
Bill Dause Recieves "Chesley H. Judy Safety award!!!"

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Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:

This award is given to the skydiver who, through example, deed, training, or innovation, had promoted safe skydiving in a substantive way.

Congrats Bill on keeping the sport safe and fun for all of us.....

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Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:

This award is given to the skydiver who, through example, deed, training, or innovation, had promoted safe skydiving in a substantive way.

Congrats Bill on keeping the sport safe and fun for all of us.....

Not to rain on the parade, but there are dozens of these each year.

A “Judy” refers to the new USPA Chesley H. Judy Safety Award. USPA’s latest recognition for service to the skydiving community came together as the result of an important act of generosity, along with imagination at the right time.

A “Judy” will be voted on with ballots during Safety Day activities to one jumper from each drop zone who in the past year, through example, deed, training or innovation, has promoted safety in the sport. Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I am assuming he was given this award as an individual, and not as the owner of a DZ. I am curious as to why Lodi isn't rated as a USPA DZ?

No DZ is 'rated' as a USPA DZ. It's simply a matter of whether a DZ want to write a check to be a 'member'.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I am assuming he was given this award as an individual, and not as the owner of a DZ. I am curious as to why Lodi isn't rated as a USPA DZ?

DZ's aren't rated by USPA, they are gouged by USPA. Ah grasshoppa - u have sooooo much to learn.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:

This award is given to the skydiver who, through example, deed, training, or innovation, had promoted safe skydiving in a substantive way.

Congrats Bill on keeping the sport safe and fun for all of us.....

Not to rain on the parade, but there are dozens of these each year.

A “Judy” refers to the new USPA Chesley H. Judy Safety Award. USPA’s latest recognition for service to the skydiving community came together as the result of an important act of generosity, along with imagination at the right time.

A “Judy” will be voted on with ballots during Safety Day activities to one jumper from each drop zone who in the past year, through example, deed, training or innovation, has promoted safety in the sport. Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

You forgot to highlight this part.

***Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

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You forgot to highlight this part.


Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

Interesting that "noteworthy difference" has no qualitative modifier. FWIW.

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You forgot to highlight this part.


Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

Interesting that "noteworthy difference" has no qualitative modifier. FWIW.

Not really.

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What a crock.

Boy we all knew this was coming.......

But you clearly baited it.

Pretty much every DZ awards a Ches Judy every year. As noted above, it's usually chosen by a vote among the regular jumpers at the DZ. It is what it is; nothing more, nothing less.

You hung this out there, double-dog daring JP or anyone else to snap at the bait, and when it predictably happened, exactly as you hoped and intended, you act all sanctimoniously butt-hurt.

Incidentally, I have no dog at all in this soap opera. I've jumped a few times at Lodi a couple years ago, and I liked it. Other than that, I'm pretty ambivalent about the place. But on principle mainly, I am willing to call your bullshit out for what it is. You started this thread, dude, not Bill's critics.

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How much does it cost to be a memeber as a Drop Zone ?

Reading the GM application, it looks like Lodi would be a "Category 3" dropzone, with annual fees of $550, and a one-time start up fee of $200.

But, the money is not the only consideration. There are restrictions and requirements that a DZ might not want to agree to.

Here is the Group Member Pledge from the application



As a person with operational control, I pledge to:

• Comply with the USPA Basic Safety Requirements (BSRs), which include compliance with the Federal Aviation
Regulations relevant to skydiving operations, including aircraft operations.

• Ensure that all pilots employed or utilized for the purpose of parachute operations hold at least a commercial pilot
certificate and a second-class medical certificate.

• Ensure that all aircraft utilized for the purpose of parachute operations comply with commercial maintenance requirements
described in FAR Part 91.409(a) through (f) as applicable.

• Ensure skydiving staff of the Group Member are appropriately qualified and trained in accordance with the SIM and
(where applicable) hold current USPA ratings commensurate with their duties.

• Establish and disseminate landing procedures that will include separation of high-speed landings and normal landings.

• Support USPA promotional programs at the drop zone.

• Require introductory or regular individual USPA membership of:
1. all licensed U.S. skydivers (a skydiver is considered a student until licensed)
2. non-resident foreign nationals who do not have proof of membership in their national aeroclub.
• Agree to abide by USPA’s Skydiving Service Code of Conduct (below).

• Include USPA in the Group Member hold-harmless release, consistent with state laws. (U.S. DZs only. New applicants,
please provide a copy of the waiver with this application.)

