
My three hole punch rocks!!

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I have two "CANCEL" stamps right now. I found one errantly laying on a desk in an empty office. So yeah it's cool have two Cancel stamps.:P

I have two pretty nice staple removers right now. Both of them extract staples very cleanley with minimal damage to documents. It's cool ya know cause like I am not a really big fan of staples in the first place. I feel bad for the paper. So I feel like a liberator when extracting these painful staples from paper....

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i want stamps dammit>:(

maybe i'll make some...did anyone ever make potato stamps when they were little? i did that at a camp once...carved shapes out of potatoes and made stamps...must have been a weird camp i went to...

speaking of carving...it's almost halloween!!!!!!! we should get together and have a pumpkin carving party!!!

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I have canned air!! That provides good entertainment. Unfortunately it's non-flammable, but i still do other interesting experiments with it. Somtimes i even use it to clean my keyboard.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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two words electric stapler :o:o:o:o I'm the envy of the office, no more repetitive motion for me. Other people come over just to see it and once a day I provide a demonstration:)

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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two words electric stapler I'm the envy of the office, no more repetitive motion for me. Other people come over just to see it and once a day I provide a demonstration

We have one in the file room, but i don't have my own personal one.

BTW, i think our 2 siglines go good together.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I have a Sharpie 12-pack. A dozen glorious shades of Sharpie goodness. They are in their own Sharpie plastic case, and I don't have to share them with anyone else in the office. I am the only person here that has them. I feel special.

I also have a color laser printer in my office. I can download pictures from the Internet... (like this one of Sebazz) and use my Sharpie pens to spiff it up a touch. See, look at those cool rabbit ears on him. I can also scan it and make color copies of my masterpiece without even leaving my office. I am the shit.


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I can't believe that this many people respond to a posting about how much we all love our office supplies. When we aren't in the air we are either dangerous to ourselves and others or so bored that we are almost pathetic.

And I'm jealous beause all my office supplies are just functional - they aren't special at all.

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I really miss my Dell Soft Touch Keyboard![:/] Ever since I moved up to be the Chief Watch Officer I've been without it... I even tried to steal it back once but it's USB and my switch box is PS2.:(

Oh well, pretty soon I'll be home and be reunited with my Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard!:)

And I'm jealous beause all my office supplies are just functional - they aren't special at all.

You're right, Wendy, this can't be healthy!:D

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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i have a HUGE white board in my cube

I don't even have a cube.

Just a desk.

I was thinking about getting a roll of colored tape, and making some "walls" and a "door" for my "office".

You know, kinda "Les Nesman" from "WKRP"

I like these "quotation-mark" thingies.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I agree. This has to be one of the most incrediable wastes of time. Do any of your boss's know you spend this much time discussing the greatness of you pens and pencils?

Are you kidding me? Was "Moby Dick", "Atlas Shrugged", "Catcher in the Rye" or "To Kill a Mockingbird" wastes of time? This thread is a work of art! Seb is just a misunderstood artist, like so many before him.[:/]


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I have canned air!!

Canned air is nothing. Where I work, we have some shit thats like compressed arctic. Its meant for removing gum from walls and stuff, you just spray it on, and break it off. Its fun, you can freeze pens and drop them, and they shatter... you can freeze plastic bottles and drop then and they shatter... you can freeze the cat and drop it and it shatters... all kinds of fun stuff.

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I've got a TRUE stamp. He's called a file clerk. He's also my hole-puncher, stapler, staple remover and photocpy machine.

Sometimes, I'll have a female copy clerk. They photocopy my motions, photocopy and tab my exhibits, and file everything away so they can easily find it.

I've never had support staff before. They're great! I just sit behind the desk and think. Sometimes I have to sign things, though. The benefit is that the secretary takes it to me and has me sign it, then faxes and mails it away.

I think my whole punch, stapler, staple remover, copy machine, and mailing machines are better than yours! I'll defend them to the end!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yes well my office supplies and tools are all inanimate but I like them nonetheless...:|

There was a series of books by Piers Anthony called the Chronicles of Xanth I believe. And this one king in one of the books had the magical power to talk to inanimate objects.

I wish I could talk to my three hole punch. I bet it's happy to be with me and nobody else. I can live with the fact that maybe it has been in others possesion before me but for now it's just "us."

Now I'm off to pilfer some sign here tab dispensor thingy's. They are cool:P

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So yeah it's cool have two Cancel stamps.:P


Ok, now take some important piece of work. Stamp it cancel.

Now use the other stamp to stamp 'cancel' over the first stamp.

Send it out.

Tell us what happens.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I have canned air!!

Canned air is nothing. Where I work, we have some shit thats like compressed arctic. Its meant for removing gum from walls and stuff, you just spray it on, and break it off. Its fun, you can freeze pens and drop them, and they shatter... you can freeze plastic bottles and drop then and they shatter... you can freeze the cat and drop it and it shatters... all kinds of fun stuff.

I want some!

Benefitting from the 'free capture of verticality.'

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