
Old jumpsuits? Are they still being made?

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A few years ago I jumped in another DZ (than today that is) & we had a jumpsuit with straight, wide arms and legs. You needed to fix the end of the sleaves on your whrists & ancles with velcro but the end wasn't closed at all.
All over the body (chest & upper piece of the legs) were holes with velcropatches covering it. This way you could choose yourself if you wanted the suit to be inflated in some place.
It was made out of some sort of heavy material. I jumped it a few times when I started RW. unfortunatly I do not know the manufacturer. As I am searching for it now because I liked the design.

Sorry if it is Not that clear. But I will search my attic to find a picture of it .

A whole year of BS to you all.
Greetz Q
You don't need a parachute to jump but YOU DO if want to do it again.

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Sounds like the DynaSoar that Derek had for jumping with floaty butt students. Heavy cotten double zippers down the front, it looked like new when he got it, but he got it from some guy who had brought a box of "junk" to the DZ to see if anyone wanted it.
Fly it like you stole it!

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I got a brand new "balloon suit" tan with yellow stripes. never jumped at the dropzone where I started it was in the display case.. it never sold and when DZ closed DZO gave it to me...
if anyone wants it make me an offer.. oh by the way I beiive its a "flight suit" brand..

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I got a brand new "balloon suit" tan with yellow stripes. never jumped at the dropzone where I started it was in the display case.. it never sold and when DZ closed DZO gave it to me...
if anyone wants it make me an offer.. oh by the way I beiive its a "flight suit" brand..

Balloon Suits were made by Krueger, FliteSuits was originally Gary Carter's, thus "Crater

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I got a brand new "balloon suit" tan with yellow stripes. never jumped at the dropzone where I started it was in the display case.. it never sold and when DZ closed DZO gave it to me...
if anyone wants it make me an offer.. oh by the way I beiive its a "flight suit" brand..

ten bucks!

Blue skies,


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I got a brand new "balloon suit" tan with yellow stripes. never jumped at the dropzone where I started it was in the display case.. it never sold and when DZ closed DZO gave it to me...
if anyone wants it make me an offer.. oh by the way I beiive its a "flight suit" brand..

ten bucks!

Blue skies,


Nine bucks!

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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to would be hard to do. I live in Belgium, Europe.
But if you know this man Ralph well, than maybe you could talk to him for me. maybe he's willing to ship an old suit to me because I want to make a new one myself but I do not have a patern.
I'm 1m78 (about 5 foot 8 inches, I think that is) and I'm aprox. 205 pounds heavy.

Greetz Q
You don't need a parachute to jump but YOU DO if want to do it again.

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OK, here's a pic of a Kreuger in flight.

They were a bitch to take a grip on - all too easy just to have your hand literally bounce off when grasping. If you missed the gripper, pretty much bad luck.

But great fun to jump - especially for we fast fallers back in the days when all were trying to fall slower...

Am I still top bidder? Does $12.50 take it?

Blue Skies,


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