
rush fans

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ive been a rush fan for many years now.neil peart is an avid bmw motorcyclist and has written a couple of books and has had a couple of interviews in the bmwon.(bmw motorcycle magazine)anyway what i was wondering is does anyone know the significance of the washers and dryers that they haveon stage?i thought it was pretty cool but what does it mean?

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I'm not sure but I think it has to do with the whole materialism concept embodied in the song 'subdivisions.'
The first time I saw them was at a hockey rink at the University of Moncton in New Brunswick in 1978. My ticket was a generic beer ticket style ticket that said 'admit one.'

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The first time I saw them was at a hockey rink at the University of Moncton in New Brunswick in 1978.

wow, someone else that's been to moncton! B|
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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ive been a rush fan for many years now.neil peart is an avid bmw motorcyclist and has written a couple of books

I cannot recommend Peart's "Ghost Rider" enough. I gift about 4 copies a year to friends when they are struggling with loss or personal demons.

Reading as a man deals with and ultimately recovers from the tragic losses of his daughter and his wife is as cathartic an autobiography I've encountered. His words are eloquent and resonant, the support of his bandmates and famous friends is refreshing. If you're ever in pain, or if you're just a biker, try it. Great work.

Oh, and I love their music. :)


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