
....You can only blame yourself sometimes

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You ever do something and get pissed at someone else and then realize it was totally your fault?

Have today off, woke up in a good mood since I'm heading to Chicago to visit my boyfriend, payday, beautiful weather...

Then I heard that aweful noise of the street sweepers...damn they're loud...is it really the next month already?..where am I parked?....SHIT IM FUCKING PARKED IN THE FRIDAY ZONE

(runs outside in underwear to move car, too late)

Thanks for the fucking ticket Denver, you assholes! $50?! Screw you...

Damnit...should've just paid attention...way to go Johnny [:/]


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Yeah look at the bright side, you realized it was really your fault and you're not so grumpy anymore! It's hard to be grumpy with ourselves yet remarkably easy to do so with others.

I'd pay the $50 promptly. I'm afraid to park in Denver since I neglected to pay my $25 ticket a few months ago. I'm sure it's something astronomical now.[:/]

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I'm crazy about paying bills, so I already got online and took care of it...skip the coffee for a few days, 1 less case of beer, and I'm back to even :)
There's someone who used to live in my unit that gets a missed toll letter every month...I always return it to the post but I keep getting them...I'm always tempted to open it and see how much it's racked up

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Seriously, $50 for a parking ticket ain't bad at ALL. My last one (for parking in a yellow zone) was $65 or $75 I think.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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First World Problem. When you realize how lucky we are to own cars and have an easy $50 to pay some minor ticket, you realize how good your life is. :)
Expensive coffee? That's what the Mr. Coffee on the timer is for. I save mega $$$ each year by brewing my own and using a travel mug. Plus I can have it right in my kitchen instead of going somewhere for it. ;)

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***Sorry to hear about the ticket, but on the bright side, you must have made quite the picture running around in your undies! :ph34r:

It's chilly here this morning, too :$

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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First World Problem. When you realize how lucky we are to own cars and have an easy $50 to pay some minor ticket, you realize how good your life is. :)
Expensive coffee? That's what the Mr. Coffee on the timer is for. I save mega $$$ each year by brewing my own and using a travel mug. Plus I can have it right in my kitchen instead of going somewhere for it. ;)

But when you go to Starbuck's, (instead of your own kitchen), you might get to see a hot chick.:)Oh, wait, I forgot who I was responding to;:$
Never mind.:ph34r:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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***First World Problem. When you realize how lucky we are to own cars and have an easy $50 to pay some minor ticket, you realize how good your life is. :)
Expensive coffee? That's what the Mr. Coffee on the timer is for. I save mega $$$ each year by brewing my own and using a travel mug. Plus I can have it right in my kitchen instead of going somewhere for it. ;)

But when you go to Starbuck's, (instead of your own kitchen), you might get to see a hot chick.:)Oh, wait, I forgot who I was responding to;:$
Never mind.:ph34r:

ETA: Wooooooops

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If it makes you feel better you aren't alone.

Where I live they ban overnight street parking from Dec 1 through March 31. I always get a laugh out of my neighbors who park on the street on Nov 30. It becomes Dec 1 after midnight. :D:D

On the bright side, the cops often hang warning fliers (just sheets of printer paper with the rules and a warning) the first night.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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If it makes you feel better you aren't alone.

Where I live they ban overnight street parking from Dec 1 through March 31. I always get a laugh out of my neighbors who park on the street on Nov 30. It becomes Dec 1 after midnight. :D:D

On the bright side, the cops often hang warning fliers (just sheets of printer paper with the rules and a warning) the first night.

Why would they ban during just that period? For plowing snow?
Always be kinder than you feel.

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***If it makes you feel better you aren't alone.

Where I live they ban overnight street parking from Dec 1 through March 31. I always get a laugh out of my neighbors who park on the street on Nov 30. It becomes Dec 1 after midnight. :D:D

On the bright side, the cops often hang warning fliers (just sheets of printer paper with the rules and a warning) the first night.

Why would they ban during just that period? For plowing snow?

Yes. If there's cars parked, the plows have a hard time. They try to plow during the middle of the night/really early morning if possible. If it's not, then there's a big mess from the cars parked during the day. At least until the next night when they run the grader all over town. That scrapes down to the pavement pretty well.

It's common up here in Wisconsin to ban overnight street parking in winter. Some places ban it year round - you can do it for a night or two if you call the cops and let them know, but you can't do it on a regular basis.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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