Kate Middleton Topless Photos Question

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I go topless at the beaches over here and I would NOT want pictures of my breasts to hit the web...

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you are an attractive woman at a topless beach anywhere in the world there are good odds your breasts are already on the web. There are sites that are devoted exclusively to that subject and use covert camera rigs so as not to "alarm the subject"
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I go topless at the beaches over here and I would NOT want pictures of my breasts to hit the web...

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you are an attractive woman at a topless beach anywhere in the world there are good odds your breasts are already on the web. There are sites that are devoted exclusively to that subject and use covert camera rigs so as not to "alarm the subject"

Well, we know where a couple of DZ.com guys will be searching for a while.
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I go topless at the beaches over here and I would NOT want pictures of my breasts to hit the web...

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you are an attractive woman at a topless beach anywhere in the world there are good odds your breasts are already on the web. There are sites that are devoted exclusively to that subject and use covert camera rigs so as not to "alarm the subject"

Oh come on... Seriously?? You're comparing the odd random weirdo to Kate having pictures of herself spread across the globe and looked at by billions of people??
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No. I'm pointing out that there are sites that actually pay "discrete photographers" to walk along nude beaches with hidden cameras to get fairly high quality shots of attractive women topless.

You didnt specify anything about your boobs going "viral" ala Kate's simply because she married into royalty, but the odds are being an attractive woman, if you've been topless on any public beach (unless you are were alone at the time) anywhere in the world your tits are have already "hit the web" and have been published either on a pay site, a free site and/or both, and IF you one day became famous enough they would be all over just like her's are now. (particularly given the state of the art in facial recognition and image search available now)
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No. I'm pointing out that there are sites that actually pay "discrete photographers" to walk along nude beaches with hidden cameras to get fairly high quality shots of attractive women topless.

So...um...how well does it pay?:|
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honestly, I wouldn't know. Couldnt say I've been that interested (apart from the usual male interest in breasts) but I do personally know two friends who appeared on this NSFW site and basically discovered they have absolutely no right to privacy or recourse to remove them due to the fact they willingly took off their tops in public, and now wont do so even when overseas in Europe.

Ubiquitous cameras have ruined quite a few things outside the skydiving world as well.

which is apple's and oranges to Kate's situation as there is a strong argument (about to be undertaken) that she was NOT in public.

and there are far worse sites out there, while you DO have legal recourse in most cases, if I were female I'd be very wary about changing in public locker rooms, you could be all over any number of seriously creepy sites without ever knowing it.
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Who fucking cares??? Like I said, I don't live off public funds and I don't seek celebrity and are you people so fucking prudish that you actually give a shit about obscure sites you don't even know about??

Ridiculous to not enjoy the freedom to sunbathe topless on account of random potential weirdos. If I lived my life like that I'd never leave home for fear of being run over by a bus, or hit by lightening, or bumping into a serial murderer on one of his off days...
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Who fucking cares???


I go topless at the beaches over here and I would NOT want pictures of my breasts to hit the web...

apparently you do...or have pulled a 180 in a couple of days, and probably would if something you saw as otherwise harmless came back and bit you in the ass job or relationship wise. The internet is forever and its not the kind of genie you can put back in the bottle once its out there.

Unless you never look before crossing the street and enjoy running around in thunder storms climbing trees wearing aluminum foil you do take precautions to prevent being hit by a bus or struck by lightning. As getting hit by a bus would be a stupid way to die I do look before stepping out into the street (I'm actually up for getting hit by lightning, but thats another topic)

Re: Prudish. You many not care about being topless on the Riviera, but would you walk into your workplace topless? Now imagine that everyone you work with has seen the shots of you some creep unknowingly took while you were on vacation. Its not "just one site you dont know about" its 10 or a 100 and its the possibility that every single person you meet every day has seen them, that every client you work with isnt just wondering what your tits look like, but has them downloaded on his phone to check out when you walk out of the room. Perhaps you are unaware of advances in technology, but your profile picture is enough for a facial recognition search and you've probably got a few creepy stalkers just from this site, not to mention every guy who's ever lusted over you in person without ever having the balls to approach you...

Do I care about what I do in public? Absolutely. Do I pay attention to what I do when cameras are around? Absolutely. Do I assume pretty much everything I do in public will be a matter of public record and possibly on video forever... again. Absolutely.

There is are very good reasons why I dont put my "real information" here or facebook, but until you've had someone go out of their way to ruin your life because they have an axe to grind, feel you've slighted them in someway or just for shits and giggles and had to spent far more time and money than you likely imagine trying to repair the damage one serious creep can do, you probably wont understand. There is a huge difference between being paranoid to the point that it interferes with your life and being aware of exactly how fucking evil people really are and how much behavior that seems otherwise innocent can come back to haunt you (or worse attract the kinds of predators you DO need to worry about) when it lives forever online.

to attempt to untwist your knickers however, I was merely pointing out that your statement from your original post is likely already a reality. Perhaps you really don't care, perhaps you will never care, one of my friends just isn't to worried about it she shows her tits to pretty much anyone (well did for a while) the other is a doctor who (mellowed about it some now) dreads the day she runs into random stranger (or worse, patient) who mentions he's seen her from somewhere on the web. She actually went to therapy for over a year to help get over the anxiety that every new person she met wasn't just checking her out for the attractive woman she is, but because he'd see the pictures she never knew existed until it was to late.

