
Your Favorite Skydiving Instructors/JM's You've worked or jumped with

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Bob Raeke. Taught me the FJC in Duanesburg NY a few times in '79 - '82 (kept getting weathered out.) JM'd my first jump, first freefall & several other student jumps & signed me off instruction. He had that perfect combination of "This is serious stuff" and "Jumping out of airplanes is fun." Never got to jump with him again after graduating. Damn shame.

Jon S.

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Bob Chaffin was the most influential instructor for me from FJC through advanced canopy control, accuracy, CRW and basic RW. That man left the ego at the airport entrance and had a simple, easy to grasp teaching method that other old bastards from the Dallas area can attest to.

Also, with a similar technique as above, Bill Morrissey's tadem certification instruction and encouragement back in the physically challenging, very painful, pre drouge :o days of early tandem are what kept me involved before the drogue came along. All tandem jumps after that development were cake.;)

The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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I have had lessons from quite a few people in my skydiving heyday, each of them great in their own way. I can still hear Woody in my head as he was guiding me in for my first landing..."Left, left, left...let it flyyyy." Cool dude and so much patience with me! :)
Chris Spence would probably be my favorite everything! He was my video guy/good luck charm, had the patience/bravery to jump with me after I got off of student status and was with me when I lost my helmet (Yes, I have pictures and video). And he is the one who hooked me up with my skydiving love, CRW.

Hands down, my "hero" would be Chris Warnock. He was the one that Spence told that I wanted to do CRW. When Chris told me that he would teach me CRW, I was on cloud 9. Not being a natural at anything skydiving related, I struggled with every little thing. But Chris made sure I was okay, fussed at me for what I did wrong and got me back up there to try it again. Never charged me a penny for all the time, trouble and jumps that he took with me! I lived for the times when he'd smile at me and tell me that I did something right! :$

The CRW community is a wonderful little family. They would practically give you the shirts off of their backs...or least loan you a rig, canopy or anything else you needed to get up there and Ken Oka says, "caress some nylon." Each crwdog that I have jumped with has taught me some valuable lesson of some sort. I appreciate each and every one of them and couldn't begin to name all the names. Just know that I love and appreciate all of you!

And bless Aggiedave's soul. He's tried to help me with my landings, telling me to say "finish" out loud as I'm landing, so I could stand a few of them up. I'm hopeless, though.....And he was the last one in to make my SCR happen on my birthday! :)


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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After refusing to do anything but CRW for nine months, Jim Rasmussen made a point of telling me that I needed to continue doing some freefall. "What if you need to cut away? You want to be able to get stable so you can pull your reserve."

Hating it, but knowing that he was right, I did a few solo freefalls here and there...just to make sure I still could! ;)


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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John Crowell. My instructor on my first tandem. Then, after I wussed out on AFF 2 and rode the plane back down, he was my instructor on my second tandem. And then, I went out to the DZ on a weekday, and was sitting on the benches at Perris just watching the canopies and wasn't intending to jump, just trying to calm my nerves a bit. John came over to chat and reminded me that skydiving is not a spectator sport. I passed level 2 that day.

The others that stand out in my mind from when I was a student are: Shelley Crowell, Raoul Gravell, and Ed Dickinson.

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From When I started in Sebastian way back:
Vladi - was my instructor through AFF, pulled for me on L3. Really positive instructor and great guy.
Chris Lynch - small amount of time with him but massive impact.

More recently:
Claire "Sparky" Scott - in tunnel and air, brilliant coaching skills and always with a smile.


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For Me..
Jim Wallace , (The instructor's skygod if there is one)
Nick DG (damn near busted a gut laughing every time I worked with him)
Ed White (he is a trip)
Rockey...(major respect for his cool headeness)
Steve Scott (II) Just Old school
Jamie (never knew his last name , but one of the best TI I ever flew with )
Vinnie...Mr. Business, but made sure the student had fun.
Jerry McCaully,(sp?) We had so much fun together, that can not be shared...lets just say, he was as much fun as he was dangerous..
There are more...but I have been up all night...maybe after a nap names will come back,..

Who stands out in your jumping history?...

Anyone know what ever happened to Rockey? Last I heard he was doing tandems in Oceanside, that was about Fifteen years ago.

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gotta say Mike and Wendy Hoogsteden and Paul Fairbanks made most of my AFF jumps with them. great instructors and good peeps.
Steve Hamilton when I did the Search at Skydive University in Sebastian really taught me how to fly
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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