
Would you take a management position..

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...just so someone else doesn't take it?

Here's my situation. I have been asked by the company I work for to take a local supervisor position overseeing 7 other people and myself. The current guy is retiring, and only three people meet the qualifications to do the job. Two of those people (myself included) have been trying to dodge the position, and the third is Hitler reincarnated whose ego and incompetence are currently racing to previously unheard of heights. As a result, I have been told to either take the job, or prepare to work for him.

If I accept the position, which involves mostly paperwork and scheduling, he will make my life hell and spend every second at work second guessing every decision I make and taking it up the chain.

If I refuse it, I will get to live under his thumb and deal with doing the work behind the scenes that he is unable or unwilling to do.

Taking the job will be a small raise, and might look good on my resume.

Any advice?

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It's amazing the number of AAD, OCD psychotic Nazi egotitical incompetent morons there is out there moving up the corporate ladder. And once they are there and you're reporting to them you're pretty much fucked.

I worked for a tier 1 auto parts manufacturer, my boss was the plant manager who only got the job because he was the only one working the line that would take the position, this guy was AAD, OCD and just a fucking nutbar, We were severely understaffed and had a temp work force with a turnover rate of 400% per month, i made it a point to only work 50 hours a week just so I would have a family life, that lasted about 3 weeks, fucker wrote me up for getting behind on my work, then about a month later we had a HUGE quality issue at the Lexus plant, being the only Quality Control person I worked about 30 hours straight to get the problem fixed and ensure the Lexus plant had good parts, fucker wrote me up for working too many hours, within 6 months I was working 80 hours a week and this cocksucker pushed for more telling me "i needed to work on my time management skills" wasn't long after that I resigned then staarted looking for a new job,,,,,,my point,,,,take the job, as Confucious say it is better to be pissed off than pissed on :P

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo

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Take the job while you look for a new one?

Take the job and fire the guy?

Take the job and load him up with meaningless work?

Take the job and assign him all of your job duties.
Tell him...
"Frank, you're such a valuable employee that I think you would be the best person to handle these extra responsibilities. I want you to take charge of these projects and work them to completion. Here's you targets. I'm sure you'll meet them."
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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People in this country gotta stop being slaves to money...this greed and futile attempt to live "The American dream" are fuckin' us all...

I'm not gonna make the dcision for you....being a manager is a great life experience, but that's it...Don't expect much more.

If you you take, do your best to lead by example...when you realize you can't do it anymore, leave.
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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Is this a management position with "hire and fire" authority or more like a team leader position where you just manage the daily operations for the team?

In my case I probably wouldn't take a team leader position where you get swamped by the paperwork but without much of other privileges. Then you could take your chances with one of the other two taking the jobs and possibly keep doing what you like. If mini-Hitler turns out to be exactly that look for a new position within the company or somewhere else.

If, on the other hand, this would be position with some authority where you could really make a difference, and you at least remotely would like the job, I'd go for it. This way you may have to move away from the area of work you may currently enjoy but it does give you much more leeway to make the new position as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.

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Take the management job for awhile. Learn how to manage (there are a whole set of skills involved in managing people, and they start with learning how to be actually interested in what they're doing -- people are incredibly motivated by interest), and have that as part of your resume.

I can remember before being a manager, how badly I wanted to be a manager during a big project, so I could "just tell them to do it." Well, once I was a manager, I realized that "just telling them to do it" would only work once, and that I had the responsibility to get the job done over and over, so I had to figure out other ways.

It's a good skill to have. It also helps you to figure out what managers are looking for (and boy can that be weird :ph34r:).

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Let him have it, give him the rope he needs to hang himself and don't bail him out of it without people knowing what you're doing.

My first deployment had a guy show up a few months in. Up until then, it was me and Rick doing 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week and going 'out' during our off times... Mike shows up and starts whining about having to do 8 hour shifts! I knew he would be a problem then, but it built up.

I was there as a support guy with a bunch of green berets, Mike and Rick were both rather new to the unit. Rick and I got along great, worked well together, Mike decided that since I was a support guy and a specialist, he was a green beret and a sergeant, that I had to work for him.

I resisted it, but he finally drew the line, "I'm a sergeant, you're a specialist, you do what I say" well, it was my system that he had no proper training on (despite my trying).

He told me to do something that was wrong, I told him that it won't work, he insisted 'SPECIALIST'... ok fine!

Few hours later the Sergeant Major was trying to check his email and couldn't get it to work, the system was down. I got woke up, the SGM asked why it was down, "Because SERGEANT told SPECIALIST Ski to do it despite my telling him it wont work"

"It's YOUR system" Problem solved. ;)

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Take it, for god's sake. The only thing worse than working with a fucking asshole is working for one.

Take the freaking job! You can do it!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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If you care about the company, you should take the job. A harmonious workplace is more productive and it sounds like hitler is chaos. Hopefully, you will get some autority with the new responsibility so you can control the chaos he is probably creating now.
If you do not take it and he gets it, be prepared to be blamed for all his fuck ups. You probably won't even know when you're being blamed because hitler will tell his bosses and they will just put a black mark by your name. If this guy is deemed to be qualified for this job, he must have some redeeming value. Assign him duties he is competent to do and help him succeed as you will all your other subordinates. Keep your superiors informed of all aspects of the department. And if you're going from hourly to salary make sure you put in the extra hours that you need to in order to keep things running like you knoe they should.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Take the job. Ask for a larger raise, or if that isn't possible (set pay guidelines, etc), ask for some additional perks. Sounds like upper management knows the lay of the land as well as you do. You'll save them a fortune in retraining costs by keeping up employee retention.

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