
The Greatest Guitar Solo Of All Time.

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A youtube video was posted in the Prince B-day thread that made mention of the Greatest Guitar Solo Ever. I believe the judgement of music is way too subjective to actually make such a claim but post your choice for the Greatest Guitar Solo Of All Time.

If you post a video please post the approx. point in the video where the solo is.

I start with comfortably Numb

Start at 4:30

Here's a little Jonny Lang at 4:30 also.

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I kind of have to agree with you on the subjective and how the hell does a person judge something like that.

That said, when something hits me on an emotional level and makes me cry because some guy puts his fingers on the right places of six stings . . . to me that ain't just nothin' . . . it's some kinda magic.

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I believe the judgement of music is way too subjective to actually make such a claim but post your choice for the Greatest Guitar Solo Of All Time.

Agreed, agreed, agreed.

With that said, I'd have to submit Allen Collins' work in the final rip-up on Free Bird, or Carlos Santana's licks throughout Soul Sacrifice.

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I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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There's definitely a distinction to be made between technical and emotional greatness - it's not all about how fast you can move your fingers. So much guitar work is hugely impressive, but leaves me cold.

It's like vocal prowess. I don't care that Mariah Carey has a five-octave range - I wish she'd stop warbling across all of them and just sing the bloody tune.

For hairs-on-the-back-of-the-neck effect, I vote for the guitar solo that kicks in towards the end of 'Just' by Radiohead - not a band known for them. Whole song is great in my book - the guitar solo arrives at 4:15.

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Just a quick note, I was the one who posted the link to the Prince 'Best Guitar Solo of All Time' video, but I wasn't the one who posted it on Youtube, or named it as such. It might be Prince's best work, but not the best of all time. That said, it is good stuff, and Prince is highly underrated as a guitar player.

I don't think anyone can say what the 'best of all time' is, but I recently stumbled onto this one from Stevie Ray, and it's got to be in the running for sure. Fast, slow, quiet, loud and everything inbetween. It's not even a solo, it's a whole song, but the whole thing is pretty much a solo.

Oh yeah, don't click the link unless you have 9 minutes to kill


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OK, here's my vote. Duane Allman's solo on "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" at the Fillmore East in 1971. I've heard many of Duane's (and others') versions of this solo, but IMO this one is the best.



ETA: J'ever notice how the title "Greatest guitar solo ever" appears in YouTube almost as often as "Skydive goes horribly wrong"? :D

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There's definitely a distinction to be made between technical and emotional greatness - it's not all about how fast you can move your fingers. So much guitar work is hugely impressive, but leaves me cold.

You nailed it. This thread is like "What's the best painting in the world?" There's too much individual taste involved, all of it valid.

As a kid, I grew up with Jimi, so he's the standard I apply to all others.

Voodoo Chile. The whole damn thing's a solo. :)

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There are so many. And since I'm at work I really can't post youtube links. But here are some of mine in no particular order:
(1) Duane and Dickie trading licks on Allman Brothers' "Blue Sky." One wouldn't think a several minute guitar solo would be good, but this one is. You get this when guitarists are happy.
(2) Mark Knopfler in "Sultans of Swing." The tone. The solo. And those killer fills. Mind blowing! Shows where fingerpicking has some advantages.
(3) Jimmy Page in Ten Years Gone. Check out what he can do when he isn't shredding. :o
(4) Elliott Randall in "Reelin' in the Years." Guitar solos aren't supposed to define a song. This one does. Without this solo the song is merely good.
(5) Ace Frehley in "100,000 Years." Simple. Effective. Sinister. Melodic. Lyrical.
(6) Eric Clapton in "Badge." It's about the only time I can recall him playing a melodic solo.
(7) Adam Levy in "Give Me One Reason." Nobody's ever heard of him, but everybody knows this Tracy Chapman song. I know it as a guitar gem. Just an amazing bit of guitar work through the whole song.
(8) Tom Sholtz and Barry Goudreau's call and answer solo at the end of Boston's "Hitch a Ride." Goudreau goes. Then Sholtz. Then Both. Then Goudreau. Then Sholtz. Then Both. Gorgeous tone. Great technique. When guitarists mix harmony and melody like this,,.
(9) James Calvin Wisley's guitar solo in "Wicked Game." Guitar solo that adds texture? Yep.

I think the solos I mentioned reflect things I look for in guitar work and solos. Killer tone. Melodic. Not overplayed. With exception of Sultans of Swing none of these are particularly difficult solos or even particularly fast.

Maybe it's because these players all could play the way I couldn't. I could play fast. I could play with some feeling. But I could NEVER play with the humility of these guys who all could put the song ahead of the guitar. (Note Badge is a Clapton outlier in this regard. No, I'm not dissing him!)

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Stevie Ray's "Little Wing" always did it for me. Jimmy Page said that Elliot Randall's riff on Steely Dan's "Reelin' in the Years" was the best he'd ever heard. Too many great axe players to rank.
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