wife: "Yes..."

Husband: "Who's the father?"

Wife: "You are."

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A wealthy art dealer is having a drink by his pool when his lawyer calls him...

Lawyer: "I've got some bad news for you. Your wife has spent ten thousand dollars to purchase two pictures. She thinks she can get anywhere from ten to twenty million for the pair", says the lawyer.

"That's not bad news! That's wonderful! That kind of profit margin is unheard of!", exclaims the dealer. "How is that possibly bad news?"

The lawyer takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. "Well, they are pictures of you with your mistress."

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A man walks into his bedroom and sees his wife packing a suitcase.

He asks, "What are you doing?"

She replies, "I'm off to New York. I read that prostitutes there get paid $400 for doing what I do for you for free."

Later, on her way out, the wife walks into the bedroom and sees her husband packing his suitcase.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"I'm coming with you. I want to see how you live on $800 a year."

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An art dealer phones a painter and says: "I have good news and bad news."

Painter: "Okay, what's the good news?"

Art Dealer: "The good news is, a person came to the gallery today and asked about the value of your art. I showed him the current price on all your paintings. And when I mentioned that it would increase in value after your death, he immediately bought ALL of them!"

Painter: "Wow! That is GREAT news! So what's the bad news?"

Art Dealer: "He was your doctor."

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Three dogs are in the waiting room at the vet's, talking about why they are there.

The first one, a chihuahua, says "I'm the world's greatest barker. I bark at everything. Non stop. You name it, I bark at it. My owner thinks if vet cuts my balls off I'll stop barking, so here I am."

The second one, a labrador, says "I'm the world's greatest digger. I can dig holes in anything. My backyard looks like the surface of the moon. But I went too far and dug a hole in the floor. My owner thinks if the vet cuts my balls off, I'll stop digging. So here I am."

The third one, a great dane, says "I'm the world's greatest humper. I hump everything. The couch. The chairs. Lamp posts. But this morning my owner bent down to pick something up and I couldn't resist, I jumped on and started humping her."

"Oh," said the chihuahua. "So she wants to have your balls cut off too?"

"No, I'm getting my nails clipped."

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Cathy: "I've got a wicked sore throat."

Anna: "Whenever I have a sore throat, I give my husband a wonderful blow job and I'm cured straight away."

Cathy: "Really?"

Anna: "Try it and you'll see that I'm right." 

The next day they meet again. Anna: "So, did my advice work?"

Cathy: "It worked! And your husband couldn't believe it was your idea!"

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