promise5 17 #51 June 3, 2014 Hang nail ? That's all I'm giving up.No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible. Believe me I tried. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
promise5 17 #52 June 3, 2014 turtlespeed***Keep my toes out of this !!! I was going to . . . but - Soooo Has anyone found the warrant yet? Warrant for what?? You lost me ?No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible. Believe me I tried. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #53 June 3, 2014 promise5 ******Keep my toes out of this !!! I was going to . . . but - Soooo Has anyone found the warrant yet? Warrant for what?? You lost me ? The subject of this threadYour beautiful feet and toes hijacked the thread. Men are so easily distractedOne Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #54 June 3, 2014 Working on it. Just actually got off the phone with the records division of the Bozeman city attorney's office. It's kind of a pain in the butt process… The detective's office has to sign off on the last 2 levels of approval for the reports etc… to be public information and available to me. Then they have to process my formal request… But shouldn't take that long. In the meantime…. Here's a a little reading. It's the emails between Robert and I in regard to the sale of the canopy he either never even had or just never sent. If you want to read, sorry for the formatting, that's the way it was in my email history, don't know how to correct that without doing it manually. This top one was the last I ever heard from him until he just popped up on now: Yeah. i have been once or twice. Should have package Saturday. Monday at the latest. --- On Thu, 3/1/12, Chris Burket wrote: > From: Chris Burket > Subject: Re: Classifieds - Response to your Ad > To: "rob traynham" > Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012, 4:09 PM > Perfect, guessing you have skydive > arizona's address? > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Mar 1, 2012, at 1:36 PM, "rob traynham" > wrote: > > > Money received. Heading to Fed Ex now. > > > > --- On Thu, 3/1/12, Chris Burket > wrote: > > > >> From: Chris Burket > >> Subject: Re: Classifieds - Response to > your Ad > >> To: "rob traynham" > >> Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012, 1:01 PM > >> I sent the wire just a moment ago for > >> 750 to include the shipping/ins. > >> Let me know when it comes through. > >> > >> Chris > >> > >> On 3/1/12 4:57 AM, "rob traynham" > >> wrote: > >> > >>> Full name on the account is Robert Traynham. > Local > >> branch Telephone is > >>> 406-586-3381. > >>> > >>> --- On Thu, 3/1/12, Chris Burket > >> wrote: > >>> > >>>> From: Chris Burket > >>>> Subject: Re: Classifieds - > Response to > >> your Ad > >>>> To: "rob traynham" > >>>> Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012, 6:27 AM > >>>> I will also need the branch address > >>>> and phone number. Is the name on the > account > >> "Rob > >>>> Traynham"? > >>>> > >>>> Sent from my iPhone > >>>> > >>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 11:20 PM, "rob > traynham" > >>>> wrote: > >>>> > >>>>> Chris, > >>>>> Wells Fargo account# > 1738342086 > >> routing# > >>>> 053000219. > >>>>> > >>>>> --- On Thu, 3/1/12, Chris Burket > >>>> wrote: > >>>>> > >>>>>> From: Chris Burket > >>>>>> Subject: Re: > Classifieds - > >> Response to > >>>> your Ad > >>>>>> To: "rob traynham" > >>>>>> Date: Thursday, March 1, 2012, > 12:32 AM > >>>>>> I can do a wire. Send me the > >>>>>> account info for the wire and Ill > send it > >> off. > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Chris > >>>>>> > >>>>>> Sent from my iPhone > >>>>>> > >>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 10:25 PM, "rob > >> traynham" > >>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>> > >>>>>>> Chris, > >>>>>>> I don't have a > PayPal > >> account. > >>>> I would prefer > >>>>>> certified check or money wire. > Looks like > >> Fed Ex 2 > >>>> day to > >>>>>> Eloy is 48.58 insured for $2000. > Fed Ex # > >> is fine. > >>>> > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>> --- On Wed, 2/29/12, Chris > Burket > >> > >>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> From: Chris Burket > >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: > >> Classifieds - > >>>> Response to > >>>>>> your Ad > >>>>>>>> To: "rob traynham" > >>>>>>>> Date: Wednesday, February > 29, > >> 2012, 10:37 > >>>> PM > >>>>>>>> Im not in a huge hurry, but > Im in > >>>>>>>> Eloy until the 6th. > Shipping > >> it out > >>>> here > >>>>>> would be > >>>>>>>> great. I can pay for > >> shipping or give > >>>> you a > >>>>>> fedex > >>>>>>>> number. As far as > payment, > >> the > >>>> quickest thing > >>>>>> would be > >>>>>>>> > paypal. Would > >> that be ok? > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Chris > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 6:24 > PM, "rob > >> traynham" > >>>> > >>>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> How soon do you want > it? I can > >> have it > >>>> in > >>>>>> Elsinore by > >>>>>>>> Saturday morning if we can > get > >> this figured > >>>> out > >>>>>> before noon > >>>>>>>> tomorrow. I am in Bozeman > MT. You > >> missed a > >>>> hell of > >>>>>> a time in > >>>>>>>> Cal City. > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>> --- On Wed, 2/29/12, > Chris > >> Burket > >>>> > >>>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> From: Chris Burket > > >>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: > > >>>> Classifieds - > >>>>>> Response to > >>>>>>>> your Ad > >>>>>>>>>> To: "rob traynham" > > >>>>>>>>>> Date: Wednesday, > February > >> 29, 2012, > >>>> 5:58 > >>>>>> PM > >>>>>>>>>> Hey Rob, > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> If you'll sell the > canopy > >> for 1,400 > >>>> Ill > >>>>>> take > >>>>>>>> it. Just > >>>>>>>>>> let me know how and > where > >> to send > >>>> the first > >>>>>> 700. > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> I never did jump at > cal > >> city, I > >>>> mostly jump > >>>>>> at > >>>>>>>> Perris when > >>>>>>>>>> Im home or > sometimes > >>>> elsinore. Im out > >>>>>> in Eloy > >>>>>>>> right > >>>>>>>>>> now until next > week > >> working and > >>>>>> playing. > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Blue Skies, > >>>>>>>>>> Chris > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> Sent from my > iPhone > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at > 2:05 > >> PM, "rob > >>>> traynham" > >>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> I have been > toying > >> with the > >>>> idea of > >>>>>> letting > >>>>>>>> just the > >>>>>>>>>> main go and using > rig for > >> CRW. > >>>> Price for > >>>>>> main alone > >>>>>>>> is 1400. > >>>>>>>>>> HMA lines. Perfect > >> condition. Just > >>>> never > >>>>>> jump it > >>>>>>>> any more. I > >>>>>>>>>> only have good pics > of > >> container. > >>>> If you're > >>>>>> serious > >>>>>>>> I will > >>>>>>>>>> take canopy out > for > >> pictures. Terms > >>>> are 50% > >>>>>> of > >>>>>>>> purchase > >>>>>>>>>> price. Other 50% > due > >> within 10 days > >>>> of > >>>>>> receipt of > >>>>>>>> canopy. In > >>>>>>>>>> the interim have > it > >> inspected, test > >>>> jump > >>>>>> it, screw > >>>>>>>> a tranny > >>>>>>>>>> on it, etc. Blues. > >>>>>>>>>>> PS > >>>>>>>>>>> You ever jump > at Cal > >> City back > >>>> in the > >>>>>> day? > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>> --- On Wed, > 2/29/12, > >> > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> wrote: > >>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> From: > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: > >> > >>>> Classifieds > >>>>>> - > >>>>>>>> Response to > >>>>>>>>>> your Ad > >>>>>>>>>>>> To: > >>>>>>>>>>>> Date: > Wednesday, > >> February > >>>> 29, 2012, > >>>>>> 12:19 > >>>>>>>> PM > >>>>>>>>>>>> Hi > kidicarus, > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> On > 29-Feb-2012 > >> someone > >>>> submitted > >>>>>> their > >>>>>>>> contact > >>>>>>>>>> information > >>>>>>>>>>>> in response > to > >> your ad in > >>>> the > >>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > Classifieds. > >> Please > >>>> reply to > >>>>>> this > >>>>>>>> email to > >>>>>>>>>> contact the > >>>>>>>>>>>> person > directly. > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Username > => > >>>> JayhawkJumper > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> URL => > >>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Name => > Chris > >> Burket > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> FromEmail > => > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> City => > Los > >> Angeles > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Country > => Usa > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Comments > => Do > >> you have > >>>> any > >>>>>> photos of > >>>>>>>> the gear? > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Will you > only sell > >> the kit > >>>> or would > >>>>>> you > >>>>>>>> part out > >>>>>>>>>> the main? > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> > ----------------- > >>>>>>>>>>>> If you > suspect > >> this is a > >>>> scam: > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Visit > the > >> Security Forum > >>>> to see > >>>>>> if it > >>>>>>>> has > >>>>>>>>>> already been > >>>>>>>>>>>> reported: > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>> 2) If not, > forward > >> the > >>>> entire email > >>>>>> to > >>>>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>> > >>> > >> > >> > >> > Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #55 June 3, 2014 Oh… and Robert… if you didn't do anything wrong… you didn't have any problem sharing your name. Could you also share your current address and phone number?? Or even city is fine. