
What makes a guy BAD in bed?

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My point exactly! and you can both drink a beer still! What's wrong with sex and football or whatever sport you fancy.

Foreplay during the first half, hot sex during the half time. :)

24 hours at LeMans took out my knees. :S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Not slapping her ass....amazing how many women love a good solid slap to the ass while making love!

Being selfish in loving....give the girl three to four orgasms before you have your own.

Positions poistion positions....apparently the laides get as bord as we do about doing the same thing over and over again.....so give it a shot.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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