
Whiny Bitching newbies

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Don't you just love a guy that comes to your DZ for the first time after making a whopping 50 jumps a half a dozen other DZ's only to open low (under 2000ft) and land off (N yeah I did pull him aside and gently slap his wrist) Then after waiting a whole hour ( oh my ) to make another jump on a subsequent day post a scathing review attacking me personally over a month later. I have NEVER posted to this forum before but I do call all of my experienced brethren to be on the lookout for "Duffimusprime" AKA Matt Vidurek ESPECIALLY those stafers at the Ranch to keep your eye out for this novice who thinks he knows everything about the sport after a whole year of skydiving this individual has taken it upon himself to make it personal so now its' my turn Mr V has the attitude and ego of the type many of us who have been around for a while have seen may times in the past One reserved for those typically carted away in an ambulance, helicopter or worse a body bag Yes I'm the "expert" at my DZ And when you come here prepare to check your ego at the door because I am EXTREMELY safety conscious. Hence the reason NONE of my students have EVER been injured and since my arrival at SSA that our fun jumper contingency remains loyal ( Screw you ex Mowhawk Valley jumpers) and the restaffing of the DZ we have reduced the overall number of injuries TO ZERO. SO 'Duffimusprime" the gauntlet has been laid Please take your attitude elsewhere People like you are not welcome at our DZ and I am sure that over time ( If you haven't already) you will find that your attitude is is unwelcome at any DZ our size. UNLESS you decide to head up to ADK which is now closed because their " expert" against the advice of many opened a DZ without any experience as an instructor and will now most likely lose his rating due to his total lack of competence You should fit in there just fine !! Next time you have a personal opinion about an individual perhaps you should approach them and deal with it face to face instead of being a whiny little baby and stomping your feet cause you didnt get your way NOOB you have been given my contact info and know my place of business Next time you attempt to slander be prepared for a rebuttal

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Don't you just love a guy that comes to your DZ for the first time after making a whopping 50 jumps a half a dozen other DZ's only to open low (under 2000ft) and land off (N yeah I did pull him aside and gently slap his wrist)

Then after waiting a whole hour ( oh my ) to make another jump on a subsequent day post a scathing review attacking me personally over a month later.

I have NEVER posted to this forum before but I do call all of my experienced brethren to be on the lookout for "Duffimusprime" AKA Matt Vidurek

ESPECIALLY those stafers at the Ranch to keep your eye out for this novice who thinks he knows everything about the sport after a whole year of skydiving this individual has taken it upon himself to make it personal so now its' my turn

Mr V has the attitude and ego of the type many of us who have been around for a while have seen may times in the past

One reserved for those typically carted away in an ambulance, helicopter or worse a body bag

Yes I'm the "expert" at my DZ

And when you come here prepare to check your ego at the door because I am EXTREMELY safety conscious.

Hence the reason NONE of my students have EVER been injured and since my arrival at SSA that our fun jumper contingency remains loyal ( Screw you ex Mowhawk Valley jumpers) and the restaffing of the DZ we have reduced the overall number of injuries TO ZERO.

SO 'Duffimusprime" the gauntlet has been laid Please take your attitude elsewhere

People like you are not welcome at our DZ and I am sure that over time ( If you haven't already) you will find that your attitude is is unwelcome at any DZ our size.

UNLESS you decide to head up to ADK which is now closed because their " expert" against the advice of many opened a DZ without any experience as an instructor and will now most likely lose his rating due to his total lack of competence

You should fit in there just fine !! Next time you have a personal opinion about an individual perhaps you should approach them and deal with it face to face instead of being a whiny little baby and stomping your feet cause you didnt get your way

NOOB you have been given my contact info and know my place of business

Next time you attempt to slander be prepared for a rebuttal

Don't sugar coat it...how do ya REALLY feel? :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Tip 5 - Never Go Into A Diatribe (This is Queens English for "Don't show your ass.")

Let's suppose the criticism you've received is misguided and wrong. The most common mistake is how people respond by: a). working themselves into a lather and taking a hard stance defending themselves and b). write a long-winded response that only fuels the comment thread (we see it on a daily basis within the forums of dropzone.com). When responding, keep calm and carry on (even if you want to rip someone's head off) and keep it relatively succinct. Rehashing each detail of the customer encounter WILL fuel more commentary from those watching the thread unfold. Keep in mind, you're not responding publicly to an audience of a few - it could be a few hundred. No matter how right you maybe, acting indignantly will only turn many people off.