YMMV. I'm not the kind of creep I'm talking about, but based on your profile pic I'd certainly check you out if I saw you topless on the beach. Chances are one of the creeps with hidden cameras would too....
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First off I'd be at the front of the queue for topless pics of Nataly.

But while what you say is technically correct and probably true, the sheer number of people in the western world mean the chances of a random woman being recognised is pretty small.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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she's a beautiful Woman but IS entitled to some degree of privacy....:|

Still..... after what just happened with her brother-In-Law you would think that OUTDOOR topless sunbathing would have been considered by SOMEONE within her "entourage" , to be a BAD idea:o:S[:/]....
especially when "on holiday" at a place Other than her own castle(s).....

The locals were probably selling prime voyeur positions to the highest bidder....:o

Very good point, she is new to all this but William should have known better and advised against the idea, he has dealt with this kind of thing all his life. As for the CP team, that was one hell of a screw up.
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So is the concensus of opinion that if you apparently live off "public funds", you should therefore expect to have your privacy invaded by bottom feeding low life, for the enjoyment of small minded voyeurs?

Maybe all welfare recipients should be made to pose nude and have their photos posted for all to see on the internet. Hey, we're paying for it right?

Perhaps we'd all see someone we know...

Surely the most pathetic argument for a gross invasion of basic human decency I have ever heard.
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Who fucking cares??? Like I said, I don't live off public funds and I don't seek celebrity and are you people so fucking prudish that you actually give a shit about obscure sites you don't even know about??

Ridiculous to not enjoy the freedom to sunbathe topless on account of random potential weirdos. If I lived my life like that I'd never leave home for fear of being run over by a bus, or hit by lightening, or bumping into a serial murderer on one of his off days...

Sounds like you live in Cabot cove. :o
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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That's one of the more interesting analogies I've heard lately. I like it.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Interesting discussion. Yes, she had her privacy invaded. But I compare it to having sex in front of a window with the drapes open – if you are where others can see you they WILL see you. Was she in a private place – yep. Were her boobs visible from a public space – yep. Matter of degree but still hot water.

Watch your ass because others are watching it. And photographing it.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Whatever. You blow things totally out of proportion.

- Andy061: I'm not saying the public have a right to see Kate topless just because they pay for her clothes... I'm saying because she is a celebrity people take an interest in everything about her - rightly of wrongly.
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Watch your ass because others are watching it. And photographing it.

With great frequency according to my facebook.
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Maybe all welfare recipients should be made to pose nude and have their photos posted for all to see on the internet. Hey, we're paying for it right?

Now thats just rediculous. Only the hot ones should. Who wants to see a buncha uggos naked?? :ph34r:

In my opinion was it a smart move on her part? Eh, probably not. Is the guy who took the pic a scumbag? Yup.
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Interesting discussion. Yes, she had her privacy invaded. But I compare it to having sex in front of a window with the drapes open – if you are where others can see you they WILL see you. Was she in a private place – yep. Were her boobs visible from a public space – yep. Matter of degree but still hot water.

Watch your ass because others are watching it. And photographing it.

But if you're on the 24th floor of a building and the paparazzi manages to get to the 26th floor of the adjacent building with the "intent" of hunting/stalking you down for a picture? If nothing else, have the decency in your profession to acknowledge their moments of privacy and they may reward you with more opportunities for that decency later.

Course, I'm looking for logic from those who dumpster dive for pics for a living. :S
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Whatever. You blow things totally out of proportion.

You've lived a sheltered life if you think I'm blowing this out of proportion. I hope you never have a serious stalker to realize everything I'm saying is simply the ugly truth.
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Interesting discussion. Yes, she had her privacy invaded. But I compare it to having sex in front of a window with the drapes open – if you are where others can see you they WILL see you. Was she in a private place – yep. Were her boobs visible from a public space – yep. Matter of degree but still hot water.

Watch your ass because others are watching it. And photographing it.

she was 800meters (around 1/mile) from the road... people who shoot pics at that distance to catch a set of boobs (royal or not) are voyeurs and should be treated accordingly.

Had she been in front of a window "à la Amsterdam" and someone had seen her and taken a picture with his camera, it is very different. This was very intentional
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Interesting discussion. Yes, she had her privacy invaded. But I compare it to having sex in front of a window with the drapes open – if you are where others can see you they WILL see you. Was she in a private place – yep. Were her boobs visible from a public space – yep. Matter of degree but still hot water.

Watch your ass because others are watching it. And photographing it.

she was 800meters (around 1/mile) from the road... people who shoot pics at that distance to catch a set of boobs (royal or not) are voyeurs and should be treated accordingly.

Had she been in front of a window "à la Amsterdam" and someone had seen her and taken a picture with his camera, it is very different. This was very intentional


There's a huge difference between being in front of a window that anyone passing by can look through and being on a private estate, with a reasonable expectation of privacy, only to have that invaded by a photog with a very long lens.

She is a very public figure and knows it. She had the choice to go there and chose it. AFAIK, she has done a decent job of presenting herself.
When they are out in public, they are constantly followed by the media.
But even public figures should have a right to privacy in private places.

And I really don't blame the paparazzi or the publishers as much as the voyeuristic public (note: "As much" doesn't mean "Not at all").
Those pics wouldn't be worth the time and effort if the "Royal Watchers" didn't suck up every bit of the slime that's presented.

And I know that laws vary around the world, but California has passed laws that prevent this sort of "Peeping Tom" behavior.
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