
What is the weirdest cult movie you have ever seen?

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At one time, I thought it was Donny Darko (which I enjoyed, strangely enough) , but just suffered through Cool World.

This takes the cake. How about you?

Never heard of "Cool World", but it has some big names in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q32xMkroUwE
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The Passion of the Christ

never seen that one. But I could never understand the " a clockwork Orange" hype. It was just stupid too me:S
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Oh hell no. Not my thing. I saw the orig jason movie. As a young lad. Broke me from scary movies.[:/] I'm out . But if you want turn points till 3500.:D Im your guy

i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Easily the Rocky Horror Picture Show, which I've seen probably over 100 times. Fun people hang out at those. I did it all through college.

I didn't think Cool World had cult status. It was really just trying too hard to make something happen, but nothing ever did.

Pink Floyd the Wall, now there was a cult movie. Couldn't sit through it last time I tried to watch it. Too teenage-angsty.

I've seen Heavy Metal and Wizards, too. Heavy Metal isn't amazingly awesome, but it reminds me a lot of the magazine, which I remember fondly. Wizards is way too 70's. You can hear the pot in the main voice actor's voice. They also kind of bludgeon you with awkward symbolism and pointless psychedelic imagery. But at least I can still sit through that one.

I also liked Donnie Darko. I've been told I should check out Eraserhead, but so far haven't. Pretty much anything by David Lynch is going to be pretty odd. I still think his version of Dune is the best.
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I also liked Donnie Darko. I've been told I should check out Eraserhead, but so far haven't. Pretty much anything by David Lynch is going to be pretty odd. I still think his version of Dune is the best.

David lynch is awesome:)

Weirdest Ive seen was a John candy flick I cant recall the name of. And a mocve called "Blood Sucking Freaks:". that was odd.

OO Also any Cronenberg flick :ph34r::ph34r:

It would seem ive seen a lot of weird flicks :D:D:D

I like weird B|
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I can think of 2 flicks that may have reached "cult" status and were "must see" films when I was in college around 1970.

"Reefer Madness"
"Three in the Attic" (this one could qualify as "weird")

Also, for weird: "Mars Attacks", "Barbarella".

...and, a movie about a young, pretty Hispanic housekeeper who became an unlikely serial killer. Very funny dark humor. Can't remember the name or enough about it or the actress to look it up.

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not sure if this counts as cult, J'Lo's butt sure is, and the movie is called "The Cell", pretty fucking weird.

If you like japanese splatter-movie-cult-weirdness, "Audition" from Miike Takashi, i can not highly speak enough of this movie, try avoiding dinner, lunch, breakfast, dont watch your pets eat, best thing is you dont eat for a week before watching. it's AWESOME!!!

classic cult movies, i like sci-fi, "2001 - a space odyssey" and "2010 - the year we make contact", semi-weird.

and i love watching "Alien" over and over again. Everything by Ridley Scott is cult. not really weird, although the more movies to the franchise, the weirder but less cult they become.
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What some people here consider "cult" is pretty main stream.

Try some stuff by John Waters. In particular, "Female Trouble" and "Pink Flamingos."

Anything by Ed Wood is pretty cult as well. Try, "Glen or Glenda" and of course, "Plan 9 from Outer Space."

As for weirdEST . . . that's a toughie. The problem is when you get into the really obscure stuff the question becomes is it "weird" because the director had an interesting vision of film (John Waters) or was the director a nutcase but highly passionate about making film but just didn't have a freaking clue (Ed Wood)?

A more modern example of the latter type might be "Birdemic" made by James Nguyen who wanted to be a director in the worst way and succeeded. Absolutely no clue how to make a movie, but pressed on regardless.
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Kinda depends on how "cult" is defined.

Sam Raimi (Evil Dead movies) makes some pretty odd stuff. He also made the Sharon Stone/Gene Hackman gunfight movie, "The Quick and the Dead" which was hackneyed, cliched, and yet not all that bad. Lots of other "names" in it.

Paul Bartel & Mary Woronov made some pretty odd stuff too. Eating Raoul was one of the biggest, but they also made Death Race 2000, a really cheesy Cannonball Run ripoff (with David Carradine) and a few others.

The Wall & Heavy Metal were both favorites of mine.

I also really liked "Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension." Conventional in many respects, it was still a very, very odd story. And full of lots and lots of little jokes that you have to watch the movie a few times to catch.
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I also liked Donnie Darko. I've been told I should check out Eraserhead, but so far haven't. Pretty much anything by David Lynch is going to be pretty odd. I still think his version of Dune is the best.

I think Lynch's masterpiece is "Mulholland Drive"(2001).
I watched it 3 times in a week, and still not satisfied that I understood it, went searching and found an essay by a grad student, that put the pieces together. For those who have yet to watch it, a clue: There is a sharp transition point in the film. Everything before that is different from everything after.

"Lost Highway"(1997).
This Lynch film almost looks like a warmup for "Mulholland Drive". It is Robert Blake's last film, and his role is *really* creepy!

Two other films that make your head hurt to figure out:

Remarkably complex plot in a film with a shoestring budget. Two engineers develop a method of time travel.

A guy with anterograde amnesia (he cannot form new permanent memories) is trying to solve a mystery. The film rapidly jumps back and forth between two time lines, one moving forward, and the other moving backward.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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