
Cheapasses: What food do you bring to the DZ?

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As per the topic: Those of you who hate wasting money on getting food at the DZ or god forbid going into town, what do you do for food?

What's cheap, nourishing, reasonable calories (don't wanna be a fatty again, losing this shit was a lot of work), and doesn't require refrigeration?

I've been toying with the idea of freezing PBJ sandwiches the night before, then leaving 'em in the trunk and maybe they're still cool even on a hot day. I don't know what that'd do to the bread, though… potential "ew".
cavete terrae.

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I once showed up to a small 2 day boogie event here in Dubai, and as I walked from the parking lot to the tent with a visiting friend, they commented on a goat that was tied on a short leash to a corner of a Bedouin tent. "What's the goat for? They must really love it to bring it to a boogie with them!"
I offhandedly replied "...Oh--we don't have a refrigerator."
...I didn't realize how random that sounded to my guest until a few seconds later when I saw the totally puzzled look on their face.
"That's our dinner tomorrow night." I said, connecting the dots for them.
I would like to take a moment to honor this little goat for the sacrifice she made to feed a hungry tent full of skydivers, as well as a bunch of people who showed up seemingly out of nowhere.

Sorry for the nostalgia. My only point is, the jam is the only thing that needs refrigeration. Get a cooler with a block of ice to keep your jam nice and cool. Make the sandwiches as you eat them. You could also exchange the jam altogether for my childhood fave: PB, banana & honey. :)
Compliment with fresh fruit and veggies. Depending on the quality of local produce, peppers/carrots/cucumbers and hummus is delicious as well...Just don't freeze a PB&J unless you happen to like to eat them frozen.
Good luck. I'm going to make lunch.

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I would like to take a moment to honor this little goat for the sacrifice she made to feed a hungry tent full of skydivers, as well as a bunch of people who showed up seemingly out of nowhere.

wonder how that would go over here in the states... I've got 16 outside right now and need to thin the herd... may have to show up at the hogflop boogie with one of 'em in a couple of months B|

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wonder how that would go over here in the states... I've got 16 outside right now and need to thin the herd... may have to show up at the hogflop boogie with one of 'em in a couple of months B|

Goat's tasty and delicious! I got some ribs from the guy at the farmer's market and made goad chili last week. It was really good! I need to see if I can get the goat equivalent of a chuck roast from him without having to buy a whole freaking leg, though. I don't have freezer space for random body parts.

I live about 10 minutes from my home DZ and can always go home over lunch. Or get a hot dog from the hot dog lady who shows up on the weekends. If there was someplace out of the way with a power outlet, I could make a batch of chili (red or green, not goat) in my crock pot, bring it to the DZ and leave it plugged in all day for everyone. I'm pretty sure it'd be gone by the end of the day! I took in some pork green chili in a container one time and a couple of the guys who tried it have been after me to bring some more in.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Why don't you just get a lunch box that will fit your food and some freezer packs, and then you don't have to worry about it. I pack food for Normiss when he goes off to do tandems for the day. This morning he got: hard boiled egg, greek yogurt and banana for breakfast and there's a G2, ham sandwich, fresh fruit and chips for lunch. Plus, I add peanut butter crackers or something like that for a snack. Oh, and there's always a Dove chocolate for a sweet treat and sometimes a love note. ;)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Typically I do some chicken+rise+vegetables combo, but this week I made lasagna which was great since normally the chicken thingy I do lasts only one day so I always have to make it the night before, however the lasagna I made lasted 4 days which made things easier since I didn't have to cook every day.
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Like Skymamma said, pack a lunch.
I make a couple of cold cut sandwiches, a piece of fruit or two (usually a banana or an orange), chips, nuts, a couple of sports drinks (Gatorade or PowerAde), maybe a tossed salad in a plastic container if I'm feeling motivated.
I've never had any problems stashing it in the beer fridge either. Every DZ I've been to has someplace I can put it to keep it cold.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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As per the topic: Those of you who hate wasting money on getting food at the DZ or god forbid going into town, what do you do for food?

What's cheap, nourishing, reasonable calories (don't wanna be a fatty again, losing this shit was a lot of work), and doesn't require refrigeration?

take whatever the people put in the DZ fridge, just half an hour before normal lunch time. :)Cheapest, plus you get the most choice :D
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Every DZ I've been to has someplace I can put it to keep it cold.

I've never seen a beer fridge at the dz's I go to in FL. Maybe that's because they have restaurants/bars? We don't have beer lights either. Hmmm, maybe there's a connection.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Or just take the lunch money of the weakest jumper. It worked for you in grade school.:P

I thought nobody would remember [:/]


Why don't you just get a lunch box that will fit your food and some freezer packs, and then you don't have to worry about it. I pack food for Normiss when he goes off to do tandems for the day. This morning he got: hard boiled egg, greek yogurt and banana for breakfast and there's a G2, ham sandwich, fresh fruit and chips for lunch. Plus, I add peanut butter crackers or something like that for a snack. Oh, and there's always a Dove chocolate for a sweet treat and sometimes a love note. ;)

Can you have a chat with my girlfriend about how to show your love for someone? :D


Boarding school? Didn't the parental units pay for a meal plan?


THey didn't send me away because they LIKED me…
cavete terrae.

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Every DZ I've been to has someplace I can put it to keep it cold.

I've never seen a beer fridge at the dz's I go to in FL. Maybe that's because they have restaurants/bars? We don't have beer lights either. Hmmm, maybe there's a connection.

Don't have beer lights?! Blasphemy!
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Can you have a chat with my girlfriend about how to show your love for someone?

Quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, or a blow job. Tell her to pick one. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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