
Looking for B License Canopy Instruction in FL within next month (b4 5/23)

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Does anybody know ANYWHERE (preferably central) in Florida I would be able to take my canopy instruction to clear my B license requirements? I don't want to wait on the next Flight 1 course to come around.

Do you know that this can be done with the help of instructors/coaches and a Safety and Training Advisor on regular jump days?

You are not required to take a "course" (although it may be easier if one is available.)

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***Does anybody know ANYWHERE (preferably central) in Florida I would be able to take my canopy instruction to clear my B license requirements? I don't want to wait on the next Flight 1 course to come around.

Do you know that this can be done with the help of instructors/coaches and a Safety and Training Advisor on regular jump days?

You are not required to take a "course" (although it may be easier if one is available.)

I feel like the typical solution/response at my DZ for the B canopy requirements are "take the Flight 1 course" but i'll ask around this weekend. I also have a friend at a smaller DZ who paid $30 for the instruction/signoff for this. Compared to $300 for 101 and 102. I mean I wouldn't mind to pay for the added instruction and quality of it but damn. $300 to wait until it comes around vs. other possible alternatives to be had.

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Aaron Stocum and Maxine Tate are great at Flight 1 but Alter Ego are some of the best! Jeannie Bartholomew and Curt and their crew may be able to meet you one on one. The Alter Ego Project. Of course nothing is for free but any canopy course is well worth the money! It can save your life!

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