
Water training in Ohio

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Correct, SGC usually does it in the DZO's pool so you will need to wait for that to open and get warm enough. ;)

Start usually does it at the local YMCA when there is enough interest to warrant holding the course. There is usually a fee for this to cover the pool rental if I remember right.

Aerohio does water training during the summer also.

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Last year, Start did a pool session at the Middletown YMCA as part of Safety Day. Not sure when they are planning the 2011 Safety Day, but that would probably be the first opportunity for you to do it in Ohio.
For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.

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Anyone know which DZ's do water training. Looking to get my B license as soon as the season kicks off.

Im pretty sure I will be teaching a water training course safety day at StartSkydiving. Check the web site for the date of safet day. Im not sadistic so Im pretty sure we will be doing inside the YMCA this year.

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