Zep 0 #1 July 3, 2013 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23158579 In the PC correctness of England it seems that it's perfectly correct to hold up the queue at the check out of a supermarket whist they finish their phone call. Sainsbury grow some balls, explain to the customer that it is a heinous crime to slow down the checkout isle and the next time it happens it will incur a capital sentence by being shipped off to Texas. Offering her a ten pound voucher, WTF I used to live not far from Crayford, all it had was trash and Dogs. Gone fishing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiver604 0 #2 July 3, 2013 Re: [Zep] Has the world gone crazy? Yes "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
babz 0 #3 July 3, 2013 I saw the article and thought it must be a slow news day.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtval 0 #4 July 3, 2013 The world has been crazy. Turns out You're just slow to figure it out.My photos My Videos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorrinRadd 0 #5 July 3, 2013 This is an awesomely crazy world alright! Ride the crazy wave, but stay on your toes :)Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #6 July 3, 2013 Hi Jep Now you know what all the generations before us felt like every time there was a new gizmo that people think they have to get before they know how to use them. I admit even though I don't own a cell, it can be a valuable tool if used correctly. And I find the lack of cell phone etiquette A few yrs ago a lady was interviewing for a job, and her cell phone went off.The job applicant answers her phone has a conversation with some one while the interviewer is waiting for the job applicant to get off the phone.The job applicant didn't get the jobI asked my dentist if he has patients answering their phones while he's working on their mouth. Yep. Whats the dentist going to do turn some business away over a patient that is hooked to texting. Zep sorry to tell you this. But your getting older the world isn't going crazy. Its the new normal. Resistance is futile, you can either accept the new normal, or do what some old farts do and just sit back and watch the showOTOH the dude holding up the queue, what was stopping all the people waiting behind the gent from telling him to get off the phone he's holding up the line.Sometimes the cells are a necessity, but not to the degree that peeps have to have them 24/7. The value of the cell mkt is priceless its not going to go away, But as individuals we dont have to accept poor manners. Someone answers their cell in my presence when I'm talking, without a apology first. I'm gone.In the last 5 yrs it would have been useful to have a cell maybe 2 to 3 times. One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #7 July 3, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vB9U2hx6Qg&t=54"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arvoitus 1 #8 July 4, 2013 How did she hold up the queue by speaking on the phone? Isn't 'checkout worker' an euphemism for the bag handler who bags a persons groceries? Or do British people call cashiers 'checkout workers'? If I were talking on the phone and a cashier/bag handler refused to service me until I stop, I would just leave all the stuff and walkout and never visit that store ever again.Your rights end where my feelings begin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #9 July 4, 2013 Arvoitus How did she hold up the queue by speaking on the phone? Isn't 'checkout worker' an euphemism for the bag handler who bags a persons groceries? Or do British people call cashiers 'checkout workers'? If I were talking on the phone and a cashier/bag handler refused to service me until I stop, I would just leave all the stuff and walkout and never visit that store ever again. Hi Dude I dont think the grocery store will go out of business if you take your business across the street. There's shoppers from across the street after you pull your entitled atitude that will take your place at the store you just left in a huff. What makes you think that your better than a person that works a real job running a cahier in a grocery store.Or bags groceries to support their family or work their way thru college Do you think people think your important because your on your cell Quote in meetings all the time. Your only fooling yourself. Don't you know that everyone around you can hear your bs cell phone conversation. Sometimes when a person like you interrupts my private space with your cell phone bs. I'll say something like Quote Get off the phone dear and come back to bed Payback is a bitch isn't it. One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fanya 3 #10 July 4, 2013 Gone crazy? maybe Lost almost all forms of politeness? Yes I long for the old days of manners and politeness, I love modern life but I'm a romantic at heart. If I could only find a lady that appreciated such things. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #11 July 5, 2013 fanya Gone crazy? maybe Lost almost all forms of politeness? Yes I long for the old days of manners and politeness, I love modern life but I'm a romantic at heart. If I could only find a lady that appreciated such things. There are plenty nice ladies out there, but the odds are stacked against you due to all your Dz time. IOW your looking for love in the wrong place. I went to the grocery store the other day, i was the odds for meeting a keeper are a lot better, and imo the women in the real world are a lot nicer, have a better attitude, look and smell nicer etc etc than the sky chickies at the dz. At the Dz The queen bees get to pick and choose because the odds are in their favor and they know it.R.One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arvoitus 1 #12 July 5, 2013 Krip ***How did she hold up the queue by speaking on the phone? Isn't 'checkout worker' an euphemism for the bag handler who bags a persons groceries? Or do British people call cashiers 'checkout workers'? If I were talking on the phone and a cashier/bag handler refused to service me until I stop, I would just leave all the stuff and walkout and never visit that store ever again. Hi Dude I dont think the grocery store will go out of business if you take your business across the street. There's shoppers from across the street after you pull your entitled atitude that will take your place at the store you just left in a huff. What makes you think that your better than a person that