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High> B-day bash on Saturday went really well

High #2> Birthday was on Sunday and got a good jump in.

High #3> Camping for the rest of the long weekend.

Low> None

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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High: I'm in Florida and looking forward to my tunnel training tomorrow night. Also meeting some cool dz.commers.

Low: I have a viscious sinus headache right now. Need a good night's sleep



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High: Getting my Birdman- Instructor rating from Jari and seeing the happy faces of the new birds after their first flight.

Low: The boogie ending and having to say goodbye to all the great people that were at the Raeford 4th of July boogie this weekend.

"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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High: Having a very good friend with serious experience give up his own time to coach me in the tunnel.

High: Meeting my objectives in the tunnel. (Of course, much practice is needed, but it's a start)

High: Meeting new skydivers at the tunnel and them treating you like a friend instantly.

High: After a long and tiring flight home. And a long trip back from the airport. Sitting in the back of the car jelling and you pick up your phone and Michele is on the other end talking about her itchy bumps. Then when I finally get to talk about the tunnel, the cell signal dies. But it's still a high cause I got to talk to Michele. And she's healthy.:)
Low: I have now used up all my vacation time and it will be a while before I acrue enough to take some more time off.

Low: My ears are STILL clogged.>:(



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High--I got an email this morning from someone that I never expected to hear from again.

Low--Pamela is dead:( Yep I just found my goldstriped maroon clownfish that I've had for over two years dead. I knew it when she didn't show up for the food. She is always first to the food because she it the ruler of the tank. It's a sad sad night here:(

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High: new mini risers for my rig

Low: I hooked em up with a full twist on one side.

that's how I got my 1st cut-away(stepthru and packed:$)
Hi: I may get off of work for WFFC
Low: "off work" due to strike= no$$$
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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High: I'll be at the WFFC for sure!

Low: Very limited jumping while I'm there. ($$$)

SNOWWHITE REACHES IN BACK POCKET AND FINDS 3 JUMP TICKETS, "Hey look Rev. Jim, I forgot I had these jump tickets I was holding for ya!!!"

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High: I'll be at the WFFC for sure!

Low: Very limited jumping while I'm there. ($$$)

SNOWWHITE REACHES IN BACK POCKET AND FINDS 3 JUMP TICKETS, "Hey look Rev. Jim, I forgot I had these jump tickets I was holding for ya!!!"

Waaa Hoo! Thanks Beth! I totally forgot about those credits I left with ya from last year! ;)

Now, about that Fast Eddie Tandem you're gonna do this year....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Now, about that Fast Eddie Tandem you're gonna do this year...

Damn...that sounds dangerous......:D

Highs: Beautiful day Saturday. Made 3 jumps then was forced to drink beer with friends. My partner called in sick so I'm on "Standby" today.

Lows: Had to shitcan the girlfriend yesterday. Almost got broke during a 270 hook due to some FUNKY winds coming off the trees. It's nice out and I can't go jump because the DZ is too far away for my recall time. [:/]

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High: got the fliers for the SSP printed.

Low: music industry is fuked up. never try to deal with a bands management.... who's going to cater the event? (you've got to be fuking kidding right?) "Do you only want blue and red M&M's in your parisian 14th centuary glass dish?" "o.k. sure...." (rigggghhht)

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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high - being stuck in brazil

low - being stuck in brazil

ironical isn´t

I can relate to ya there!;)

High: Running 7 miles this morning BEFORE the treadmill turned off at 60 minutes (59:45):)
Low: Only getting 4 hours of sleep today due to all the loud rude-a$$ people in our building!>:(

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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