I further understand that granting of such membership or any renewal thereof is purely at the discretion of USPA. USPA may make
its decision to grant or renew an application based upon information and sources that, at its sole discretion, it finds appropriate. I
further understand that either party retains the right, on 30 days notice, to terminate my Group Membership for any reason whatsoever.
Should I decide to terminate such membership, I will not be entitled to any refund of initial application fees or renewal fees. I
certify that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

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But, the money is not the only consideration. There are restrictions and requirements that a DZ might not want to agree to.

If the DZ fails to follow this pledge, nothing happens.......... They are still an USPA GM DZ. USPA does not inspect DZ's for compliance.

Derek V

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All that hot air and still not a sack of balls to say what he really means if it was so fucking big and important he would let the skydiving community in on it and maybe he would get his own award.

I know I only have a few jumps blah blah blah, so I will get that out of the way so it does not detract from what I am saying.

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But, the money is not the only consideration. There are restrictions and requirements that a DZ might not want to agree to.

If the DZ fails to follow this pledge, nothing happens.......... They are still an USPA GM DZ. USPA does not inspect DZ's for compliance.

Derek V

I am not sure what your point is.

Are you saying that everybody should join and pay USPA because it really doesn't mean anything in the first place?

All I said was that there are a variety of reasons for a dropzone to want to be or not want to be a USPA Group Member.

The value of it, or the lack of value, as the case may be, is up to the DZO to determine.

My home dz is a Group Member. The DZO must feel it has some value. Bill apparently does not.

Neither is particularly right or particularly wrong that I can see.

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Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:

This award is given to the skydiver who, through example, deed, training, or innovation, had promoted safe skydiving in a substantive way.

Congrats Bill on keeping the sport safe and fun for all of us.....

Not to rain on the parade, but there are dozens of these each year.

A “Judy” refers to the new USPA Chesley H. Judy Safety Award. USPA’s latest recognition for service to the skydiving community came together as the result of an important act of generosity, along with imagination at the right time.

A “Judy” will be voted on with ballots during Safety Day activities to one jumper from each drop zone who in the past year, through example, deed, training or innovation, has promoted safety in the sport. Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

You forgot to highlight this part.


Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

if the OP had not written

***Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:

and had instead written

"Bill Dause, DZO of the Parachute Center, Lodi, Ca. Recieved the a Chesley H. Judy USPA safety award 2 weeks ago at our Parachute Center Awards ceramony:"

it would have been less misleading.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hi Paul,

NOTE: This is not to put words into Derek's mouth. Derek if you think this does, correct me & I apologize in advance.

I took his comment in the sense of the dz at Sheridan, OR where I jumped for its entire existence.

For many, many years it was a USPA Group Member dz. If you had been there ( I am sure ) that you would have learned first-hand what a crock the pledge comes down to.

After the 80 + yr old first-jump guy died and the FAA revoked the DZO's riggers ticket and confiscated every piece of parachute equipment on the dz, USPA then turned their knives on the DZO; but not until then.

Just my observation . . .


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Hi Paul,

NOTE: This is not to put words into Derek's mouth. Derek if you think this does, correct me & I apologize in advance.

I took his comment in the sense of the dz at Sheridan, OR where I jumped for its entire existence.

For many, many years it was a USPA Group Member dz. If you had been there ( I am sure ) that you would have learned first-hand what a crock the pledge comes down to.

After the 80 + yr old first-jump guy died and the FAA revoked the DZO's riggers ticket and confiscated every piece of parachute equipment on the dz, USPA then turned their knives on the DZO; but not until then.

Just my observation . . .


Hi Jerry,

I fully understand that Group Membership means only as much as the Group Member wants it to mean.

The original question I was answering was about how much it costs to be a GM. Someone had posted that USPA gouged dropzones, and then someone asked how much a membership costs.

Over time, and in more threads than just this one, some posts make me think that some people feel that Group Membership somehow makes you better or more reputable.

You and I both know that this is far from true.

Personally, I neither defend nor attack Group Membership.

I just say that Group Membership is a club. The club has dues. If you feel the club is worth the dues, you may decide to join. If you don't, you won't join. Or you may decide not to join because you don't like something about the club.

There can be good dropzones who are not Group Members, just as much as there can be horrible dropzones that are Group Members.

(Sheridan was Ted Mayfield, right? I've been around long enough to know some of the sport's history :)

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Not to rain on the parade, but there are dozens of these each year.

A “Judy” refers to the new USPA Chesley H. Judy Safety Award. USPA’s latest recognition for service to the skydiving community came together as the result of an important act of generosity, along with imagination at the right time.

A “Judy” will be voted on with ballots during Safety Day activities to one jumper from each drop zone who in the past year, through example, deed, training or innovation, has promoted safety in the sport. Awardees may include anyone on the drop zone who has made a noteworthy difference to the safety of local jumpers.

Where did you get those statements from?
They are not what the USPA doctrine says.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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