
anyone been disapointed when received new gear?

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it s only a question...
i just wondered if that s something that happens sometimes. like the colours on the rig don t match exactly with what you ordered... or harness size problem despite giving your exact measurements ...or simply unexpected details.

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It SEEMS like I've heard of more problems than not. For instance, my last new rig was ordered a particular container size from the manuf. chart AND the canopies were specified. When it showed up the reserve container was so big I could pinch two inches of free bag fabric between my fingers. The safety stow had NO tension on it. New rig received 8 days later.

The only other custom rig I ordered 20+ years ago I wanted the cutaway and reserve reversed. This was before they were really standardized. They did this, but also put the legstrap throw out on the left - a completely left handed rig. I kept it and jumped it along with my other RIGHT hand rig. It got switched to standard before it was sold.

The two other new rigs I've had were off the shelf and didn't have any problem.;)
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Terry Urban

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I had a complete system show up mismatched color-wise one time around 1990. My colors have always been orange and blue over a black base color, but this one time I got both a main with a sort of magenta instead of orange and a jumpsuit with the same "watermelon" color. It pissed me off royally.

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A friend of mine ordered a fully equipped Mirage G3 with all the bells and whistles, including as much of the stainless steel hardware you could get on it, without realizing how much it was gonna weigh. He's an older gentleman in his late 50's and he told me how much the extra weight bothered him and that he was gonna order a new Racer container just like the old rig he used before with the only hardware being the 3 ring assembly, reserve handle and legstrap buckles. oh well...
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I wonder sometimes if, colors aren't 'eye-balled' at the manufacturer's? I ordered a harness-container for a young lady, who wanted black and neon-pink stripes on the mid-flap. Rather than neon-pink, she got magenta. Close... but... no cigar! With her approval, I sent it back for a 're-do'. The h-c, came back correct. In certain light, watermelon 'looks' orange but, it isn't orange. Sometimes, you pays your money and takes your chances.


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I've always been happy. Even though my container came w/o the cut in laterals I ordered - it was fixed within 7 days by the manufacturer.

For colors - it is a good idea to get swatches. I do now after my boyfriend's experience. His colors are navy blue, royal blue, and yellow. His newest BM suit was supposed to be mostly navy blue. Unfortunately, their idea of navy looks nothing like any of the navy blue stuff he has. It has more green in it and doesn't match at all. He's SOL. So - when it comes to colors - def get swatches. :)

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I was very happy when I got my container. Actually there was some extra piping that I hadn't ordered that made it even nicer. But I was VERY careful about the details. For example, I ordered one piece of trim tape a different color than the rest because it was going to stick out in a place I didn't want it to. If I had just looked at rigs at the DZ, I might not have even known that trim tape was there because it wasn't there on older rigs (by a few years) or even on the online coloring program. Any manufacturer can mess up of course, and mistakes are going to piss you off. But you're always best off getting those mistakes fixed ASAP. You're paying enough to get what you want (and ordered).


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I screwed up the order form and made something white instead of blue on my rig. :( Does that count?

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i've gotten a rig with the pin stripes messed up. not really a big deal, i didn't send it back. i called the manu. and let them know, but i didn't really want to send the rig back just for that.

i've had a canopy come with the wrong colors, :S. my first vx was ordered all yellow with 1 right blue endcell. it came gold with 2 blue end cells :D. it didn't really matter to me, colors aren't a big deal. and i ended up sending it back because it opened bad.


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Reminds me of when I worked at Rigging Innovations.
This dude returned his Flexon to get yellow stripes sewn on his mid-flap.
So I phoned him up to ask whether he wanted "gold" or "canary."
The dude was almost in tears over "canary!"

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i have but i only have good things to say.
I had a hard time making my mind up with colours. the colours i wanted did not go so well so they showed me the sample and i changed my colours. Then they did not all go well so the manufacturer did a slight change and this change wa for the best.
I also did not think the harness fitted right so they then said if it does not that they will change the harness for free. First though i had some leg straps(different size) sent out for free and i got these changed. Picked up my rig today and it is excellent.
What i have found with wings, is that they will go out of their way to make their customer happy.
In future if i will buy again from wings because i know that if it is not how it should be that they will fix it straight away and if you are nice they might even pick up the cost.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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