
unlikely injuries...

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Ohhhh I forgot this one... I sliced the tip of my finger... And later found it in the banoffee pie...

Why is it that every time Nat mentions food, I need to go google it?:|

Googling your food...is that what Jim Levenstein was doing the the apple pie in the kitchen?:ph34r:
What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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Ohhhh I forgot this one... I sliced the tip of my finger... And later found it in the banoffee pie...

Why is it that every time Nat mentions food, I need to go google it?:|

Because you're 'merkan and don't cook and/or bake???!!

ETA: "and/or bake" :ph34r:
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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none of my injuries are "unlikely", almost any sober person could have easily predicted the outcomes of most of my youthful antics.
Including the 13 separate scars from 13 separate incidents I have on my scalp, Most of which I thankfully cant remember occurring:ph34r:

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Most of mine have been pretty predictable, too, but here are a couple of the more unusual.

Thumbs: A few days before I started grad school, I was invited to a department get-together at a prof's house. I brought a bottle of wine. No one else brought a cork screw. Undeterred, I decided to display my mad MacGyver skillz by opening the bottle of wine with my trusty pocket knife. I had almost dug all of the artificial cork out with the knife when the neck of the bottle shattered, and my hands slid right down the jagged edge. I sliced both of my thumbs down to the bone in almost identical places. Great first impression. Indestructible Gerber knife.

Lip: On my first ski trip ever, I had a massive yard sale at about 30mph. Goggles gone, skis somehow still attached and planted vertically in the snow at a nearly impossible angle, contact lens lodged somewhere near the back of my eyeball. After a quick inventory determined that nothing was broken, I skied (gingerly) off the slope. I kept tasting blood, though. Once we got back to the car, I swished a bit of water to rinse away the metallic flavor, and red-tinged water started to dribble out of a tiny hole in the front of my bottom lip. Upon closer examination, the hole inside my mouth (entry wound) was about an inch long. Apparently, while using my face as a brake, my lower canine tooth punctured clean through my lip. If the hole had been centered just a centimeter to the left, I might have put a little diamond stud in it.

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I have a few:

- Age: 10 - I was collecting Conkers from underneath a tree when I was suddenly collapsed on the floor as my sister had thrown a large rock up into the tree to knock a few more down...and it had hit me right on the head. 2 staples in my head for a week for that one

- Age: 15? - I was running late for rugby at school and tried running out of the changing rooms with only one rugby shoe on, slipped on the tiled floor and kicked the wall with my foot that didn't have a shoe on. It hurt like hell but I put the shoe on and played an hour of rugby. Later found out I broke the toe! I think I then spent a weekend hiking the following weekend but was on so many pain drugs I can't really remember it.

- Age: 14? - I was climbing up a tree when I slipped off the branch and through the tree. Unfortunately some of the branches had recently been cut back and a rather pointy branch end pierced my armpit! I had a hole in my armpit about the size of my palm! One operation and 20 stitches late I was in one piece but with a mystery bit of wood left in my arm (they could see it on the X-ray but not find it when they operated). It eventually worked it's way out of the arm a few years later. Got a pretty impressive scar from this one!

- Age: 21 - Managed to partially dislocate my shoulder (subluxation?) in the wind tunnel taking part in a tunnel twister competition - I was basically using the walls to stop and then pushing myself back into the middle of the tunnel - an awkward angle and a tight jumpsuit later I was in agony. I did complete the rest of the flight though and still managed to come 2nd!

- Age: 23 (about 4 weeks ago) - I was peeling potatoes when I managed to take a huge chunk out of flesh out of my thumb. It bled for a few days and was very slow at healing. The scab has only jsut gone away now and it looks like I'll have a decent scar from this one!

There are more but I should really get back to work!

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