
What makes a guy BAD in bed?

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lol Well since you asked...

BAD things:

1) not bringing enough condoms. especially if you're expecting sex. Just cause you got yours in one go doesnt mean we dont need another round to get ours.

that brings us to...
2) not caring if we get ours. Yeah, you have to work a little harder but its appreciated.

3) asking "are you ok?" "is this good for you?" "are you alright?" "are you enjoying it?" "does is feel good?" "are you having fun?" over and over and over and over and over again. asking every now and then is fine and even a good thing. But if its practically every thrust just shut up and fuck me already. If you can't tell if I like it, you're doing something wrong.

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Thank you for proving the point. Dave - here's why I brought it up - to help Shah.

Shah poses a question asking women what they lije. Shah - it doesn't work like that. Over a day later and not a word. I pos the question about what a guy does badly, and a response is found in fifteen minutes. Shah - I'm trying to help you understand how women work and how to get them to open up and talk.

Missbrz wrote something very poignant: "If you can't tell if I like it, you're doing something wrong." This is true in all things with women. How do you know you're doing something right? They aren't complaining. Ask them what they like and you've got a problem already.

Tell them what you like and ask them what they don't. They'll tell you what they don't like.

I'm hoping you find this educational, Shah. You must figure out what they like on a basis of ruling out. If they don't like it they'll tell you. If they do likw it, you better damn well figure it out. :o)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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lol Well since you asked...

BAD things:

1) not bringing enough condoms. especially if you're expecting sex. Just cause you got yours in one go doesnt mean we dont need another round to get ours.

that brings us to...
2) not caring if we get ours. Yeah, you have to work a little harder but its appreciated.

3) asking "are you ok?" "is this good for you?" "are you alright?" "are you enjoying it?" "does is feel good?" "are you having fun?" over and over and over and over and over again. asking every now and then is fine and even a good thing. But if its practically every thrust just shut up and fuck me already. If you can't tell if I like it, you're doing something wrong.

1. No real comment. I've been fixed for years, tested by the Army regularly and serial monogamist. I haven't seen a condom in years. I remember them as being an interruption.

2. I have never understood a man not caring if the woman 'got hers'. I thought that was the point of the exercise. It's the biggest rush in life in my book. And if it's described as 'work' at all...someone's doing it wrong.

3. If she is able to answer questions, you aren't done. If you are able to ask questions...indeed, if your mind isn't completely at rest...something isn't right.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Other than "he's lawrocket," I'd like some specifics.

Edited to add: "horror stories" are encouraged

In your case, it might be her asking "is it in yet?" :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Thank you for proving the point. Dave - here's why I brought it up - to help Shah.

Shah poses a question asking women what they lije. Shah - it doesn't work like that. Over a day later and not a word. I pos the question about what a guy does badly, and a response is found in fifteen minutes. Shah - I'm trying to help you understand how women work and how to get them to open up and talk.

Missbrz wrote something very poignant: "If you can't tell if I like it, you're doing something wrong." This is true in all things with women. How do you know you're doing something right? They aren't complaining. Ask them what they like and you've got a problem already.

Tell them what you like and ask them what they don't. They'll tell you what they don't like.

I'm hoping you find this educational, Shah. You must figure out what they like on a basis of ruling out. If they don't like it they'll tell you. If they do likw it, you better damn well figure it out. :o)

That's actually kinda sad but very true. Sure I could tell you what I like but you do that for another girl and she may hate it. So knowing that isnt helpful if you're trying to generalize to other women. But for the most part women don't like a lot of the same things so knowing that is more helpful.

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Well, I was going to add my 2 cents to this thread till I read missbrz's post. She covered it all. :D:D:D

There's no way I covered it all. I could add several more things to that list. But they all seemed a little to specific to just myself and I figured other girls might like some of that. I'd hate for some guy to stop doing something if his girl loves it just b/c I dont...

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Dave!!! Dave!!!! No no no! You're taking the bait.

She's set up the "no-win." Not caring if she gets off is bad. But asking if she is is also bad. We have to work a little harder, but then if we ask if we are working hard enough or too hard then that's bad.

Therein lies the issue: they won't tell us what they want. Not what they like. Just what they don't. "Just fuck me" is the response. I did. "I didn't get off." Well I did what she wanted. "No. I wanted to get off." But she said to just fuck her. So I did.

Get it? Shah - this is important stuff. It helps to give you a sense of sanity in this. Asking what they want or like is just going to leave them angry. Showing them you care is a turn off. Actually not caring is a cause for anger.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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That and not hearing her screaming at you is sure to help as well.

All I have to do is watch her face. When you start seeing only the whites of her eyes and mouth agape, you know you've hit paradise. :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Actually not caring is a cause for anger.

Pfft not caring is a way to get his ass thrown off me and out the door. It is beyond anger.