works a real job running a cahier in a grocery store.Or bags groceries to support their family or work their way thru college Do you think people think your important because your on your cell Quote in meetings all the time. Your only fooling yourself. Don't you know that everyone around you can hear your bs cell phone conversation. Sometimes when a person like you interrupts my private space with your cell phone bs. I'll say something like Quote Get off the phone dear and come back to bed Payback is a bitch isn't it. Dude I honestly don't get it. You're acting as if it is the end of the world if someone is talking on their phone whilst paying for their groceries. I'd understand this attitude if it was 1997 and cellphones would be a new thing, but nowadays even 5 year olds have them, its not a big deal to be talking on one while doing stuff like placing your credit card in a read to pay for your groceries.Your rights end where my feelings begin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #13 July 5, 2013 Arvoitus You're acting as if it is the end of the world if someone is talking on their phone whilst paying for their groceries. I'd understand this attitude if it was 1997 and cellphones would be a new thing, but nowadays even 5 year olds have them, its not a big deal to be talking on one while doing stuff like placing your credit card in a read to pay for your groceries. I agree with you. The cellphone is not a status symbol anymore and a rude cashier (this one was being rude and trying to enforce some "policy" that didn't exist) is not a personal friend. If my wife calls me, I answer, even if I'm in a check out line. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #14 July 5, 2013 Hi The reason you dont get it is because you choose not to.Put down you cell and read what I wrote. Don't cherry pick my response answer the whole thing. Do you really think a grocerie store gives a rats ass if they hurt your feelings and you leave in a huff.? Thats only one of my points that you missed. Either respond to the whole message or get back on your cell. JOHN boy aka Mitchell agrees with you don't mean squat to me I don't agree with everything john boy says either.Don't go away mad, just stop wasteing my time if you want to play games go play with john boy. One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arvoitus 1 #15 July 5, 2013 Do they care? It depends. If I don't make a big scene out if it, just walk out, then they won't. However if I'd do what the woman in the OP's article did then they would, as otherwise it might be a bad publicity issue for them and they would react, just like they did in the OP's article.Your rights end where my feelings begin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #16 July 5, 2013 Arvoitus Dude I honestly don't get it. You're acting as if it is the end of the world if someone is talking on their phone whilst paying for their groceries. I have been standing in line behind an idiot at the cashier, yammering on his phone, while the cashier was waiting for him to pay, but he was too busy blathering to notice. So the idiot had a cashier *and* a line of customers all waiting on him because his phone call was "more important" than all the people around him. That is being an asshole."There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #17 July 5, 2013 Krip Hi The reason you dont get it is because you choose not to.Put down you cell and read what I wrote. Don't cherry pick my response answer the whole thing. Do you really think a grocerie store gives a rats ass if they hurt your feelings and you leave in a huff.? Thats only one of my points that you missed. Either respond to the whole message or get back on your cell. JOHN boy aka Mitchell agrees with you don't mean squat to me I don't agree with everything john boy says either.Don't go away mad, just stop wasteing my time if you want to play games go play with john boy. Are you feeling old and out of date my friend?The fault is the cashiers. I can do more than one thing at a time. She was being needlessly spiteful and contrary.I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #18 July 5, 2013 ryoder *** Dude I honestly don't get it. You're acting as if it is the end of the world if someone is talking on their phone whilst paying for their groceries. I have been standing in line behind an idiot at the cashier, yammering on his phone, while the cashier was waiting for him to pay, but he was too busy blathering to notice. So the idiot had a cashier *and* a line of customers all waiting on him because his phone call was "more important" than all the people around him. That is being an asshole. I'm with Arvoitus on this one. I've occasionally seen the situation you've described here. At best, it's maybe a 5-second delay til someone says " 'scuze me?", to which the caller will say "Oops, sorry", and let the world get on with their day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #19 July 6, 2013 I really don't care who agrees with who this isn't a unpopularity contest. On my property I, m in chage if the wife lets me. Cell phone etiquette can be found on the net, but why worry about the other people as long as your happyI don't discriminate since my bro was conducting a seminar in the area. We got into the cr to out to dinner, when a cell phone goes off. It was my bro, s he didn, t let the call go to voice mail he ansers the phone its a old buddy thats going to be at the seminar the next dy. They go into over drive and start getting caught up on old times. I was on good behavior, we were still parked in my driveway. I just left the car and sat in a chair without listening to my bros BS phone call. My sister in law was confused why I waited outside the car until my bro got done with hi 5 minute bs phone call. My wife tried to explain it to my bros wife but she just couldn't grasp the concept of voice mail etc etc. I don't have a problem with that but I sure as hell don't have to invite him back to my house and give him another chance to pull his cell phone bs in my world. My bro is a EE with a PE. Another dude that I, ve known for 40yrs is a 66 yo liscened architect who invited himself to my house for a few days so he woulnt stay to long with his friend and wear out his welcome. When your stuck with a lemon you have to make lemonade. We wrote up a quick and dirty list of the 20 ways he was going to fuck up but wemknew him pre cell. The space cadet is in my house for 10 minutes