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He's Just a little butt hurt because he was reprimanded for a dirty low pull his first time at the DZ then had to wait an hour to do a hop n pop. No reason to attack the business as a whole nor me as an individual. I've done nothing wrong to this person and he chooses this forum to air his laundry ? Why not approach the DZO or management ?

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I stopped reading after about the third or fourth sentence, partially because what you wrote seemed to be more of an emotional rant suited for the Speaker's Corner but mostly because I value good paragraph structure.

The vast majority of readers here can easily differentiate between someone ( be they a wet-behind-the-ears noob or a seasoned veteran) who is being a whiny little baby and someone with a legitimate issue.:S

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He's Just a little butt hurt because he was reprimanded for a dirty low pull his first time at the DZ then had to wait an hour to do a hop n pop. No reason to attack the business as a whole nor me as an individual. I've done nothing wrong to this person and he chooses this forum to air his laundry ? Why not approach the DZO or management ?

At the Ranch????

When did you guys become all corporate and easy to get butthurt? ;)

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It is what it is, your in a retail business and ymmv with all the customer's you try and service.

I see the grammer nazis bit you on the ankle its what they do.

AJ aka is our resident IT person, thats how she was able to find the whiners review of your dz so efficiently.

How dare you :D a packing area thats to small , and dirty[:/]:o

Pass the popcorn and use a spell checker, grammer checker or the ankle biter will get you again, and again again.

Dont worry be happy

One Jump Wonder

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Yeah if there's one thing the time I spent in customer service taught me, it's that the customer is always retarded.

Oh yeah, and also that it's usually not a great idea to talk about Fight Club in public.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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It is what it is, your in a retail business and ymmv with all the customer's you try and service.

I see the grammer nazis bit you on the ankle its what they do.

AJ aka is our resident IT person, thats how she was able to find the whiners review of your dz so efficiently.

How dare you :D a packing area thats to small , and dirty[:/]:o

Pass the popcorn and use a spell checker, grammer checker or the ankle biter will get you again, and again again.

Dont worry be happy




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He's Just a little butt hurt because he was reprimanded for a dirty low pull his first time at the DZ then had to wait an hour to do a hop n pop. No reason to attack the business as a whole nor me as an individual. I've done nothing wrong to this person and he chooses this forum to air his laundry ? Why not approach the DZO or management?

Whaaattttt?????????? Your stooping down to his level, WTH? Rise above brother.


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***Hi SCD

It is what it is, your in a retail business and ymmv with all the customer's you try and service.

I see the grammer nazis bit you on the ankle its what they do.

AJ aka is our resident IT person, thats how she was able to find the whiners review of your dz so efficiently.

How dare you :D a packing area thats to small , and dirty[:/]:o

Pass the popcorn and use a spell checker, grammer checker or the ankle biter will get you again, and again again.

Dont worry be happy




One Jump Wonder

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Don't you just love a guy that comes to your DZ for the first time after making a whopping 50 jumps a half a dozen other DZ's only to open low (under 2000ft) and land off (N yeah I did pull him aside and gently slap his wrist) Then after waiting a whole hour ( oh my ) to make another jump on a subsequent day post a scathing review attacking me personally over a month later. I have NEVER posted to this forum before but I do call all of my experienced brethren to be on the lookout for "Duffimusprime" AKA Matt Vidurek ESPECIALLY those stafers at the Ranch to keep your eye out for this novice who thinks he knows everything about the sport after a whole year of skydiving this individual has taken it upon himself to make it personal so now its' my turn Mr V has the attitude and ego of the type many of us who have been around for a while have seen may times in the past One reserved for those typically carted away in an ambulance, helicopter or worse a body bag Yes I'm the "expert" at my DZ And when you come here prepare to check your ego at the door because I am EXTREMELY safety conscious. Hence the reason NONE of my students have EVER been injured and since my arrival at SSA that our fun jumper contingency remains loyal ( Screw you ex Mowhawk Valley jumpers) and the restaffing of the DZ we have reduced the overall number of injuries TO ZERO. SO 'Duffimusprime" the gauntlet has been laid Please take your attitude elsewhere People like you are not welcome at our DZ and I am sure that over time ( If you haven't already) you will find that your attitude is is unwelcome at any DZ our size. UNLESS you decide to head up to ADK which is now closed because their " expert" against the advice of many opened a DZ without any experience as an instructor and will now most likely lose his rating due to his total lack of competence You should fit in there just fine !! Next time you have a personal opinion about an individual perhaps you should approach them and deal with it face to face instead of being a whiny little baby and stomping your feet cause you didnt get your way NOOB you have been given my contact info and know my place of business Next time you attempt to slander be prepared for a rebuttal

No paragraph experience, eh?[:/]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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