Here is a secret. If she doesn't know how to get herself off, you will never get her off. ;) Half of what makes it work for women is them knowing what THEY need to do to make it work. Sure some guys have tricks, but a woman who knows what she wants will know what needs to be done to make it happen. Pretty simple :P
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Dave!!! Dave!!!! No no no! You're taking the bait.

She's set up the "no-win." Not caring if she gets off is bad. But asking if she is is also bad. We have to work a little harder, but then if we ask if we are working hard enough or too hard then that's bad.

Therein lies the issue: they won't tell us what they want. Not what they like. Just what they don't. "Just fuck me" is the response. I did. "I didn't get off." Well I did what she wanted. "No. I wanted to get off." But she said to just fuck her. So I did.

Get it? Shah - this is important stuff. It helps to give you a sense of sanity in this. Asking what they want or like is just going to leave them angry. Showing them you care is a turn off. Actually not caring is a cause for anger.

lol that's not quite what I said. If you can't tell from the sounds I'm making and my facial expressions and my actions if I'm having fun with you, then you're doing it wrong or I'm not having fun, which also means you're doing it wrong. If you actually NEED to ask to figure it out then we are obviously not on the same page and probably not having good sex. Though I will also caveat that with, if she's just lying there starfishing you, then it's her own damn fault if the sex is bad.

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Here is a secret. If she doesn't know how to get herself off, you will never get her off. ;) Half of what makes it work for women is them knowing what THEY need to do to make it work. Sure some guys have tricks, but a woman who knows what she wants will know what needs to be done to make it happen. Pretty simple :P

This. Those that lay the blame solely on their partner if their partner is making a genuine effort deserve what they get. It's all about communication, open communication. And that includes having enough confidence and trust to say "that's not working for me" or, even "that's just not working for me today," because it really can vary - what's awesome one day can be uncomfortable or even painful another day. But if you've got a good relationship and good communication, you don't get wrapped up in hurt feelings, you just say that and shift gears to find something that does work.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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My lady friends love the Shah and we have many open conversations about such a topic thus why Shah is so good in bed.

1) Brush you darn teeth boy! Nothing turns a woman off more than funky stuff between yo teeth!

2) Brother manscape! I mean if she has to fight of juggle gorillas to get her hands on your banana...it aint fun for her. That and it prevents gamey balls, funky shaft and provided that optical inch! But from the hot lady friends of Shah trim don't shave. Apparently not many girls are into ingrown hairs on your one big hair.

3) Yo undies! Yeah apparently the ladies care about your undies as much as you are about theirs. Some girls won't touch a guy if he's rocking tighty whities. Othes won't touch a guy if he's rocking vintage used well ventilated boxer shorts?

4) Back hair! Turns out many ladies do love the chest hair! It gives them something to hold on to when they are riding you like a mechanical bull and you are screaming in pain of having your chest hairs pulled out. But back hair is a total no no. If you are manscaping take the time and energy to take care of that back as well.

5) Wash them balls! Note gamy balls and man scaping.

6) Look at your fingers, you see those finger nails? Are they clean? Are they well maintained? Or do they look like rusty black rocks? And why would she love you tickling her G spot with those shovels? Trim boy trim those fingers and toes!

7) Muffdivers! Anit nothing a woman loves than a moffdiver. But boys those whiskers of ours are like 500 grit sand paper on the lady parts and well as much as she may be into it she doesn't like to have her skin removed from where it hurts the most.

8) Shut up listen and cuddle. And for the love of shit when she says she is thirsty just don’t' go and get her a bottle of water. Agree with her that you too are thirsty and that you too would like a bottle of water. Talk about it for about 10 minutes and she will agree that she will go get a bottle of water for the both of you and will think you are a wonderful man for being so in touch with your feelings.

For more consult with Dr. Shah
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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:o OH MY GOD.... I can't believe this... I actually agree with shah... on something about women... dear lord is the world ending???

Points 1,2,4,5,6, and 7 are all actually pretty good points.

on 3 I'd only really care if there are stains and rips all over them. Kinda gross then. If you let your boys sit in something like that, you probably don't take care of your boys in other ways either. If you don't care about them, why should I? tightie whities, boxers, briefs doesnt make a big difference to me but it might for some girls.

on 8, I'm down with the cuddling for a little bit but please don't talk about my feelings... now if we're talking about gettin' a sammich that's a different story...

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OH MY GOD.... I can't believe this... I actually agree with shah... on something about women... dear lord is the world ending???

Hey what can I say? The ladies love the Shah and the Shah loves the ladies.
He's as much of a lover as he is a sexy piece of ass who truly deeply understands the needs and wants of your very sexy ladies!

Feel free to friend him on face book and admire him with all his other hot lady friends. ;)

After all what he wants is what he has to offer.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Those that lay the blame solely on their partner if their partner is making a genuine effort deserve what they get. It's all about communication, open communication.

Krisanne, I love your posts. :)
I heard a comedian comment "Come on, ladies. Help us out. Every time we go down there it's like the Da Vinci Code.":D:D

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