when his cell He interrupts our conversation so he can tell his friend that he got into town etc etc. The dude isn't my bro, only caresabout himself etc etc. When I checed his ass out for interrupting or converation he was little offended and asked if he would hurt my feeling if he left my housein 30 minutes.Nope you wouldt hurt my feelings at all as a matter of fact if you can leave in 15 minutes I'd be over joyed. Called his bluff he didn't leave for another 15 - 20 hrs . But that quick and dirty checklist of the 20 different was 100% on except the new suff I wasn't aware of. He had a staph infection in his foot and was leaving a blood trail of his contaminated blood as he walked around my house. He tried to wipe it up with the sock he was wearing on his ft. Needless to say that man child will never enter my house again. If anyone thinks I, m being unreasonable about what to expect from my house guests. I really don't care what you think. My house my rules, no unrealistic expectatons here. I really don't expect anyone to know how to act when their a guest in someones house. I've got a very short list of the people I'll let into my world, I know no one cares if they get om my list. To bad I don't care either. Nothing personable. Just like the dz. Dzo sets the rules at his dz don't like it you can pack up crap and leave. Same thing in my house except you won't make it thru the front door because you won't be able to find my house.Andy just becuse you say 5 sec delay doesn't mean its true. Everyone has a different concept of time. Lawyers know it and use it to their advantage. Just because you say 5 sec did you use a watch to verify that number. Are you sure it wasnt 8 seconds or 10 seconds etc etc. Btw I don't have any problems with lawyers. If I have to I would hire one and take my lumps. But I would rather do what evernit takes to avoid hireing a lawyer by obeying the law and document document document. Be well Andy R. friend invited him el Another Gmouth One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arvoitus 1 #20 July 6, 2013 Do you know why people get so offended when they're exposed to other peoples cellphone conversations? Noseyness. I mean think about it, how is a cellphone conversation any different from any other conversation. You're not hearing half the conversation. When people have to listen to a conversation where they're missing half of it, they get upset and then offended.Your rights end where my feelings begin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #21 July 6, 2013 Do you have a reading comprehension problem little boy[:) You can't let it go can youStop stalking me and address your concerns to John boy he agees with you, thats a easy win. One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zep 0 #22 July 7, 2013 ArvoitusDo you know why people get so offended when they're exposed to other peoples cellphone conversations? Noseyness. I mean think about it, how is a cellphone conversation any different from any other conversation. You're not hearing half the conversation. When people have to listen to a conversation where they're missing half of it, they get upset and then offended. When a person conducting a cell phone conversation that interrupts my shopping experience, IE holds up a check out queue I have been known to rip the phone out of the persons hand and tell them in no uncertain terms that they have crossed the boundaries of PC. Also when I have been queuing and the shop assistant goes to answer a phone call whilst serving me I have no qualms in terminating the offending phone call by any means which usually is slamming my hand down on the buttons where the hand set normally sits, If I have the PC to quietly queue and wait my turn I expect and demand the assistants full attention. Is that a unreasonable expectation? Gone fishing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldwomanc6 58 #23 July 7, 2013 Zep***Do you know why people get so offended when they're exposed to other peoples cellphone conversations? Noseyness. I mean think about it, how is a cellphone conversation any different from any other conversation. You're not hearing half the conversation. When people have to listen to a conversation where they're missing half of it, they get upset and then offended. When a person conducting a cell phone conversation that interrupts my shopping experience, IE holds up a check out queue I have been known to rip the phone out of the persons hand and tell them in no uncertain terms that they have crossed the boundaries of PC. Also when I have been queuing and the shop assistant goes to answer a phone call whilst serving me I have no qualms in terminating the offending phone call by any means which usually is slamming my hand down on the buttons where the hand set normally sits, If I have the PC to quietly queue and wait my turn I expect and demand the assistants full attention. Is that a unreasonable expectation? While I empathize with your frustration, both those things I bolded, cross the line of common decency and (I'm not a lawyer here), may venture into the gray area of assault, and certainly make you appear dangerous and unstable. If you do either to a man, expect to get clocked, if to a woman, expect others in the immediate area to take you down in her defense. Although, if you were to do that to many women (myself included), expect to get clocked as well.lisa WSCR 594 FB 1023 CBDB 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krip 2 #24 July 9, 2013 Hi Nice lady I agree violence can escalate out of control real quick. No way would I touch a woman or man, about something as petty as a cell phone. Everybody is packing up here. Not worth the hassle.OTOH Talking in a loud enough voice for the person on the other end of cell to hear. Is a method I used for some subtle payback to make me feel better. Quote GET OFF THE PHONE DEAR AND COMBACK TO BED Or in a restaurant some ones phone starts ringing. I just start saying in a loud voice HELLO, HELLO, if that doesn't work I just ask to be moved to a different table. I have noticed some cell users have their phone on vibrate. For whatever reason, privacy, respect for others space, manners, the cell people will go outside, the room to have their private phone conversation, without bothering others. Also heard that the teens don't even talk on their cells anymore, Its all about texting!!!!! What a conceptR.One Jump Wonder Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites