
unnecessary roughness by JM

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How about you just answer the goddamn question then,

Were you told at anytime to make those movements in the plane on jump run by the controlling instructor, yes or no?

Well I just thank God you are not an instructor. ***

Thank god your not my student! :D:P (here is the directions to the dz down the road)

Tandem -I
Static line-I
Sr. Rigger

such harsh words, you're stressing her out and she might not perform well, you mean man
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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My only advice would be to not air your grievances on dz.com. You will find that the skydive community is much smaller than you think and a lot of people read these posts.

Like any other personal conflict deal with it in an adult manner and keep it descrete. Live and learn. Congrats on working to obtain your license. Keep it safe and have fun.

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You know what you are the victim! Don't listen to the amateurs at your drop zone or the idiots here. [:/]

On a lighter note... just say it happened at a skyride DZ and all will be forgiven here.

This is a small community.

Team Dirty Sanchez #455,
Muff Brother #4197,
SCR #14847, DPH -8,
Dude #5150

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My only advice would be to not air your grievances on dz.com. You will find that the skydive community is much smaller than you think and a lot of people read these posts.

With some of the egos on this thread, I don't see how I could offend anyone on here or even in real life if they think they know me. I still didn't let anyone on here intimidate me in case you are wondering. I did what I felt was right and I will continue to do so. Even the guy on here that said "answer the god damn question!" I answered it a ways back and he didn't read it. So no.. none of you have scared me either..

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How about you just answer the goddamn question then,

Were you told at anytime to make those movements in the plane on jump run by the controlling instructor, yes or no?

Well I just thank God you are not an instructor. ***

Thank god your not my student! :D:P (here is the directions to the dz down the road)

Tandem -I
Static line-I
Sr. Rigger

such harsh words, you're stressing her out and she might not perform well, you mean man

The dude has 1 jump he doesn't know anything about instructing.

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Hahaha.. you don't know me either.. another personal attack funny :) cute.


If that's your perception of "personal attack" I'm going to approach your perception of "push and shove" with a great deal of skepticism.

Well it's a forum term... and no I never made the implication that the JM was attacking me personally. I'm still not gonna give in to anyone who wants me to think I am over reacting to this.. but good luck.

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And I wasn't talking to you... I was talking to some dude who had 1 jump and I quoted him in the post and also I did answer your goddamn question a while back.


I've found the silver lining in being stuck at work overnight because of an ice storm.

ETA: It's always a bonus to post a quote before it's deleted.
Owned by Remi #?

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in reply to "JM#2 started pushing and shoving me back to the first bench.. he didn't just motion or move me (or tell me).. he shoved and pushed me over and over even though I got the message already he was still pushing my legs as if idk what his trip was.. "

JM#2 sounds like a real amateur.
Some people get pushy when they get too excited . As he didn't recognise your reactions at the time it also seems likely he was suffering from sensory overload as well as being unprofessional. Unfortunately the sport seems to attract plenty of people that can't really be cool in exciting situations.

You did the right thing going to management. They may have had other problems with this guy .
As a paying customer you have every right to be treated with dignity and respect.


Until we get the whole story, its absolutely pointless to assume anything.

If somebody came up and shoved you, would you ask why they did that? This thread is a joke and I think the OP might be a troll, I mean seriously some AFFI is shoving somebody around near the door, and teasing a student? I don't buy it.
Moriuntur omnes, sed non omnes vixerunt.

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I'm still not gonna give in to anyone who wants me to think I am over reacting to this.. but good luck.

So, it's true after all; you're looking for confirmation and nothing else will do.

OK..I confirm...but believe me, it's not confirming what you're looking for.
*shaking head*
*rolling eyes*

Most everything you've posted here screams "problem child". Not a good way to make friends and influence people.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I'm not going to take either side on this one....but....
To al the "mean, nasty, skydivers;
This is the new world and this is the new student. I remember when I started, skydiving was like joining the world's toughest fraternity. Incredible hazing. I still remember, somewhere around jump #5 (S/L progression), telling one of the regulars that "I was like stepping in dog-shit", This guy was NEVER going to skrape me off his shoe. After that things got a little easier.
That was then, this is now. A lot of new skydivers don't want/won't put up with that crap. We as Instructors can't do business that way.
Also, I haven't seen anyone explain that a student, seated on the right side of the plane, is in the proper orientation for exit, inside I on her left (assuming the I is forward in the plane from the student), so that at exit the outside I can check the spot, get out, and the Inside I has grip, student just moves sideways across the plane into the door. If the student is sitting on the left side, the student has to turn 270 to get into position for the inside I to take grips or turn 90 and then back up to get to the door.
So, yes, I would want you on the bench away from the door, because that makes everything work better for the set-up for exit.
If the "nasty" I indicated that he wanted you back on the other bench and you didn't move, then he WILL move you.
You should have gotten an explaination at the post-dive eval.
If you were just grabbed, I won't try to defend it, but not having been there to see both sides I also won't condemn it.
This is the paradox of skydiving. We do something very dangerous, expose ourselves to a totally unnecesary risk, and then spend our time trying to make it safer.

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I'm still not gonna give in to anyone who wants me to think I am over reacting to this.. but good luck.

So, it's true after all; you're looking for confirmation and nothing else will do.

OK..I confirm...but believe me, it's not confirming what you're looking for.
*shaking head*
*rolling eyes*

Most everything you've posted here screams "problem child". Not a good way to make friends and influence people.
I got a lot of good feedback yes and some harsh but true and I did take it to heart so it was good for me but who wants to be friends with people that are saying things like some of you are? Like "get the fuck over yourself" etc. and problem child, hit the road.. and the list goes on. LOL

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This thread is becoming ridiculous ...

You sure have that right ! I have read the last few pages thinking, "Geez, those instructors sure have to put up with a lot. Not only do they have to care for and be responsible for their students, they have to put up with the whiney, bitchey ones like this, who think their ass should float to the plane on a silk pillow with the AFF-Is blowing them kisses all the way.

Get the fuck over yourself and realize what activity you're doing. Maybe you should take up bowling with a team of soft, happy bunnies.

Kevin Keenan

Where is the "like button"?:D
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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This thread is becoming ridiculous ...

You sure have that right ! I have read the last few pages thinking, "Geez, those instructors sure have to put up with a lot. Not only do they have to care for and be responsible for their students, they have to put up with the whiney, bitchey ones like this, who think their ass should float to the plane on a silk pillow with the AFF-Is blowing them kisses all the way.

Get the fuck over yourself and realize what activity you're doing. Maybe you should take up bowling with a team of soft, happy bunnies.

Kevin Keenan

Where is the "like button"?:D

Wow you're quick aren't you? And great sense of humor :) If I took his advice... I would quit the sport. Not gonna happen.

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The reason everyone is ganging up on you is because you are acting like an entitled child. Surely continuing to respond to every post with a clever comeback will help this image.

plus, lavender is kind of an obnoxious color to love, but that's really just a technicality

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