
Reserve loadings

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what reserve do you have

Raven Dash-M 150

what container


what loading on the reserve


how did it fly


what was the mal

Line twists - both of them.
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what reserve do you have

Rig1: FireLite 170
Rig2: PDR 160


what container

Rig1: Javelin J3
Rig2: Mirage G4.1


what loading on the reserve

Rig1: 1.09
Rig2: 1.16


how did it fly

Rig1: Great!
-One belly sliding downwind landing
-One nice tiptoe landing
Rig2: Haven't cut away yet


what was the mal

Rig1: Not really sure, was a newby, and I didn't look. But it sure wasn't opening. Second was a Pilot in tow caused by a rig mod. Ended up with 2 out-cut away main.

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reserve:Raven DashM 218
loaded 1.18
flew great, on heading openings both times. flew straight, sunk compared to my stilleto(7cells:|)even landed real nice with stand up landings both times out and on a field one time with high beans.

toggle stuck and high G spinning line twists with RSL deployment.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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what reserve do you have

Two MicroRaven-MZ's


what container



what loading on the reserve

1.8-1.9 ish


how did it fly



what was the mal

Line over

Just compiling some info for personal interest?
Hope this helps...

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what reserve do you have?
24 flat
26' Defender
German copy of Pioneer K26?
Strong 425R
Amigo 172

what container?
military surplus(4-pin main, chest reserve)
German copy of Vector
Dual Hawk Tandem
Talon 2

what loading on the reserve?
? on rounds
0.8 to 1.2 on tandems
1.2 on Amigo

how did it fly?
24 flat landed me safe. period!
26 footers landed better
425s landed better than similar-sized mains
Amigo flew like a Sabre except that I had to do FULL FLARE

what was the mal?
knotted stabilizers
horseshoe followed by bag lock
knotted stabilizers
holes, broken lines, tension knots, streamers, hard pull, etc.
violently spinning Diablo

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PD-160 1.5:1
flew as would be expected, didnt have much glide, easy to sink, very predictable, didnt drop me on my ass.

two break fires, one resulting in a locked toggle and another in spinning linetwists.
(also have another ride on a pd-176 on rental gear, flew about the same.)

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what reserve do you have

PD 160R

what container
Talon T5

what loading on the reserve

how did it fly
perfect, just like expected

what was the mal
line over

(nothing is difficult for those who really want it)

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what reserve do you have

what container
Javeline RS

what loading on the reserve
roughly 1.68:1

how did it fly
very nicely

what was the mal
brake relesed on opening throwing into violent spinning line twists.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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what reserve do you have

Have had Raven 150-M's Currently have PD126R's


what container

I've had rides on a Reflex, and Mirage


what loading on the reserve

150's about 1.3 126 about 1.6


how did it fly

Tiptoe landings on all three.


what was the mal

1 and 3 spining diving linetwists. 2 a lost deplyment handle, resulting in a total.

Done a handful of jumps on the SMART, as well and demo jumps on other sized PD, and PA reserves. Secret to good landings is figuring out how they fly before you reach the ground. It's usually nothing like your main.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Raven II reserve

Zerox container

0.94 lbs/sq.foot

Never jumped it, but I expect it to be quite like a Fury, which I've jumped plenty, i.e. may have to hang off rear risers if you get a long spot, but easy to tell where you will be able to land.

"I've pierced my foot on a spike!!!"

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PDR 143.
Javelin OJ
Loaded at 1.7

It flew fine, flared nicely, and set me down great.

No mal, I was flying a demo before I bought.

That wingloading is not recomended for anyone unless their balls are of unusually large size, and their skill is of equal proportion.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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what reserve do you have
Tempo 170

what container
Infinity I-2.5

what loading on the reserve

how did it fly
docile, plenty of flare

what was the mal
no malfunctions, all 9 were after CRW wraps & entanglements


You CRW dogs can sure wear out a reserve!:P
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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