
Ferrari's New Thing And Awesome Commercial Idea

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Over on slashdot they were talking about Ferrari's New Thing and it got me thinking; a while back I jokingly told a fellow skydiver that I refused to fall slower than the top speed of my car. Since that Ferrari tops out at a hair over 200, that'd be kind of a bitch.

Then I thought, well, if they pushed it out the back of a plane, maybe I could fall faster than it! That race would make for a pretty funny Red Bull commercial, don't you think? Someone should swing 'round the local Ferrari dealership and ask them what the car's terminal velocity is!
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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I jokingly told a fellow skydiver that I refused to fall slower than the top speed of my car. Since that Ferrari tops out at a hair over 200, that'd be kind of a bitch.

Only if you're on your belly.
cavete terrae.

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I once thought of suggesting to Top Gear that I could out-speed most cars without any motor, but then I realized they'd already done something like that so they probably wouldn't be interested.

Heh heh, kind of like the Mythbusters episode about a toy car beating a Dodge Viper if you pushed them both down a hill (Presumably while making engine noises.) The Viper won, but only bit a hair! I'm guessing its driver was better at making engine noises.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Over on slashdot they were talking about Ferrari's New Thing and it got me thinking; a while back I jokingly told a fellow skydiver that I refused to fall slower than the top speed of my car. Since that Ferrari tops out at a hair over 200, that'd be kind of a bitch.

Then I thought, well, if they pushed it out the back of a plane, maybe I could fall faster than it! That race would make for a pretty funny Red Bull commercial, don't you think? Someone should swing 'round the local Ferrari dealership and ask them what the car's terminal velocity is!

First one to land wins.:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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