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When ever i burp I say "Aids"


Most of the rest of us say Gesundheit! :P

I'm puzzled. I thought you use it the way we do it in German*: If someone sneezes we wish "Gesundheit". But if someone burps? Funniest remark is "Ein Schwein ist satt!" ("A swine if full/done eating") but the burper usually gets much less charming remarks... ;)

*Yepp, German, not Germany. 'coz folks in Austria, Switzerlands etc also use "Gesundheit!" this way B|

As for the random fun word: "Grundgütiger!" (God Gracious!) has become a stylish/hip/fancy fun word because Sheldon uses it (Big Bang is being aired dubbed here, you know.) It sounds much more funny in German as it's quaint and most folks here are not religious. No offence intended to anyone who is religious!
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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Discombobulated always makes me think of boobs. But then, many things do.

How about bugabear? Codswallop? Fiddlesticks.

Going back to the Muppets - Menumenum.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Not sure where it comes from, but 'boogedabah' comes to mind...

There's a city in Alabama named Opelika. That's kind of fun.

ETA: The O and the I are long vowells. That's what makes it fun to say.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Fornicate... you can conjugate it to use anywhere you'd say fuck

mother-fornicater! let's get the fornication out of here! I don't give a flying fornication! For fornication's sake!
In every man's life he will be allotted one good woman and one good dog. That's all you get, so appreciate them while the time you have with them lasts.

- RiggerLee

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