
What would cause general illness??

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Have you ruled out hypochondria?:S


I am completely amazed that no one has come up with the obvious answer.

The only way to really tell N@, is that you'll have to strip down and hop up on my table.
We'll have to do a full check up.:o
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You're all wrong. She need to give her bf more blowjobs. That will solve the issue. For sure.

That and a little Corporal Punishment is a sure cure for General illness. . . depending which end of the whip you're on it's also a Major stress reliever!!

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Hey, I can only see out of one eye right now. :P

So I didn't see where she said she had insomnia on and off her whole life..

You must be out of clean socks and shampoo... you are very touchy tonight...:P:ph34r:

Children, children...

Calm down.

I volunteer myself to play doctor with Nat. :)
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Have you ruled out hypochondria?:S


I am completely amazed that no one has come up with the obvious answer.

Kidding aside, hypochondria is when a person persists in thinking they are ill despite doctors consistently proving there is in fact nothing wrong with them. This is not the case with me. I may be getting the order of events slightly wrong, but here is how this has developped...

I hate doctors and avoid them like the plague, but after A LOT of bullying from my work colleague and my boyfriend, I went to see a generalist a few months ago when I had laryngitis (I didn't know I had laryngitis, I just had a sore throat and a very pesky cough that lingered for a while). Antibiotics cleared this.

Then I then got a cold and another cold and another cold, and they once again bullied me to see a doctor. The doctor asked if this was frequent, and I said yes, actually, so he said "let's do some allergy/blood tests" - no allergies and bloodwork was perfect. He tried to prescribe medication but as it was just a common cold I refused and let my body clear the infection on its own like it's suppsed to.

Then I got an eye infection. I get them very regularly, so I tend to ignore it as it always goes away. But then my boyfriend and my work colleague again both told me that actually, I should see someone about that because it was clearly bothering me. So back I went to the doctor, who recommended I see an ophtamologist. The eye doctor did a thorough examination and noticed I was congested and had a runny nose and asked "do you also frequently get colds?" I said yes, actually, quite frequently. So he said it was likely that I had some kind of sinus problem that in turn caused chronic conjunctivitis - he suggested I see an eye/ear/nose specialist. He prescribed some eye-drops and I again refused, because once again, I know these things go away naturally and sure enough it cleared up on its own in a few days.

So a few weeks later I got an appointment to see an otorhinolaryngologist (eye/ear/nose doctor) and coincidentally, I happened at that time to have a runny nose and was sneezing/coughing from my latest cold... He confirmed I was very congested (it was kind of obvious anyway) and ran a bunch of new tests, including a more thorough allergy exam and a scan of my sinuses. My scan showed some anomalies, but nothing that would cause the problems I was experiencing. My allergy tests confirmed I am only very mildly allergic to dust, and that allergies weren't the problem. Just to be sure, he gave me a month's worth of anti-histamines to see if this would reduce my sneezing, et cetera, but in this time I saw no improvement in the frequency of my congestion/sneezing. Anyway, as my colds/flu/general stuffiness don't seem to be particularly linked to seasons or diet or life-style, I'm not that surprised that allergies are not the problem.

And throughout all of this, it has got me thinking that actually, I *am* ill rather often, but I always tend to ignore it or simply consider it one of those pesky facts of life you just have to deal with. But speaking to my mom, she said I KNOW YOU ARE ALWAYS ILL - I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU THAT FOR *YEARS*! And my best friend had the same reaction, and my work colleagues, and my boyfriend, and so in the end I had to admit that it probably is worth considering the fact that there must be some kind of underlying issue. I reckon it's probably something really small or stupid. But at this stage, I don't really have a clue.
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Someone mentioned lactose intolerance earlier.

I know, it would be a shame to forgo cheeses in the land of cheese, but have you tried going lactose free for a few weeks and see?

Lactose intolerance doesn't only have links to digestive issues, but lots of respiratory ones too. With your recent post, it may be something to consider.

PS: I would die before giving away milk and cheese... [:/]


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My sister-in-law really did have similar lifelong health issues before being tested for gluten intolerance, as well. These really are worth looking into.

Lifelong being roughly 60 years; she's 65 now, and feeling better than she has in years. She's always worked out and/or run, always eaten healthy foods. In her case, getting rid of the gluten really did fix the problems.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My sister-in-law really did have similar lifelong health issues before being tested for gluten intolerance, as well. These really are worth looking into.

Lifelong being roughly 60 years; she's 65 now, and feeling better than she has in years. She's always worked out and/or run, always eaten healthy foods. In her case, getting rid of the gluten really did fix the problems.

Wendy P.

Having to give up cheese AND bread? Why live.... [:/]:ph34r:

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Nah, she's just gluten, not lactose :ph34r:. But she did alter her lifelong vegetarianism to include fish because of the gluten, and she's discovered that lots of sweetbreads can be made with other flours.

And wine is still fine, but she has to be careful with beer :o

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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As a Southern gentleman, I must tell you, young lady, you have a case of the vapors. . . :P

I think you need a big juicy bacon-wrapped T-steak and baked potato with sour cream. Even if that doesn't fix your problems it's still a helluva great meal. B|

... and wash it down with a 64oz oatmeal stout and a big slice of cheesecake for dessert! ;)

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Another thing to investigate is a possible fungal infection. Very often these are long term problems because they aren't usually on most doctors radar, and be very hard to get rid of, especially if your own immune system is week.

Next time you go to the doctor, bring a list of all the reasonable suggestions and see if any of them pan out.

Good luck, and I hope you can figure it out and start feeling better.
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Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Old coworker of mine had constant sinus infections and head colds, had them removed and bam! No more sick!
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Well, so far some things that seem plausible:

- Fatigue, plain and simple.
- Some kind of fungus/bacterial infection.
- Gluten / Lactose intolerence.

I seriously doubt it's anything major, but any one of those 3 (or something similar) could lead to the type of frequent and pesky symptoms I so often have to put up with.

Thanks for everyone's input :)

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
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