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #56 June 3, 2014 You really should take the time and clean that up, so that it readable without any supposition. I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phillbo 11 #57 June 3, 2014 And posting his checking account number is probably bad juju. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #58 June 3, 2014 Phillbo And posting his checking account number is probably bad juju. Turtle what did you do Thats what you get for using big words.Can we get back to promise5 feet. One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyMarko 1 #59 June 4, 2014 PhillboAnd posting his checking account number is probably bad juju. Woohoo!!!! My bills are paid now!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phillbo 11 #60 June 4, 2014 So, now I'm curious if he will screw a tranny on it if he gets it :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rwieder 0 #61 June 4, 2014 Quote And posting his checking account number is probably bad juju Like this account is still active. C'mon man! The guy ain't stupid. Best- Richard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #62 June 4, 2014 Well it actually wasn't a pain at all to get the case report. I need to edit out some addresses and personal info that won't be valid anymore anyway… and I'll attach it. After talking to the city attorney's office, I don't know if they'll send me a hard copy of the warrant itself although it was issued in July 2012. In response to a few previous posts… In regard to "whining about having money stolen from"… Well ya… Should we simply allow criminals and con artists to steal from people at will? Just move on and forget about it and allow them to continue doing it while everyone else makes an honest living? Allow them to make classified's a place you can't trust. In regard to the post about "I'd go find him and beat him up." Uhhh… wow, couldn't think of a worse idea for about 1,000 reasons. The biggest being that you'd go form being the victim of theft to being the subject of an assault and battery investigation which would leave you in worse shape than the thief you were going after. Then maybe that person would sue you for damages, medical care etc… and take the rest of your money. In regard to another post. Yes, he took me for $750 total. No its not a huge sum. I've probably spent far more of my time than $750 is worth pursuing the issue. It was a huge pain to go through the process of investigation with the PD while I was working on a long term freelance gig and putting in 16 hours a day. I really considered just shrugging it off. However again, should we simply allow people like that to take from others and never have to pay the price. The point of making a post here about it was awareness of the guy. I got an email from a guy in NC who said Traynham pulled the same thing on him, except with the "sale" of a gps unit. Had I known that before… I would have avoided him. So maybe this will help others doing business with him or being around him think twice. Would you want the this guy near your gear bag, maybe you have an audible just sitting out, or some cash in your logbook pouch? Would you want to know that the guy next to you has a long history of theft and an outstanding warrant? I would... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #63 June 4, 2014 Here is warrant information on him. This is one of two. He has two warrants as it turn out. One for "obstructing a peace officer" and another for "deceptive practices" which is the legal term for stealing $750 apparently… This website is for the county which has a warrant on him. Don't have any info on the city warrant yet to link or attach. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rwieder 0 #64 June 5, 2014 Quote In response to a few previous posts… In regard to "whining about having money stolen from"… Well ya… Should we simply allow criminals and con artists to steal from people at will? Just move on and forget about it and allow them to continue doing it while everyone else makes an honest living? Allow them to make classified's a place you can't trust. When I made the remark originally, I was joking. Now I'm not. It's official, your whining, and your vindictive as well. I mean...REALLY? Here in a public forum. I can't think of anyone here that's going to help you run this guy down. I'm rather sure we all have waaayyy better things to do. Like jumping out of planes some where. Quote In regard to the post about "I'd go find him and beat him up." Uhhh… wow, couldn't think of a worse idea for about 1,000 reasons. The biggest being that you'd go form being the victim of theft to being the subject of an assault and battery investigation which would leave you in worse shape than the thief you were going after. Then maybe that person would sue you for damages, medical care etc… and take the rest of your money. This was said in jest as well. **yawn** Quote The point of making a post here about it was awareness of the guy. I got an email from a guy in NC who said Traynham pulled the same thing on him, except with the "sale" of a gps unit. Had I known that before… I would have avoided him. So maybe this will help others doing business with him or being around him think twice. Would you want the this guy near your gear bag, maybe you have an audible just sitting out, or some cash in your logbook pouch? Would you want to know that the guy next to you has a long history of theft and an outstanding warrant? I would... Lighten up Chief. I've owned my own business for over 30 years, $750 ain't nothing. $750,000.00 is. Pick the things you need to sweat and try not to be ridiculous in public forums. Oh, grow a thicker skin, that would help as well. May peace be with you. Best- Richard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyMarko 1 #65 June 5, 2014 rwieder Quote In response to a few previous posts… In regard to "whining about having money stolen from"… Well ya… Should we simply allow criminals and con artists to steal from people at will? Just move on and forget about it and allow them to continue doing it while everyone else makes an honest living? Allow them to make classified's a place you can't trust. When I made the remark originally, I was joking. Now I'm not. It's official, your whining, and your vindictive as well. I mean...REALLY? Here in a public forum. I can't think of anyone here that's going to help you run this guy down. I'm rather sure we all have waaayyy better things to do. Like jumping out of planes some where. ***In regard to the post about "I'd go find him and beat him up." Uhhh… wow, couldn't think of a worse idea for about 1,000 reasons. The biggest being that you'd go form being the victim of theft to being the subject of an assault and battery investigation which would leave you in worse shape than the thief you were going after. Then maybe that person would sue you for damages, medical care etc… and take the rest of your money. This was said in jest as well. **yawn** Quote The point of making a post here about it was awareness of the guy. I got an email from a guy in NC who said Traynham pulled the same thing on him, except with the "sale" of a gps unit. Had I known that before… I would have avoided him. So maybe this will help others doing business with him or being around him think twice. Would you want the this guy near your gear bag, maybe you have an audible just sitting out, or some cash in your logbook pouch? Would you want to know that the guy next to you has a long history of theft and an outstanding warrant? I would... Lighten up Chief. I've owned my own business for over 30 years, $750 ain't nothing. $750,000.00 is. Pick the things you need to sweat and try not to be ridiculous in public forums. Oh, grow a thicker skin, that would help as well. May peace be with you. Best- Richard $750 can be a lot of something to some people...I know I'd be pissing and moaning and doing everything possible to get my $750 back, maybe even go on a public forum to warn other people....JayhawkJumper has every right to do so Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rwieder 0 #66 June 5, 2014 Quote$750 can be a lot of something to some people...I know I'd be pissing and moaning and doing everything possible to get my $750 back, maybe even go on a public forum to warn other people....JayhawkJumper has every right to do so What ever. Personally I think this is out there, and needs no further embellishment. Nuff said? Best- Richard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
david3 0 #67 June 5, 2014 rwieder $750 ain't nothing. Best- Richard Nice of you to offer giving him the $750. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #68 June 5, 2014 True, $750 isn't a lot of money. Not really to me and not to you apparently, although an hour of tunnel would be pretty nice to buy with it… But for some $750 is a month of income… And for others its the tip they leave on a bill in Vegas. Why does it matter what the amount is? A related story… A friend of mine had someone walk into his bank with a fake ID and drain $6,000 out of it. He obviously panicked and went to the bank and they figured out what happened. Put the money back into his account right away at their loss… They said they had the guy on camera at the teller etc.. But weren't going to report it to police. To them $6,000 wasn't enough to bother. Surprised him and me when he told me about that. Criminals often know the thresholds for that sort of thing and don't cross it so they don't get pursued. That's sort of sad to me, like saying there are no consequences if you steal under a certain amount. Back to this… its not worth my time to actually track Robert down and try to have locals arrest him, nor would it be worth anyone else's. Not the point here. I do think its worthwhile to report him though, might save the next sucker $750 and they can fly that hour of tunnel... And congrats on owning a business! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rwieder 0 #69 June 5, 2014 Quote Back to this… its not worth my time to actually track Robert down and try to have locals arrest him, nor would it be worth anyone else's. Not the point here. I do think its worthwhile to report him though You just made my point for me. You've done what you set out to do. Why belabor the point? Just sayin' Best- Richard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #70 June 5, 2014 rwieder Quote Back to this… its not worth my time to actually track Robert down and try to have locals arrest him, nor would it be worth anyone else's. Not the point here. I do think its worthwhile to report him though You just made my point for me. You've done what you set out to do. Why belabor the point? Just sayin' Best- Richard If you'll notice, my only posts to this thread beyond the first one were only in response to questions or comments. (including this one). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #71 June 5, 2014 rwieder Quote In response to a few previous posts… In regard to "whining about having money stolen from"… Well ya… Should we simply allow criminals and con artists to steal from people at will? Just move on and forget about it and allow them to continue doing it while everyone else makes an honest living? Allow them to make classified's a place you can't trust. When I made the remark originally, I was joking. Now I'm not. It's official, your whining, and your vindictive as well. I mean...REALLY? Here in a public forum. I can't think of anyone here that's going to help you run this guy down. I'm rather sure we all have waaayyy better things to do. Like jumping out of planes some where. ***In regard to the post about "I'd go find him and beat him up." Uhhh… wow, couldn't think of a worse idea for about 1,000 reasons. The biggest being that you'd go form being the victim of theft to being the subject of an assault and battery investigation which would leave you in worse shape than the thief you were going after. Then maybe that person would sue you for damages, medical care etc… and take the rest of your money. This was said in jest as well. **yawn** Quote The point of making a post here about it was awareness of the guy. I got an email from a guy in NC who said Traynham pulled the same thing on him, except with the "sale" of a gps unit. Had I known that before… I would have avoided him. So maybe this will help others doing business with him or being around him think twice. Would you want the this guy near your gear bag, maybe you have an audible just sitting out, or some cash in your logbook pouch? Would you want to know that the guy next to you has a long history of theft and an outstanding warrant? I would... Lighten up Chief. I've owned my own business for over 30 years, $750 ain't nothing. $750,000.00 is. Pick the things you need to sweat and try not to be ridiculous in public forums. Oh, grow a thicker skin, that would help as well. May peace be with you. Best- Richard It's not your money . . . when it is . . . then have an opinion . . . otherwise - reimburse the OP - its the right thing to do. . . .I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rwieder 0 #72 June 5, 2014 Yeezus! They got to you too! OMG! Best- Richard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JayhawkJumper 0 #73 June 5, 2014 rwieder Quote Back to this… its not worth my time to actually track Robert down and try to have locals arrest him, nor would it be worth anyone else's. Not the point here. I do think its worthwhile to report him though You just made my point for me. You've done what you set out to do. Why belabor the point? Just sayin' Best- Richard Also as to why I might want to "belabor the point"… Having someone steal from you… fair enough… report it to police and notify community of said thief… One post… job done. Then having the guy who stole from you decide to call you a shithead and deny doing anything wrong… Well if that's not a reason to belabor the point… I don't know what is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phillbo 11 #74 June 5, 2014 I agree jayhawk is bringing the drama but richard is being a real dick .... I though the perp was a welcomed family member of Dizzy... I must have been wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #75 June 5, 2014 i know for sure if somebody took my money and bailed on his end of the deal, I would be outing the motherfucker so everyone would know who he is. Fuck him. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites