
Where to get gear. Remote-ish location

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I'm not sure what you mean by "Need some means of secure return after paying as I am probably not going to be able to jump before I pay considering my location. "

However, does UPS deliever to you or to a place near you? How about FedEx.

If atleast one of them does, then you can order from basically any gear dealer you choose. There are quite a few large dealers that deal with international orders all the time, you might want to check with them.

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--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm not sure what you mean by "Need some means of secure return after paying as I am probably not going to be able to jump before I pay considering my location. "

Thanks for those. Sure I expect to pay first but it would be very desirable to be able to return the rig with refund if it was unsuitable, e.g. not in as good condition as reported, slam opening, wrong size etc. Maybe I am expecting too much and will have to take my chances. Any more sites? Not many 190s around at the moment.

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Ahhhh, ok, you're buying used gear.

Well, the classifieds on DZ.com is a good place to start. As for not paying until you see the gear, a lot of folks will ship it to a rigger as a 3rd party to inspect the gear before finalising the deal.

As for fit and not slamming, fit will be hard to do, but you can have a harness resized if its way off. A slamming canopy? Don't buy a model notorious for slamming openings, that's about the best you can do. If you have something like a Spectre giving you hard openings, then the line trim is probably off, but that's something a rigger can check for you.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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We do a good deal of business to Europe. Both new and used. Best bet is to check locally. If you cannot find anything reasonable, then PM me. I have a good crop of Swedes that bought all new gear and will most likely have some used stuff to sell. Free trade in the Euro Community, right?

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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buying a rig piece by piece is an alternative.

Consider buying the container as the only new piece, keep the cost down by not buying hip rings or stainless (or the most expensive brand), and you'll be at about the same price as an all used rig.

If the market demand is so great for such used rigs, then you will have no trouble selling it later without the frilly stuff anyway.
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